

I'M STARTING THE REWRITING OF THE STORY (I'm still working on the system's basics, but one thing I can tell y'all for sure. Once the new version is released, the first 195 chapters will be free for y'all to read, as a form of compensating all of you loyal readers who have been hanging on with me through this fiasco - and I'm sorry to those who actually liked it, but it's no lie that BAIWARS flopped - so yeah, next time, first 195 chapters will be free, and you'll see the experience I gathered taking shape into something AWESOME!) *START READING FROM AUX. VOLUME* After a cataclysmic event called The Great Calamity, strange rifts began opening all around the world, giving entrance to places we never saw before, full of monstrous beings. We call them Nests. The world, then, gave birth to people with special abilities. Powers that allowed them to fight the beasts inside the Nests. Those who chose to raid the Nests and fight for mankind were called Wielders, and little by little, society came to get used to the perspective that magic had become an innate part of their lives. Kurt Blake is a regular. An unawakened human being. After an act of treason, he dies, but is granted a system upon death, that makes him regress in time to his sixteens, in order for him to rewrite his own history, and take revenge upon his family. What he doesn't know, is that this system is just a single fragment of something more powerful. Something wicked. Something that wants him dead to feed on his newly found powers. But is it the only secret the system holds from Kurt? Are the Nests simply rifts to another dimensions full of monsters? Or is the MC living just a part from a whole story that he's not aware of (yet)?

MrBoness · アクション
195 Chs

Ch29. Desolation


"NO!" I woke up, covered in sweat, as the world came into focus.

"Are you okay, Eve?" I heard Zalla's voice by my side.

Strangely, Zalla's the only A-rank healer who can take care of me when I get hurt, or when I pass out, like in the last few days.

"Get your car, we need to find Rodrick and Kurt!"

He looked at me with wide eyes, because he knew that if I ever said something like that, it meant trouble.

So he got up, and stormed out of my room to get his keys.

With Zalla's purplish eyes, height and his slim complexion, anybody would think that he's one of the most gifted thieves in the guild.

But he couldn't hurt a fly if you asked him, he was one of the kindest people to ever ingress in the Shadow Guild.

And the only one without a single stain in his past, and that was why I only allowed him to heal me when I was down.

Not that the people in the guild were evil or anything, but when you have abilities like mine, everything changes, just like it did when I had that vision of Kurt's father using the strange crystal he had stored in that book, inside his office.

I'm starting to feel that no matter what I do, tragedy will fall.

And if we weren't fast enough, Rodrick would be the victim this time.

So I got properly dressed, and ran towards the guild's garage, where Zalla was already waiting for me with his keys in hand.

"Ready for a ride, miss?" He smirked.

Another thing about Zalla, he was one hell of a getaway driver.

I got in, buckled my seatbelt, and before I could even ask him to put the pedal to the metal, we were already speeding up towards the guild's exit.

"Where to, miss?"

"Blake's mansion, as fast as you can!"

"You offend me, miss Evellyn!" He changed gears, and the car went on through the streets even faster than before. "May I ask you why are you carrying 'that'?"

He was referring to the little sphere I was carrying in my hands. It looked like it was made of blue glass, but it was pure, raw mana, concentrated in a single solid piece. A very rare thing.

"I stole it from Rodrick's arsenal, it's pretty likely that we'll have to use it."

"And why would that be?"

"Will you stop talking as if you're some kind of butler or anything like that, please?"

"No, ma'am." He smiled. But I was getting tired off his good manners, we weren't in a time for playing games.

"Then just shut up and drive!"

His eyes went wide, but he just mumbled a "Yes, ma'am" and focused on the road.

It were the ten longest minutes of my life, but we got finally got there.

But when we got out of the car, in front of the main gate...

There was no mansion anymore, and Kurt was surrounded by Association's monitoring division agents.

And he held a body by its collar, still punching it, as if he couldn't hear what the agents were saying.

Zalla flinched at the sight of Kurt, but I moved forwards, trying to get a bit closer, to understand what was going on.

But I regretted my decision as soon as I crossed the gate's threshold.

"It's a pity you're not alive to listen to my advice." I heard chief Leblanc say, with an irony that made me feel like he was glad that it happened, whatever that was. "But I told you to keep your new freak on a leash."

I already knew what happened.

I dreamed of it, probably while it was happening.

Kurt got angry, and he ended up killing Rodrick, while he couldn't see everything that was happening.

And when he finally came back to his senses, his abilities went rogue on him, exploding all at once, turning him into an uncontrollable beast that only sought vengeance.

But the truth was...

He killed Rodrick, and then he killed his father, Octavius Blake.

And it didn't matter how much I wanted to help him...

He couldn't be helped at this point, or at least for now.

And I had to go back to the guild, to give the members the news that our beloved leader... Was now dead...

I felt tears in my eyes as I saw the members of the monitoring division shooting tranquilizers at Kurt, but I couldn't do anything for him...

They had him where they wanted, and even if just for the meantime...

He was on his own.

Because it doesn't matter if or when our paths will cross again.

This is where my journey draws near to its end.

And where his truly begins...


Kurt was on his knees, still punching the lifeless body of his father, until chief Leblanc pulled a firearm-like device, and shot him six times.

It took a few seconds, but Kurt finally dropped down, letting go of Octavius' body.

Leblanc approached him, and noticed he still had his eyes open, so he crouched down, and whispered into his ear.

"You may have killed our leader, but the New Dawn is more than a guild, boy. It's an idea, and ideas are bulletproof." He stood up again, this time speaking out loud. "Kurt Blake, you're under arrest for the murders of Quintus Blake, Rodrick Steel, and Octavius Blake. You'll be taken under the Association's custody, which will give you a fair trial and blah-blah-blah. Boys, keep him sedated at all times, we'll seal him once we arrive at the headquarters."

The other six agents focused their telekinesis on Kurt, lifting his unconscious body and taking him to one of the nearby squad cars, following Leblanc's orders.

And when they arrived at the Association, Kurt was taken immediately to the monitoring division building, a stern building with five floors, all built in metal and glass.

Kurt was already a bit awake when they placed him inside a cell made of what looked like glass, but the mana that came from the walls, floor and ceiling was astonishingly powerful.

But it didn't matter, because Kurt just stared at Leblanc, his eyes as lifeless as those of a fish.

"You look pretty weak, for someone who took down not just one member of our division, but also leaders of the two most prestigious guilds in the country. Now... What are we going to do with you..."