
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · ファンタジー
35 Chs

Chapter 25 [Other Supreme God] Part 2

Chapter 25 [Other Supreme God] Part 2

After learning about Lila's race, a thousand thoughts pass through her mind. Shreya knows that he is not telling the whole truth. she has never heard of a race called Ariya in this universe and her previous universe. She has seen and heard a race called Ariya race for the first in her whole existence.

Shreya feels a strange feeling from being seen through by this man, who is sitting in front of her and calls himself Asoka, the God of elves, magic, wealth, and contract. also, while possessing an unknown primordial Manipulations Aspect.

Shreya mostly knows all the gods with the Primordial Manipulation Aspect but never heard of or know about a God called Asoka Walker.

Shreya forgot to remember what type of place she was exploring, a place where many old or strong gods resided, who did not want to get involved in the outside world and secluded themselves

"He said he's a god of elves, magic, wealth... wait, wait, what did he say elves, what are elves," Shreya thought in her mind, which was embroiled with many questions but no answers.

She asks, "You said you are the God of elves? What are elves?" With curiosity, for her, It looks like the gate of the new world has opened

Asoka was already looking toward Shreya. Asoka was reading her mind, not while using an ability or skill just by reading her face. Yes, he was doing a face reading on that woman who always remains calm, cold, and expressionless.

"Ah. How can I say that elves look very similar to me, You can say that my race is an Elves. we are very congenial to nature. We are the beings of nature. We are the creator and destroyer of nature. We look very similar to humans, demons, giants, dwarfs, and other sapiens races or humanoids. we just possess long and pointing ears. I am a progenitor and god of the elven race," replied Asoka calmly and serenely to Shreya's question.

Shreya was now getting more curious, first about Ariya, then Elves, and last about this Strange and unknown elven god.

Just as Shreya was going to ask another question with Asoka, she saw Lila, who appeared beside a table. Lila was floating in the air as she placed the tea set on the table, and she filled the cup with hot and fresh tea both naturally and elegantly, which looked like she had been practicing this for dozens of years.

"Lila, you should go and take care of 'Dhurina'. She is again throwing tantrums because I have not taken her outside world to see," spoke Asoka to Lila, who was now floating behind Asoka after pouring the tea.

After hearing about Dhurina, Lila has an unnatural expression on her face, and Lila nods and immediately vanishes.

Shreya could not hear or listen to what Asoka had said to Lila because Shreya had entered into an epiphany. Her mind was in pleasure and very closely connected to the world. As she started to perceive the law of the universe, her Primordial ice-flame Manipulation Aspect comprehension began to increase at a rapid speed, just after taking a single sip of tea.

Shreya has entered an epiphany just after taking a single sip of tea.

A dense amount of divine energy begins to attract toward Shreya. She was going to make a breakthrough into a high supreme god.

Silhouette of an ice phoenix manifested behind Shreya, Phoenix has a beautiful and domineering aura of the ruler of the Beast. The Manifestation of Ice Phoenix began to materialize into reality, from sky-blue color to deep blue color.

Ice Phoenix unfolds her blue wing and lets out a phoenix cry filled with joy and freedom. After a phoenix cries, the phoenix enters the body of Shreya and merges with her, not before giving a side look to an Asoka.

The Ice Phoenix was a fully consolidated soul of Shreya.

Shreya opened her eyes, which were filled with shock and greed, She was looking towards the cup of tea with her burning eyes. She took a second sip of tea, but she felt nothing that sort of happened. She only felt relaxed and calm. She did not sense any mysterious feelings or any epiphanies.

She felt confused that nothing had happened even after finishing the full cup of tea. "Did I not gain epiphany and make a breakthrough not because of this cup of tea, No, No, but it can not be, I was far away from my next breakthrough and I gained epiphany just after taking a single sip of tea, this cannot be a coincident. Why I'm thinking so much? I will just ask this guy." Shreya thinks in her mind and gazes toward Asoka.

Asoka, who was sitting leisurely not affected by the Shreya breakthrough, as he knew beforehand that it would happen.

Even before Shreya could ask any question, Asoka responded like he had read her mind, "This tea is made with leaves and fruits of a plant called 'Sanchurian sinensis' or 'Indradhanush Petal' plants." He pointed to a certain group of plants. which are being cultivated by Ariya.

([Indradhanush means: Rainbow in Sanskrit word])

Shreya sees plants that are covered with very small colorful leaves, and on some plants, the colorful fruits can be found at a size of 2 cm like berries. The color of leaves and fruits only consists of 7 rainbow colors. The higher the number of colors contained by the fruit, the higher the grade, and the rarer the fruit

Asoka continued, "This fruit is divided into seven grades and 3 tiers. first, 1 to 3-grade fruits are considered a mortal tier resource. This grade of fruits consists of only one, two, and three colors of rainbow. This grade of fruit is only beneficial to the mortal realm and does not provide any benefit to the god realm. 4 to 6-grade fruits are considered a God tier. This grade of fruits consists of only four, five, and six colors of rainbow. It can provide a tremendous benefit to persons in god's realm, and last, 7 grade and also considered divine tier fruits, this grade of fruit possesses all 7 colors of the rainbow."

Asoka did not elaborate on the benefit of the seventh-grade fruit because this grade of resource can lead to a universal war, not a universe war but a multiversal war. This grade of treasure can push any mortal or god to the next evolution. Their talent, aspect, comprehension, ability, body, soul, energy, strength, and overall, their existence will become superior, and Advance like a superior rebirth. This resource provides an overall increase in your existence.

"So can you tell me that tea was made, of what grade of fruit? and why did I not get a benefit after taking another drink, Did it only provide a one-time benefit in a person's whole life," asks Shreya, who has someone disappointed look.

"Yes, you are right. Each grade of fruit can provide only one time benefit in any person's whole life. This tea is made with the use of 5-grade fruit, and in this life, you will not get any benefit from the 5-grade fruit." Voices, Asoka As it put down the cup on the table.

As Asoka continued, "The possibility of growth of 1 to 3-grade fruit is 65%, 20% for 4-grade fruit, 10% for 5-grade fruit, 4.9% for 6-grade fruit, and only 0.1% for 7-grade fruit. And our total harvest of this fruit is around 500 fruit within over 1000 years. This plant took 800 years to mature and two thousand years to give birth to riped colorful berries." An Asoka felt like he had become a shameless god, as he was spouting nonsense upon nonsense, what Thousand years and eight hundred years, 0.1% Growth rate some random plant, these are just considered normal resources compared to the resources present in this garden. Of course, this plant is a very mythical herb in the outside world, but here, it is just normal grass.

Asoka just wanted to show how difficult and long it takes to grow this fruit, If he did not show and said that

he possessed many mythical berries like this, then he would become the target of those righteous greedy gods, which he is not afraid of.

No one will ask why you have less, Everyone will ask why you have more.


Shreya was drinking tea in a relaxed and leisurely manner, Shreya's eyes flashed as she thought of something and looked at Asoka, who she found very mysterious and enigmatic.

Shreya looked at Asoka like she wanted to ask something, but she was somewhat hesitating, After hardening her heart, she said, "Thank you, Mr Asoka, for giving me this opportunity. I owe you this debt, Mr. Asoka, You can call me 'Shreya."

"You do not have to thank me. You are my guest, Shreya," said Asoka calmly

"Mr. Asoka, before I came to explore, this uncharted area. I heard some interesting news. The news is that someone or some race has kidnapped the five Apostles of supreme gods and goddesses in the world called Alpha rulers. They have not found the name of The Race, but They have identified the unique traits of that race they have two long pointing ears. There was also news that young generations of that race had defeated all the five apostles of Gods and goddesses. That group was led by a pink-haired girl." said Shreya. She wanted to see any type of expression on Asoka's face, For unknown and known reasons, her eyes moved toward his pointed ear

Shreya already understands that the race she's talking about is Elves, and the race of that god is sitting in front of me like nothing has happened,

Shreya had already come to understand when Asoka provided the details related to Elves and himself.

For the fuck shake you are provoking the five supreme gods of godly Counsel said Shreya in her mind.

Hearing what Shreya has said, Asoka has become curious as he asks, "What are they going to do,"

"They have no plans for right now, They lack information related to the Elven race, and I think they will send their representative of the mortal Dimension to find out about the information related to Elves and check their limitation.

Traits, personalities, weaknesses and strengths, number of powerhouses, whether They are dangerous to us or not, How many gods they worship, and how can they be hiding for this long and cannot be found, etc. any types of information related to Elven race, They will try to dig out all details with the help of the mortal dimension organization," replied Shreya with full confidence.