
Becoming a god?

In the darkness of space, you would see nothing but black besides two specs one white and another golden. The white spec of light you would see is a soul of boy named Jack Kirby and the golden spec would belong to a god.

The white spec now known as Jack excitedly asks, "So I died and know you're asking me if I want to join a program that would allow me to become a god of creation. And you expect me to believe that this isn't a dream that I'm having because of all the Isekai anime that I have been watching."

The being now known as God nods his head and responds, "That sounds about right."

Jack calms down and looks at God and yells, "Where Do I Sign up!" God responds, "Before you get all happy about the journey that is your about to embark on. I do need to warn you of a couple of things. One, when you have enough essence of creation you would need to first create a realm that has nothing but pure essence in it that way you would be able to create more things faster. Two, you would need to create some type of fighting system that would defend your universe. Finally, after you have done all of that you would probably want to start off by creating gods in your universe before you create any other race so that you can make your life easier. Also, before I forget the easiest thing that you can make is a system that keeps track of all of the necessary things and can keep you updated on what you need to do."

Jack asks, "So how do I become a god." God responds by saying, "It's pretty simple all I would do is simply have the god of reincarnation reincarnate you as a either a god or celestial and throw you into the void in some random direction." God says that last part in a extremely low voice.

Jack could've sworn he heard something but before he could comment on that he lost conciseness and blacked out.

God heads back to his realm and say's that this is the twentieth god of creation he has reincarnated.