
Becoming A Dragon Knight

Jax has always been a quite guy, keeping to himself. His life was mediocre at best, not ever being able to have fame or fortune. But he thought his luck was turning around when he won the lottery. He only made the mistake of telling a friend, because that friend kills him for his lottery money. As his life slips away he wishes for another chance to have a better life. As his soul is starting its journey to the path of reincarnation, a figure appears in front of his soul and says “Your wish will be granted, you will have another chance to have an extraordinary life, but it will come with many dangers!” As soon as he finishes speaking, the figure opens a golden portal and gingerly tosses Jax’s soul into it…. **This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please give it a shot. Thank you!** ***I do not own the cover! if asked too take down I will***

Dbzplayer86 · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Golden Potential

After explaining the various potential colors the doctor asks Jacob, "Do you wish to continue the test?" He was wondering why they reacted with worry when he explained the colors so he decided to try to ease their worries by saying, "Please rest assured, as I said before, your sons results will be private between us. I will not disclose or share any information with anyone and I will swear to the heavens if needed to assure you."

Jacob and Sarah were both confused and amazed by the doctor's statement! They could tell from his determined tone, that he was being sincere with his words. However, they couldn't understand why he would make an oath to the heavens.

Everyone knew this kind of oath was sacred, and too break this vow would be deadly!

Jacob then tells the doctor, "Just your word about your silence is enough for us, I've known you for a very long time! I remember you taking care of me when I was younger."

With a wide and satisfied smile the doctor begins the test to ascertain the newborns potential. He takes a short length of metal from his bag and pokes Jax's finger hard enough to draw blood but, light enough not to cause harm. He then proceeds to let a drop of blood fall on the crystal.

At the same time, Jax is calmly looking around on the outside, but inside his mind it's a buzz with activity.

'What's happening now? That crystal ball is giving me a weird vibe. I know the old guy said it would test my talent, but why is it giving me this feeling?'

Ever since Jax woke up he's been able to understand these peoples language, he didn't know if they spoke the English of his past life's world or if he just automatically knows the language spoken here.

He then notices the metal spike and wonders what the old man plans to do with it. As this thought passes through his mind the old man grabs his hand and proceeds to poke his finger and Jax can't help but cry out from the pain.


The doctor then puts a drop of blood on the crystal ball to start the test. At first, the blood didn't seem to have a reaction with the crystal ball. Suddenly, a dull gray color started to grow inside the ball.

Seeing this, Sarah begins to worry. 'Is his talent really that poor? Did the monster attack, and the weird orb have something to do with this?' In the middle of her thought, she's distracted by the crystal ball.

At the same time, Jacob is having similar thoughts. Only, he's also debating wether or not he should ask the doctor about the Golden Orb.

'Could this be because of the orb? I was hoping I wouldn't have to involve the doctor with the mysterious golden orb, the less people that know the better!' Jacob couldn't make a decision yet, so he ask the doctor about the test.

"Is the test over doctor, is his potential only Gray rank? Could complications at birth affect potential ranks?"

"What complications? No, the test is only beginning, take another look at the crystal ball." the doctor was confused but put it out of his mind for now. The dull gray color had stopped before filling the crystal ball completely.

When Jacob and Sarah looked at the crystal ball, they were shocked to see it starting to change colors again. Only this time the color was a little brighter and also filled more of the crystal ball!

"It takes some time for the crystal ball to fully analyze the blood. So we wait for several minutes to see if the color will change. It seems you will at least have a Yellow rank in your family." the doctor explained.

He then pointed at the crystal ball and said, "Look it seems to be changing color again, and so quickly after the first time!"

Half way through the yellow color started becoming red, the red didn't even have enough time to fill the ball before it quickly changed to blue.

At this time, Jacob and Sarah are speechless. After a few moments collecting his thoughts, Jacob ask the doctor, "Is it normal for the colors to change so quickly?"

The doctor is likewise perplexed. "I have been attending the ranking test for almost four decades, this is the first time I have ever seen something like this!"

Unlike before, the crystal ball became entirely blue and the bright blue light emitted from it starting pulsing, almost like a heart beat.

At the peak of the lights brightness, it shone so bright everyone in the room is forced to close their eyes. As the light fades and they open their eyes, they're all completely shocked.

The crystal ball is showing two colors at the same time now. Half of the crystal ball is pure white, while the other half is pitch black. Both colors are swirling around the crystal at a fast pace, and it steadily gets faster and faster.

"Doctor, what's happening why is the crystal showing two colors? Isn't that impossible?" It was common knowledge that people could only have one color rank.

At this point the doctor didn't know what to say. He already couldn't explain the rapid speed of the changing colors. This was even more beyond his understanding.

"I couldn't even begin to guess what is happening, I would need to consult with my colleagues about this matter. They have been researching the ranks of potential for ages. There might even be some information in our archives." the doctor said excitedly.

"Unfortunately, I have promised not to reveal what transpires here. For me too answer your questions about this phenomenon, I would have to involve my colleagues." the doctor states dejectedly.

"Thank you for keeping your word doc, we don't know what's going on, but all that matters is that our son is strong and healthy" says Sarah

Jax is doing his best to keep up with the rapidly changing conversation. He can't control his new body yet but, he can listen and try to understand his current situation. 'So my new parents are testing my talent, and all of a sudden crazy things start happening. Is this happening because of that voice that sent me here? If I could remember what he said to me, I might have a better idea of what's happening.'

"With a dual color potential I don't think you will have to worry about his future. As for his strength, all of our kingdoms rulers current and past, have had Black rank potential. The strength these individuals wield is beyond imagination!" said the doctor after a moment of thought.

Jacob then asks the doctor, "Since nothing new has happened in a few minutes, does that mean the test is over?"

"I believe so, we are in uncharted territory with this test so it's hard to determine. Let's wait another minute or two to be sure." replies the doctor.

After a few minutes the doc stands to retrieve the crystal ball, at this moment the colors in the ball suddenly begin to mix. The speed of the spinning colors intensifies to the point of making one dizzy by looking at it for too long.

When the colors are almost completely mixed, a dazzling light erupts from the crystal ball in a ripple. There is also a slight wind pressure from the surge of energy. When the light fades Jacob, Sarah and the doctor are speechless.

The crystal ball, which had been resting on the table, was floating. It floated a few inches of the table and emitted a low humming sound. It also radiated a magnificent golden glow. Like a star freshly picked from the night sky.

"I.. it's.. it's Gold! It's really the legendary gold rank potential! This is the first appearance of the Golden rank in millennia. The kingdom must know about this!" Says the doctor in excitement.

Sarah couldn't help her shock, she grabbed Jax and hid behind Jacob trying to keep him away from the doctor.

When the doctor realized what he had said, he controlled his excitement and quickly apologized.

"My sincere apologies, I let my excitement get the better of me. I have no intention of revealing this information. However, I must remind you he will be checked again when he comes of age and enters the academy. The kingdom has also made attending the academy mandatory for all citizens under adulthood!"

"We have many years to find a solution to this problem, by the time he's ready for the academy he will have already been throughly trained. At that point he will be able to protect himself from others at the academy." said Jacob after a moment of thought.

"We can also search for any information about the Golden rank potential while training him. Perhaps we could get lucky and find an artifact that will conceal his potential during one of our adventures." adds Sarah with a hopeful tone.

"Whatever happens in the future, I have no doubt it will make history. Your son's potential is limitless. I want to make sure I'm around to see it!" replies the doctor.

"Wait doctor, what is Jax's beast affinity? I remember you saying something about testing that as well." Asks Sarah loudly, she had almost forgotten about the beast affinity test with all the excitement.

"Ah yes, I would've forgot if not for you. For this Jax needs to place another drop of blood and I will chant the incantation for the affinity test."

Another blood drop lands on the l ball and the doctor chants a different set of incantations this time. Unlike the previous test that didn't use external energy, this one did.

The previous test used internal energy of the caster to power and maintain the incantations. However, this test not only requires the internal energy but also external energy to accomplish the same task.

With a nod, the doctor signaled Sarah to place Jax's hand on the crystal ball. At the moment of contact a loud beastly roar echoed throughout the room.


The next moment the image of an enormous golden dragon appeared above the crystal ball.