
Become a God at The Beginning

Dane was reincarnated as a boy from America. At first, he thought this was another ordinary rebirth story and had already figured out in his mind how to make a big splash in the stock market in the future. Until that night when he boarded the subway home and was taken to a gloomy cave... "Hold this scepter and read after me, Shazam!"

BlackGoku222 · アニメ·コミックス
79 Chs

Chapter 072: Fight against Demons (5)

"Are you okay?" Diana asked worriedly.

If uninformed people were to see Dane's current appearance, they might mistake him for a psychopath.

Holding a bloody heart in his hands, there were bloodstains all over his body and face.

Diana belatedly remembered that Dane had become a "god" over a year ago, and she probably had never seen such a bloody scene before.

Startled by her soft voice, Dane snapped back to reality and looked at Diana with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry."

"Really? If you're uncomfortable, you can talk to me."

"It's okay... But, like you said, I'll come to you if I have something to do."

Diana smiled and patted him, believing his words.

Dane held the devil's heart and began casting the spell, which was a bit troublesome for him before he gained the power of the God of Death.

But now it's no problem at all, Dane stretched his fingers towards his heart, as if entering another space, and twisted them.

From within emerged an illusory spiritual body, a crying girl.

He comforted the other party's heart with divine power, and after thinking about it, he felt it was better not to have this experience.

A human soul in the hands of a demon should be tortured with toenails.

So he cast a spell of forgetfulness to erase the memory that the demon took Tracy away.

"Go back, go back to your parents."

Dane said and released Tracy's soul.


In London, Tracy's body trembled on the hospital bed.

Beside her, there is a triangular collar radiating a blue glow, and at that moment it suddenly glows brightly.

Startled, Chas and Renee called Nightmare for help.

"You don't have to worry, I didn't find any traces of black magic on him."

As soon as the words were finished, the blue light from the collar shone for a moment and then disappeared, the light vanished and the collar disappeared.

But Tracy on the hospital bed, at that moment, also slowly opened her eyes.

"Dad, Mom?"

Chas and Renee rushed to the hospital bed almost at the same time, holding their groggy daughter.

"Thank God!"

"My girl..."

Nightmare quietly left with a warm smile on his lips.

"You did a great job Johnny (Assa's nickname for Constantine), I'm impressed."

He whispered, then entered the Yin-Yang world and returned to Hell.

"Is it over?"

Batman, who was keeping watch outside the haunted mansion, couldn't help but ask when he saw the movement in the house disappear.

Constantine took a sip of silk card and said slowly,

"Ah, it's over!"

Batman turned to Constantine, "You really impressed me today."


Constantine's nostrils flared, disdainfully sniffing snuff.

Although the five demons agreed to deal with Nielgai together, they couldn't enter his territory on their own.

So Constantine made a suggestion.

Using himself as bait, he performed a "Trojan Horse trick" and smuggled the five demons into the mansion within his body.

This is a very risky plan, and the danger of the plan does not lie in being discovered.

Rather, like a "Trojan horse," Constantine must endure the erosion of the devil's power.

And the demons that entered his body were not honest.

Just like the Seven Deadly Sins of the Rock of Eternity, they constantly seduce Constantine, trying to corrupt him.

But no one thought that Constantine, who seemed most prone to corruption, would actually retain his heart. When he recommended himself, Batman actually opposed it.

Maybe Dane is right: this guy qualifies for the JLA.

Just at that moment, Dane and Diana came out of the mansion.

Behind them is a haunted house ablaze with furious fire.

Let the fire purify everything.

"Boss, I joined the organization and you haven't mentioned the salary yet!"

Constantine is very poor and can now barely afford anything expensive, he doesn't have money for a plane ticket back to London.

Dane looked at him like a fool: "We are a public welfare organization, with no income and completely voluntary work."

Constantine shook his hand and his last cigarette fell to the ground. He quickly picked it up and cleaned off the ashes.

He regretted it infinitely at that moment, shouting that he had been deceived...

"But..." Dane said slowly.

Following his tone, Constantine couldn't help but feel a ray of hope in his heart.

"All reasonable expenses can be reimbursed."

"However, it is limited to reasonable items, do you understand?"

"I don't understand!" Constantine was embarrassed.

Dane decided to be more specific, lest the other party had to pay Umbrella to find Nightingale, he couldn't afford to lose that person!

"Pornography, gambling, and drugs are not allowed! Smoking and drinking are limited! All damages caused by chivalry can be contracted."

Constantine looked at the last cigarette in his hand, uncertain:

"So, in the future, will I have to earn money on my own to buy cigarettes and alcohol?"

He didn't mention women. With Constantine's appearance and eloquence, he doesn't lack temporary partners.

Dane patted him on the shoulder seriously: "Excessive smoking and drinking are harmful to health!"

That being said, he took out a contract from the drawer and handed it to Constantine.

"Go ahead, sign it and you'll be part of our group."

Although he felt that what Dane said was a bit strange, Constantine still decisively signed his name.

After this incident, he still believes in the image of the Justice League, so he has no doubts.

This is what they said before.






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