
Because Of You: A Zombie Apocalypse

Set in a zombie apocalypse. Hwajin a 15 year old orphan has to survive in a zombie filled city. Was it fated, Or is it just twisted romance? A 15 year old boy named Ye-Joon comes into her life unexpectedly and crashes everything. She makes impulsive choices...one after another until she has a near death experience. What happens? It's up to you to find out!!!

TrynnaFindLife · 都市
1 Chs

It's Just The Beginning


Miss. Lee ,the orphanage owner, screams at all of the girls. She's in an awful mood, which is not like her at all. She's normally really nice, cheerful even. It's so confusing...is this a dream?


OMFG the bunker room? We've never been inside of the bunker room. It's only for extreme emergencies. Tornado? We don't care. Hurricane? We don't care. This must be bad...like really really bad. 

I run down 5 of the 8 flights of stairs to the bunker room when I suddenly see a bloody, dirty, hand smack the window. There are hundreds of bloodied... people? No...No...No...zombies. I've read book on top of book about the undead. We're under attack, but their supposed to be fake!?

I scream as a zombie?...smacks its head into the window. The creatures start piling into the building. I run down the remaining flight of stairs and straight into the wall. Wait...the wall? No there should be a door...not a wall. I sit up and look at the door...or at least where the door was supposed to be. Where the hell is the door?

I've seen it millions of times. I then begin to notice that there's a painting on the wall...its of a door?! It was a painting! Not a door! It's all been a lie. I then realize that we were shown a real door for emergencies. I ran tot he door and open it. 

Hundreds and by hundreds I mean hundreds, of zombies come running up to me. I grab the bat by the door and I run into the mass. I swing at a zombie as it lunges at me...he dies almost instantly. Sorry re-dies. I then get bit my a zombie and start freaking out...Imma turn into a zombie. But wait...it should've begun already. Maybe I won't turn into a zombie? IDEK anymore. 

I see my friends bodies littering the ground...I even see Miss. Lee's body. How does this happen? I kill zombie after zombie until I reach the back of the mass. I see my hometown...but it looks sad...broken...depressing. Buildings are burning...cars are crashed...bodies litter the streets.

I can't bear it...I begin crying. I realize I'm all alone. Its just me. 

I can't bear it...I begin crying. I realize I'm all alone. Its just me. 


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