
Then and now

Wang Ling was taken aback for a moment, but then she brightly smiled. "Yukito! Long time no see!"

Yukito was a little shocked by her reaction. He thought she wouldn't be too thrilled to see him again, but it was the opposite.

What he assumed was natural because they had dated for a short while in high school, after which they broke up, or specifically, she broke up with him. That went on a sour note for her, and after that, they never much talked again in school.

Yukito wasn't sure how to answer her enthusiasm. He politely smiled.

"Yeah. Long time no see."

His tone was more formal, which she faintly caught on to it.

Wang Ling said, "I am so happy to meet you again. Wow. I cannot believe that you have become such a famous model now. Your talks and pictures are at every TV show and advertisements. Even Yukira too. He had become such an incredible actor. My friends are all his die-hard fans."