
Because I Loved You

Sweets_M · 都市
7 Chs

The Past

<p>Mihira pov:<br/>"where are you going?"<br/>Wearing my sunglasses I said, "I am going out of station for a while. You won't be able to contact me, so if there is a need you can ask Sharon, she will handle things for me these days."<br/>With that I left the house.<br/>I was driving to my old mansion with the memories floded in my head. It was the place I never wanted to return.<br/>...<br/>Divyadooth Singh: <br/>"Sir, you have a call from Little Miss." I was busy reading some documents when my secretary informed me.<br/>"Sigh! Not again! Give me the phone" as I ordered my secretary in an anoyed manner he gave me my phone and left my office closing the door behind.<br/>"Don't tell me you fought again, Mihi you only call me when you fight with that stupid husband of yours.."as I was rumbling I heard the most beautiful sound of laughter from the other side of the phone. But for some odd reason It sounds sad today. What happened?<br/><br/>"What happened Mihi?" As I asked worriedly her laughter slowly turned into sobs "Why are you crying? What did that basterd do this time?"<br/>"Sob! After so many years you are the only one from whom I can't hide anything. How is that that you catch me all the time?" came an fake amusing voice from the other side.<br/>'because I still love you' these were the words I wanted to tell her but I know it was of no use I missed my chances , and I was worried that if I utter those words I will also lose her as my best friend (yeah I frendzoned myself). So I joked instead, " I know because I've changed your poopy nappies." <br/>I though it make her laugh but instead she started crying harder and within those sobs I heard her shaking voice , "Dips can you meet me when you are free? I am going to the old mansion now."<br/>"What the hell! Why are you going to that place? What really happened tell me this instant." I was horrified by the thought of her going to that place again.<br/>From the other side came a croaky voice , " I.. I am sorry Dips but I can't tell you right now. Meet me at the old mansion. And please don't contact Abhi, please. Ok."<br/>With that she hung up the phone.<br/>I was so worried that I left the office that instant.<br/>I rushed to get my car while thinking, 'Why is she going to that place again? I hope it's not him again, I really have to deal with that guy as quickly as possible!'<br/>I boarded the car and drove off to the old mansion. On the way I called my assistant to tell him to cancel my appointments for the day.<br/>On the way I could not help but recall the past...<br/><br/>...<br/><br/>Flashback; 20 years ago..<br/>"Daddy when will you and mommy take me back home. I am really missing you guys. Don't you guys love me anymore?" Sitting beside me was a crying 6 year old Mihi who was talking to her father from the landline.<br/><br/> Her parents were on the way divorceing and she was sent to her grandfather's place to stay. Her father and mother both had extramarital affairs. None of them agreed to keep her like she was some kind of burden for them.<br/><br/> I was the son of her grandfather's Assistant and after my mother's death me and my father stayed at the house of Mr.Chatterjee. I was 4 years older than her and knew her ever since she was a newborn baby. Her grandparents adored her and she was treated like a princess by everyone in the mansion.<br/><br/>I could not hear what her father said to her but I could hear the sound of screaming from the other side of the home before her father hung up the phone. And Mihi started wailing again.<br/>She was a very close friend of mine and she wasn't also arrogant as other kids of rich families. And it broke my heart to see her like this. Between her crying she said, "Mi..Mihi.. is bad so... mommy and daddy left her and they and they also fought because of her. But I promise to be a good girl from now on. I will eat all the veggies, study hard, always listen to the elders. Please come back mommy, daddy!" Her lips were trembling and she was heaving by now when she turned towards me asking, "Dips will they take me back home if I become a good girl?".<br/>And I felt my helpless. I hugged her tightly and consoled her, "yes everything will be fine if you become a good girl." I don't have the heart to tell her the truth. After my mother's death I realised how cruel this world can be and prepared myself for it. But I never wanted this to happen to her.<br/><br/> I don't know why but I felt a special connection with her ever since I first saw her and wanted to protect her from this cruel world. Alas there wass a limit to what a small poor child like me could do!<br/>She cried to sleep in my embrace. After a while the nanny took her to her room. And put her in her bed.as I watched her sleeping with now tears drying in her cheeks I promised myself to grow independent and capable as soon as possible so that she could rely on me.</p>

I apologise to all my readers that I can't update my chapters on a regular basis. I am unable to do this because of my studies. thank you for all your support and love. hugs and kisses

Sweets_Mcreators' thoughts