
Because I Loved You

Sweets_M · 都市
7 Chs

A Bond Made Of Love

<p>Mihira:<br/>"No. I..I'm not a mistake! I'm not! No.." I kept on screaming. I was heart broken to hear those words again. I have loved them the most in this world and in return they have broken my heart into pieces, making me feel I was a mistake and don't deserve any happiness. No not anymore I didn't do anything wrong from the starting.<br/>as I kept on screaming a warm hand appeared and took me in it's embrace.<br/> And with that I no longer heard there voices which was tormenting me. I heard a voice, "don't worry it's just a nightmare." And those warm hands shook me to wake me up from my dreams.<br/>When I opened my eyes slowly I saw that familiar face which took care of me from my childhood. He was the only person who never turned his back on me and gave me the strength to stand tall just by being with me.He never judged me, he just silently helped me with everything I did in my life. And what did I do! I abandoned him because of that scum! And even after that he never left my side.<br/>"Nightmare?" He asked.<br/>I just nodded at his question.<br/>"Here! drink some water." He passed me a glass of water.<br/>I took the glass from him and slowly drank the water looking at him. After making sure that I drunk the water he took the glass from me and asked, "better?" And again I nodded at his reply.<br/>"Don't you feel like leaving me when seeing me always messing up everything like this?" I could not help but asked him what was in my mind.<br/>At this he laughed and said, "firstly you never messed up but we're pulled into the mess by others. Secondly I did this for my own selfish reasons. After ma died there was no one standing beside me dad had his own problems to deal with and he had work hard for a living we were cheated by our own family members and we're kicked out of our own house by our own family members. That's when you stretched out your hands and requested Gramps to let us stay with you you were the one who was with me when I was alone and I never intended to be alone again that's why I sticked with you like this." And with that a smack landed on my head. "And who the hell is going to take care of you dummy ass if I was to leave!? Idiot!"<br/>"Coming to the point, what are you going to do right now."he asked changing the topic.<br/>"Well I am just going to focus on my baby and my company right now. And I have signed a contract with Abhi which states that after the divorce he will have no rights on this child, so I am assured that at least I won't be alone anymore. And will have a purpose to live. And I am just tired of listing to people saying that I am a mistake. So I'll leave him be to understand who was a mistake." I told him with a sigh.<br/>"He can do whatever he wants in the future I won't bother. I will make him realise that the biggest mistake he did was to leave me. I will lead a happy life from now. And I will live for myself, my child and my dreams." I said mostly to myself than to him.<br/>He gave me a smile and pating my head he said, "I will help you with anything you want me to."<br/>Dee! I am very envious of the girl you will marry." I suddenly said.<br/>"Why so?" He said with an amused face.<br/>"I know you from when I was very little. And I know it very well that you do everything with all of your heart whether it work, love, loyalty or enemity. And you don't have the heart that can cheat on your loved ones. You give all of your attention to your loved ones. So I guess the person who you'll love will be the apple of your eyes and will be spoilt rotten by you!" And my smile faltered with that and I looked at my hands,"Unlike me in my life I had pampered and Loved others unconditionally but you and Gramps were the only ones to love me unconditionally in return." <br/>He smiled and said, "you were the only apple of my eyes and will be the only one."<br/>He ruffled my hair and said, "Aunt Mary has prepared your dinner, you go and have it I'll go bring Zey here.<br/>I leapt in joy and squelled, "really!"<br/>And he nodded and said sternly, "Go eat! Or I might change my decision!"<br/>I ran out of the room sayin, "I'll go! I'll go!" After taking a few steps I asked him arching my brows, "have you eaten?"<br/>And at that he scratched his neck with a guilty smile plasterd on his face and said stuttering, "Th.that I ha..."<br/>"Don't even think about lying. You are not leaving until you have your dinner!"<br/>And he had surrender at that point. Sighing he lifted both of hi hands upwards and said, "okay! Okay! I'll eat!" And with that we both headed towards the dining room.<br/>Actually I didn't wanted to eat alone that was also a reason for asking him to eat with me. He pulled out a chair for me like always. And I mouthed a thanks. And then started the real tourture, he started filling my plates with all of my favourite foods.<br/>"I specifically asked aunt Mary to make all of your favourites. So you have to finish them all no excuses!" He said.<br/>"Okey! Okey I'll eat and you also start eating." I replied holding up the knife and fork.<br/>"Yummy!" I exclaimed with delight.<br/>"Aunt Mary you are the best cook in this whole world! Oh! how I missed your cooking." I said taking another big bite of Shahi paneer made by aunt Mary.<br/>"Oh! You and your flowery words!" Came a voice from behind. "god! look how pale you have become! I am not going to let you go before you turn as healthy as the old days!" Came a worried voice of aunt Mary. She loved me like her own child her husband uncle Mike was a driver in our family he died in a car accident while taking me back home. that accident almost took my life back then. I was in a coma for a week after that and when I woke up I heard that uncle Mike died while saving my life.<br/>I thought she will hate me for what had happened to her husband because of me but she hugged me and said, "your uncle and I were thrown out of our house by our own son but you took us in you gave us shelter and the work if not for your kindness we were as good as dead back then. You did the responsibility of our own child back then and we also accepted you like our own daughter. So your uncle did what a father should do for his own daughter. So don't be sad my dear. Uncle and aunty knows that you are not the reason for his death." <br/>Yes there is a couple who are not even related to me with blood loved me like there own child were ready to give up there life for me and there was a person who was always standing beside me in whatever hardship I went through but sadly my own parents failed to do so.</p>

Sometimes a persons love can become a poison forour life which destroys every thing in our lives before destroying us.

what do you think who is Zey? do comment.

hope you liked the chapter I am not sure how stable my updates will be but I will try my best to give you guys a stable update. please do add this book in your library and share it with your friends. I don't have an editor to help me right now please do correct me and I in advance apologise for all the mistakes.

with love Sweets_M

Sweets_Mcreators' thoughts