



1958 became a year that marked a milestone in human history.‌​‎‍


In January, the United States, which had been wary of Germany's nuclear power, succeeded in developing a hydrogen bomb for the second time in history after several tests conducted in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific.‌​‎‍


The entire United States was excited by the development of the hydrogen bomb.‌​‎‍ Every newspaper reported the news of the successful hydrogen bomb test, and people who heard the news cheered.‌​‎‍


The possibility of nuclear war has not disappeared, but if war breaks out, Germany will inevitably be destroyed.


Of course, Germany, which has rocket technology that is several steps ahead of the United States, is predicted to have a slight advantage, but if war breaks out, Germany will also have to take into account that it will suffer enormous damage to its own country.‌​‎‍


The celebratory atmosphere created by the successful water bomb test did not last long.‌​‎‍ This is because news was delivered that was several times more shocking than the successful water bomb test in the United States.‌​‎‍


On April 12, 1958, German Air Force pilot Bernhard Kramer went into space aboard the spacecraft Zeppelin 1.‌​‎‍


Kramer, the first human to succeed in going into space, orbited the Earth and left behind the words, 'The Earth is blue.'‌​‎‍


The whole of Germany was excited about another great victory achieved by Germany.‌​‎‍


Following the launch of humanity's first artificial satellite, humanity's first astronaut was born in Germany! Germany has accomplished what no other country in the world has been able to accomplish in tens of thousands of years of human history!


The streets of Germany were filled with loud voices shouting "Sieg Heil," and every restaurant and beer hall was filled with customers.‌​‎‍


Bernhard Kramer's space walk once again left a huge scratch on America's pride. ‌​‎‍ Germany is sending people into space, but the United States of the world is still wrestling with the rocket issue.


The White House was also not unaware of its citizens' complaints. That's why MacArthur called NASA every day and received a report on the status of rocket development. ‌​‎‍


"We can't be left behind forever. If you need anything, please let me know. "I will support you at least with my own money."


In order to keep up with Germany's rocket development, the United States devoted enormous amounts of money and manpower.‌​‎‍


As the saying goes, 'There is nothing that money can't do, and if that's the case, then money isn't enough.' As a result of pouring in astronomical amounts of money, American rocket technology was able to make great strides.‌​‎‍


However, even if you do your best, your efforts do not always yield results.


On December 6, 1958, the United States launched the Vanguard rocket. Although it was a late start compared to Germany, it was still a memorable moment for the United States, and the rocket launch was broadcast live throughout the United States.


"5… … 4… … 3… … 2… … ."


With hundreds of cameras and thousands of people watching, the countdown ended and the rocket was launched.‌​‎‍




"… … ????"


"Fuck you, what is this!?"


The Vanguard rocket exploded 4 seconds after launch. The distance the rocket climbed was about 1 meter.


And all of America witnessed Vanguard's tragic end in real time.‌​‎‍


The cause of the explosion was the Vanguard rocket's propulsion system. The failure occurred when high-temperature gases from the combustion chamber leaked into the fuel system due to low pressure in the tank and injector.‌​‎‍


Americans were shocked as they watched the rocket they had developed explode before rising even 1 meter, and the world laughed at America's failure. There was no other humiliation like this.


The following year, in January 1959, the United States launched a second rocket. The second rocket lasted longer than the first, although it exploded less than a minute later.


When even the second attempt ended in a miserable failure, American pride was dashed, and MacArthur's patience reached its limit.‌​‎‍


"What kind of bastard is this! "What Jerry succeeded in once, we failed twice!"


"Sorry Sorry!"


The officials couldn't respond and kept lowering their heads to MacArthur, who was yelling at MacArthur, his face as red as a blush.‌​‎‍


The U.S. Navy, which led the development of the Vanguard rocket, had nothing to say even if it had 10 mouths.‌​‎‍


To avoid criticism that MacArthur, who was from the Army, favored the Army and neglected the Navy, he approved the Navy's Vanguard rocket development plan and allotted the same budget as the Army and gave it his own support, but the results all ended in miserable failure.‌​‎‍


"If you have a mouth, say something. "It's okay to make an excuse, so give it a try."


"I'm sorry, Your Excellency. I have nothing to say.‌​‎‍"


"under! "He usually talks a lot, but it's only at times like this that he becomes completely quiet."


I felt like screaming in my face that I had done everything wrong for trusting the Navy, but MacArthur barely suppressed his anger.‌​‎‍


If that were the case, what else would the Navy say? These are the people who gather among themselves and blatantly argue that they should vote for the Democratic Party every time there is an election.


Unlike the Navy, which only hurt America's pride, the Army still achieved results.‌​‎‍


Satellite Explorer 1, produced under the leadership of the U.S. Army, was successfully launched and landed in Earth's orbit, unlike Vanguard produced by the Navy.‌​‎‍


To cover up Vanguard's failure, the United States worked hard to promote the Explorer's successful launch, but the public's response was cold.‌​‎‍


"Then what are you doing? "It was much later than in Germany."


"It would have been better to keep Vanguard a secret and only broadcast Explorer. "Anyway, one head won't turn at all."


"I know yeah. Tsk!"


Americans who witnessed Vanguard's failure on live television mocked themselves that by the time the United States launched its first manned spacecraft, Germany would have planted its flag on the moon.‌​‎‍


While the United States and Germany, the two great powers that divided the world, wrestled with the issue of space development, a revolution broke out in Cuba, located right in front of the United States.‌​‎‍




Like most countries, Cuba was a country with a strange history.‌​‎‍


Cuba, originally a Spanish colony, became a protectorate of the United States after the Spanish-American War.‌​‎‍ This is a generally known fact up to this point.


Ironically, Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista, who resigned from office in a revolution, was also the one who came to power in a revolution.


Batista, who was just a sergeant in the army, staged a coup and ascended to the position of president. He succeeded in developing Cuba by carrying out various reforms.‌​‎‍


However, stagnant water rots. He, who started a revolution against the government's incompetence and dictatorship, degenerated into a dictator after tasting the sweetness of power, and the situation in Cuba gradually worsened.‌​‎‍


One-fifth of the people are unemployed, the gap between the rich and the poor is getting worse every day, and the illiteracy rate is approaching 40%, which fueled the fall of Cuba, and even the United States, which had defended the pro-American Batista regime, is gradually withdrawing from its streets, tired of Batista's tyranny and incompetence. I started putting it.‌​‎‍


"I can't take it anymore!"


"Comrades, let's stand up! "We will win freedom with our own hands!"


"Let's bring down dictator Batista and save Cuba from crisis!"


Cubans, tired of the tyranny of dictator Batista, took up arms and rebelled.‌​‎‍ Revolutionaries and communists from all over the world also added their strength.‌​‎‍


"Freedom does not fall from the sky! "Freedom is something we must take with our own hands!"


"Let us fight and die even if it means dying! "I have lived my whole life as a slave, but when I die, shouldn't I die as a free man?"


"The cause is on our side.‌​‎‍ Justice will triumph, evil will be defeated, and Cuba will be free!"




"Rise, damned ones of the earth!


Rise up, slaves of hunger


The fire of reason burns in the crater


This will be the last cry!"


The commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army that led the revolution was Fidel Castro.


The second-in-command was Ernesto Guevara, the famous 'Che Guevara'.‌​‎‍


Fidel Castro was a lawyer born into a wealthy landowning family, and Che Guevara was a doctor born into a bourgeois family in Argentina. Although they were far from poverty and mediocrity, their fighting spirit and sincerity toward the revolution, and their anger toward the dictator, led them to commit themselves to the revolution. I made it happen.‌​‎‍


The revolutionary army organized around them received rigorous training from Albert Bayo, a veteran soldier who had participated in the Spanish Civil War.


Bayo was notorious for killing on the spot any soldier who disobeyed orders or complained, regardless of reason or status, and also mercilessly excluded those who failed training.‌​‎‍


The revolutionary army organized in this way arrived in Cuba by ship from Mexico, grew by gathering support from the Cuban people, and increased in size by winning consecutive victories in battles against government forces.‌​‎‍


Batista, feeling crisis as the war situation became unfavorable, requested support from the United States. However, MacArthur, who was sick of Batista's tyranny and incompetence, dismissed Batista's request without any reconsideration.


Cubans have long since lost sight of the Batista regime. The current Batista regime is no different from a bottomless poison.‌​‎‍ No matter how much water is poured into a bottomless poison, the poison will never be filled.


Even if you support the Batista regime, not only will public sentiment not be restored, but it will only bring about greater chaos.‌​‎‍


MacArthur, who had decided to end the Batista regime, rejected all of his requests for support, and in the meantime, the revolutionary army continued to advance.‌​‎‍


"I surrender!"


"We are on your side, comrades. Let's fight together!"


It was not only the United States and Cubans who were fed up with the incompetence of the Batista government. Even the Cuban government army was fed up with the incompetence and tyranny of the Batista regime, and the number of soldiers joining the revolutionary army instead of suppressing it was increasing day by day.‌​ ‎‍


Batista, who judged that the tide of the war could not be turned around, decided to leave Cuba. Batista, who had taken care of his family, close associates, and assets, sent a telegram to MacArthur.‌​‎‍


I don't need anything else, just ask for asylum.


Although he wanted to refuse even this, MacArthur, considering that he was a pro-American, allowed Batista asylum in the United States. However, under the condition that he not go outside Florida.


In this way, the Batista regime collapsed and a new government came into power in Cuba.‌​‎‍ The revolution was successful.‌​‎‍


"Long live the revolution!"


"Comrades, we did it!! "We won!!!"


"hurray! Long live freedom! "Long live the revolution!"


Tears of joy flowed from the eyes of the revolutionary soldiers who had achieved victory with their own hands. Regardless of age or gender, everyone hugged and cried, celebrating the success of the revolution.‌​‎‍


"I finally did it."


"Yes, we did it."


Che Guevara smiled brightly and tapped his comrade and best friend, Castro, on the shoulder.‌​‎‍


Although their positions were deputy commander and commander-in-chief, and Castro was two years older, they got along like brothers.‌​‎‍


"Fidel, what are you thinking?"


"Just what… … "I was just thinking about the old days."


Castro fell into reminiscence as he watched his revolutionary comrades celebrating the success of the revolution.


In 1953, Castro, who was a young 27-year-old young man, attempted a revolution by rallying his comrades.


He raided the government army's Moncada barracks located on the outskirts of Santiago, Oriente, his hometown, seized weapons and ammunition, armed his comrades, took over the broadcasting station, and broadcast a broadcast appealing to Cubans to join the revolution. It was a plan.‌​‎‍


However, the plan failed and Castro became a prisoner.


It would not have been surprising if he was executed, but as if heaven helped, the company commander of the government search team that captured Castro was none other than Castro's elementary school classmate.‌​‎‍


He did not kill Castro out of respect for old times, so Castro could be tried alive.‌​‎‍


At the trial, Castro shouted to the judge who sentenced him to 15 years in prison.‌​‎‍


"Even if you defile me with all kinds of dirty slander, I will not give in! History will prove my innocence!"


Thanks to his confident attitude and harsh words at the trial, Castro quickly became a celebrity among Cubans even though the uprising failed, and Batista, bowing to the pressure of public opinion, had no choice but to release him.‌​‎‍


After being released, Castro went to Mexico and recruited comrades to join the revolution again, where he met Che Guevara.‌​‎‍


And finally they succeeded in the revolution.‌​‎‍


Dictator Batista fled to the United States and Cuba became the Cuban people.‌​‎‍




"Why but?"


"I'm asking just in case… … "You're not going to be satisfied here, are you?"


Che Guevara answered Castro's question with a smile.‌​‎‍


"Is that what you call it? "I've just passed the first hurdle, so there's no way to quit."




The Cuban Revolution is only the beginning.


They still had much work to do.‌​‎‍ As long as there were countries that needed revolution, they could not be stopped.‌​‎‍




February 1, 1959


New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany


The public's attention is focused on the Explorer 1 launched by the United States, but there was something else that interested me more.‌​‎‍


That's Cuba.


As in real history, the revolutionary army led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara succeeded in overthrowing the Batista regime and establishing a revolutionary government in Cuba.


The general public's perception was only that a daughter was born in a house next door, but some important media outlets devoted space to reporting on the Cuban Revolution in detail. ‌​‎‍ Well, since the subject of the revolution is the subject, it is a good thing. Although there is no.‌​‎‍


Strategists in Berlin also had their own interest in this incident.‌​‎‍ It was inevitable that the United States, not other countries, had tolerated the collapse of the Batista regime, which was not generally shocking.‌​‎‍


"I don't know what MacArthur is thinking.‌​‎‍"


"Is it because you allowed Batista, who was pro-American, to fall?"


Goering nodded at my words.‌​‎‍


"At one point, you beat the communists to death, but then you actually neglected the communists to chase out their henchmen. "Is it possible that MacArthur has dementia?"


"That won't be it. The Batista regime was so incompetent that it could not be covered up with pro-Americanism. So, rather than keeping the incompetent Batista alive, he probably decided that it would be better to just draw attention and pretend not to notice."


"No matter what, you let the communists install it so openly… … This is difficult for me to understand.‌​‎‍"


Göring, who was tilting his head, soon asked a question.‌​‎‍


"What would you do, Mr. President, if something similar to what happened in Cuba happened in Europe? Are you going to respond like MacArthur?"


"You call that a question. "We have to take them down before a rebellion breaks out."


No matter what, the best way is to take action before a revolution breaks out.‌​‎‍ Even if you decide to intervene, the difficulty increases several times after a revolution occurs.