



"Everyone seems to be too sharp. "Please calm down a little."




"Isn't the reason you came here to negotiate? Are you going to just scream like this and then go home?"


"Umm… … ."


Through the mediation of U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, who participated in the talks, it was decided not to quarrel over the name itself, but the British delegation seemed dissatisfied with even this and entered into negotiations with their mouths sticking out.‌​‎‍


Argentina has only one request.


Argentine cession of the Falkland Islands.


If the above demands are accepted, Argentina will withdraw its troops from Brazil without conditions.‌​‎‍


The British delegation reacted to Argentina's demands.‌​‎‍


"They are like day robbers. They are trying to rob our territory at will. "Do you think that will work out the way you want?"


Eden hit the table with his fisted hand.‌​‎‍


"The Falkland Islands are a land that we, the United Kingdom, have ruled for a long time. But just because it's next to Argentina, it's called Argentine territory? "I'm so shocked I can't speak."


"Calm down, calm down."


Dulles had a hard time calming down Ethan, whose face was bright red.


Just as Argentina's demands were one, Britain's demands were simple.‌​‎‍


Immediate withdrawal of troops from the Falkland Islands, an apology, and a promise to prevent a recurrence.


This was also an unacceptable condition for Argentina.‌​‎‍


Everyone in Argentina already thinks the war is won, but they suddenly withdraw from the Malvinas? The public will immediately stand up and call for the president's resignation.‌​‎‍


"That is unacceptable.‌​‎‍"


"Ha, is that so?"


"Then it would be a waste of time to stay here!"


The talks ultimately ended in dissolution.‌​‎‍


Neither Britain nor Argentina had any intention of giving up the Falkland Islands. For both, losing the Falkland Islands meant downfall.


Since it has been confirmed that a solution through dialogue is impossible, the only way left is dialogue through force.




MacArthur also did not place any expectations on the negotiations.‌​‎‍


"If the problem had been solved through dialogue in the first place, it wouldn't have led to war. "Isn't that right?"


"… … If you know that, why did you negotiate?"


In response to Ike's question, MacArthur sighed and said, as if he didn't know that either.‌​‎‍


"Are you asking because you don't know? "Ike, your senses aren't as good as they used to be."


"oh my."


"Let me explain it myself. Even if it's just a facade, if I start a war right away without even having a conversation, those bastards who call themselves peacemakers will criticize me and call me a warmonger. Do you understand now?"


"I understand.‌​‎‍"


Another show of pride. Ike sighed inwardly, but MacArthur's words were not wrong.‌​‎‍ Even now, anti-war protesters are holding demonstrations in New York, Chicago, California, etc., and if there is no negotiation, the protests will become more intense.‌​‎ ‍


Americans vividly remembered the scene in the past when the United States intervened on the European front and escaped to Iceland with only casual casualties.‌​‎‍


People were afraid that what happened 10 years ago would be repeated in Argentina. The fact that Argentina was armed with German-made weapons was extremely enough to stimulate people's anxiety.


"I'm asking just in case, but you don't think that war should be reconsidered, do you?"


"This is disappointing. "Do you think I'm just that kind of guy?"


"It's just a joke. "Why do people look so embarrassed?"


Although he was not unaware of the public's anxiety, Eisenhower was as strongly in favor of war as MacArthur.‌​‎‍


From the time Argentina landed on the Falkland Islands, the United States had no choice but to enter the war, whether it liked it or not.‌​‎‍


If the United States ignores and neglects Britain's difficulties, countries attached to the United States will have reasonable doubts, saying, 'If Britain is also ignoring them, what about them?'‌​‎‍


Of course, this will lead to a rift in the alliance, and if a large number of countries that were allies defect and join Germany's side, the United States will be completely isolated.‌​‎‍


Therefore, whether it be porridge or rice, the United States has no choice but to help Britain and participate in the war.‌​‎‍


The United States was shocked that the Brazilian army, armed with its own equipment, was unilaterally destroyed by the Argentine army.‌​‎‍


There are many reasons, but the United States concluded that one of the reasons for the Brazilian army's defeat was that the equipment it provided to the Brazilian army was relatively inferior in performance to the German-made equipment currently being used by the Argentine army. The United States generously invested the equipment it had been developing. I decided to do it.‌​‎‍


They did not forget to lock down Argentina economically before the war.‌​‎‍


When full-scale economic sanctions from the United States began, Argentina's economy, which was already in a precarious state, suddenly broke through the ground and fell underground.‌​‎‍


Many companies went bankrupt and prices soared.‌​‎‍


But Argentina still did not change its position.‌​‎‍


The Malvinas Islands cannot be given up.‌​‎‍


The United States still waved a carrot saying it would lift economic sanctions if it withdrew from the Falkland Islands, but Argentina remained steadfast.‌​‎‍


If we fortify the Falkland Islands area and emphasize maximum blood loss to the Allied Forces, we can bring them to the negotiating table! If we hold out until then, it will be our victory!


And the United States is fully prepared to shatter Argentina's illusion.‌​‎‍




June 12, 1953


Helgoland Island, Germany


Helgoland Island, located in the North Sea, is a very, very small island that is not clearly visible on maps.‌​‎‍


This small island, which is only 1.7㎢ in area, has a surprisingly long history. It was originally Danish territory, but during the Napoleonic Wars, Britain occupied the island and made it its territory.‌​‎‍


This island, which served as a resort for British nobles, became German territory in 1890. Germany handed over Zanzibar, an island off the eastern coast of present-day Tanzania in German East Africa, to Britain, and in return, Britain ceded Helgoland Island to Germany.‌​‎‍


Since then, Helgoland has been a German territory.‌​‎‍


Germany, which occupied Helgoland, converted the island into a naval base, and during World War I, two naval battles took place near Helgoland.‌​‎‍


Even after the outbreak of World War II, Helgoland continued to perform various missions as a naval base.‌​‎‍


Now that the war is over, Helgoland's advantages have faded, but it is still being put to good use.‌​‎‍


Since the island is so small and most of its residents are military personnel, it is perfect for secret gatherings.


"I think I know why the British upper class used to vacation here."


MacArthur's special envoy, Dulles, smiled leisurely.‌​‎‍


"That's right. "The weather is so nice that I'm thinking about developing it into a tourist destination."


Dulles probably thought I was joking, but it was real.‌​‎‍


As all of Europe fell into German hands, the importance of Helgoland decreased.


There are many strategic points such as the Faroe Islands, Azores Islands, Cape Verde Islands, Canario Islands, etc., so there is no reason to use Helgoland as a naval base.‌​‎‍


Dönitz was also in favor of withdrawing troops from Helgoland and developing it as a resort.


"Anyway, may I ask why you came all this far?"


You proposed a meeting at a time when we were busy preparing for war with Argentina. First of all, I accepted because there was no reason to refuse, but I was curious about what he came to say.‌​‎‍


"The President is deeply concerned about the German issue.‌​‎‍"


"Didn't I tell you before? Germany has nothing to do with Argentina's problems. "I remember you answered that you would like to return home."


Did you come here to say something? I responded indifferently to Dulles' words and drank lemonade. Perhaps because the weather was warm, the ice melted quickly.


"I'm not here to blame or doubt Germany, so don't worry. I just told you the truth.‌​‎‍"


It looks suspicious.


But after listening to what he said next, I realized that Dulles really didn't come to say, 'This is all your fault.'‌​‎‍


We had come to say that we would show our sincerity if they remained silent until the end of the war.‌​‎‍


Speaking of sincerity, it meant that they would seriously consider the proposal I had previously made to the United States.‌​‎‍


Before MacArthur entered the White House, I proposed to Dewey joint US-German space development and reduction of nuclear weapons.‌​‎‍


Dewey, who gave OK to the proposal to jointly develop a polio vaccine, also avoided answering for various reasons, perhaps because he was nervous about this, and then the president changed from Dewey to MacArthur.


So, just as I was thinking about whether to propose it again, the Falklands War broke out, and I thought it would be ignored if I proposed it now, so I postponed it.‌​‎‍


But now I see that MacArthur wasn't completely unimpressed about my previous proposal. Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent Dulles to mention it.


Even if the United States didn't say anything, I planned to maintain strict neutrality in this war anyway.‌​‎‍


I've conquered Europe at best, and now all I have left to do is grow old and die comfortably, and I have no desire to start World War III.


However, the United States still seems to be uneasy about me. Seeing as they even sent the Secretary of State to check on me.


"You don't have to worry, Minister."


Dulles' expression changed as he put down his glass.‌​‎‍


"Because Germany will not enter the war under the pretense of helping Argentina."


"Thank goodness."


Dulles smiled, as if he finally felt relieved.‌​‎‍


"Of course, I also believed that the President would not take the gamble of war.‌​‎‍"


"For someone like that, he looked nervous just a moment ago, didn't he? Anyway, Germany will maintain strict neutrality. I hope that the United States will also keep its promise. "I don't want another war to break out in my lifetime."


"I also think the same.‌​‎‍ In my heart, I want to live in a world without gunfire, but there is a distance between reality and ideals."


The military advisory group in Argentina is also being withdrawn sequentially through Chile, and the transfer of all weapons and ammunition ordered by Argentina has been completed.‌​‎‍


Argentina is recognized as a part of the United States through a meeting with Dewey, so even if Argentina is destroyed, there will be no loss to Germany. Because it is not our territory in the first place.


It would be a different story if Argentina did well and miraculously won, but I assure you that it will not happen.‌​‎‍


In actual history, there was the Korean War, which ended in a draw, and the Vietnam War, which ended with the United States' defeat, but these wars and this war are on a different level.‌​‎‍


The timing of the Korean War was bad and the basic goal of preventing communism in South Korea was achieved, and in the Vietnam War, as MacArthur pointed out, the United States was able to withdraw because Vietnam was a country that had no repercussions if it lost to the United States.‌​‎ ‍


However, this is a very serious incident in which Argentina belongs to the American continent, is its own country declared by the United States, and its key ally, the United Kingdom, was attacked.‌​‎‍


This means that we are not a country like Korea or Vietnam where it is okay to end in a draw or lose.


The United States and Britain will definitely try to win this war at any cost.‌​‎‍


Also, for MacArthur personally, it is no different from a war that broke out as soon as his term began, so he must win for his own re-election in the future.‌​‎‍


After confirming our cards, we talked about various things. From small talk to very serious talks about the future US-Germany relationship.


I made it clear to Dulles that I had no intention of going to war with the United States. At the same time, the United States and Germany should have close relations and support each other.


Of course, Dulles didn't seem to believe much, but he still listened carefully.‌​‎‍


"Mr. President. I would like to ask you a few questions.‌​‎‍"


"Do it. What do you want to ask? I will answer to the best of my ability.‌​‎‍"


"You proposed to jointly develop a rocket to space with the United States. Why are you making such a proposal?"


"It's simple. Contrary to its appearance, Germany is not a very wealthy country. On the other hand, isn't your country overflowing with money?"


"Ha ha ha ha ha!!"


Dulles laughed heartily.‌​‎‍ It was the first selfless laugh I had seen since the meeting began.‌​‎‍


"I didn't know that His Excellency the President was this good at telling jokes.‌​‎‍"


"You don't hear things like that a lot. But think about it carefully. "I'm serious."


Dulles probably thought I was joking, but I was serious.‌​‎‍


There were voices opposing the idea of ​​joint rocket research with the United States, saying that our technology could be leaked to the United States. In reality, it is not out of the question.


Nevertheless, the biggest reason for joint rocket research with the United States was money.‌​‎‍


Even now, an astronomical amount of money is being spent on rocket research, and several times more money is needed to build a manned lunar lander.‌​‎‍


Of course, it's not that Germany doesn't have that much money, but it's true that it's still a bit burdensome.


If we can receive funding from the United States in exchange for transferring rocket technology to the United States, we can save money and shorten the research period.‌​‎‍


At the same time, we can strongly appeal to the United States that we have no intention of going to war with you.


We must not forget that the biggest cause of the decline of the economies of the Soviet Union and North Korea was the excessive arms race.‌​‎‍


It is said that we are technologically superior to the United States right now, but the United States, which has an astronomical amount of funds, will soon narrow this gap by pouring money in and one day, it will overturn Germany.‌​‎‍


The arms race with the United States will most likely lead to a decline in the German economy, and an economic recession will cause public anxiety and dissatisfaction.‌​‎‍


It would be great if reform succeeded like China, but what if it fails like the Soviet Union?


Germany's strength will once again be limited to Central Europe, and it would be fortunate if it acknowledged the reality there and took its own measures, but realistically, that would not be possible.


Let's think about what Russia, steeped in nostalgia for the Soviet era, did and what it turned out to be. Moreover, for Germany, which was so easily swayed by the Nazis who slandered from within, the answer is obvious.‌​‎‍


I hope that this world, which we have barely created, will lead to a better future rather than following a similar path to actual history.‌​‎‍ Of course, it may not be easy.


But rather than giving up without even trying because it's not easy, shouldn't we at least try?


"When you return home, please convey this to the President. The door to cooperation is always open. Even though we lived on a bloody battlefield, can't we ask our children to live in the same world? "Isn't it time to let people know that there is a world without war?"


"… … I'll think about it.‌​‎‍"


Dulles stopped laughing.‌​‎‍ Although there was still some lingering doubt, I could intuitively tell that his eyes were much different than before.‌​‎‍