

Episode 280: Blue Operation (4)

December 4, 1943

New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany

Remarque, whom I met after a long time, had his face increased 1.3 times in size compared to the last time I met him.

oh my god. How long did it take for your face to get so swollen?

Remarque, who managed to survive after being beaten to the point where his face looked like this, was not ordinary, if not ordinary.

When I told this story, Remarque, who had maintained a blank expression the entire time, burst into laughter, not knowing whether it was a laugh or a sneer.

"Anyway, I'm glad I'm alive. "Isn't it absurd if my friend, who survived that terrible battlefield, dies here?"

"Maybe it would have been better to die."

"Your Excellency the President dares to say-"

I stretched out my hand to stop Krause and asked Remarque.

"You look thirsty. What would you like?"

"… … A glass of water is all you need."

"Two glasses of lemonade. "I'll bring you something mixed with carbonation."

While Krause went to get the lemonade, I took out the leaflet I had kept in the drawer.

Then he unfolded it carefully so as not to tear it and showed it to Remarque.

Remarque's swollen eyes widened slightly. A face that makes you want to ask why it appears there.

"I enjoyed reading what you wrote."

"… … ."

Remarque said nothing. I got the feeling that maybe he thought I was teasing him or threatening him.

"Don't misunderstand. It's not teasing, and it's definitely not threatening. "These are purely my impressions."

"… … ."

"Look, Remarque. Of course, in the eyes of a pacifist like you, I may be a monster. Ernie, you must already be a monster."

Just as Remarque's lips were quivering, Krause entered the room carrying lemonade on a tray. I signaled to him with my eyes to put down the tray and leave.

Krause hesitated, but as if he had no choice, he sighed briefly and put down the tray and went out.

"… … "Why is someone who knows that still a dictator?"

"It is for the infinite glory of this country."

"Do you know that sounds very contradictory right now?"

"know. Of course, this may be shocking to you, but I am sincere. But don't worry. "As soon as the war is over and I decide there is nothing left to do here, I plan to leave and hand over the position to my successor."

"Who are you talking about as the successor? Goering? Goebbels? Himmler? Wouldn't I be one of your loyal subordinates anyway?"

That's right. I nodded obediently. But I also have something to say about this.

"Of course it will happen, right? Think about it. "Everyone has trusted me and followed me so well, so who else would I hand this position over to?"

"The idea of handing it over is wrong."


"Of course, you should let the people decide directly through voting."

"Okay, vote. There was a way like that too. But that wouldn't change the outcome, right? "You know that too, right?"

"… … ."

Remarque closed his mouth as if he had been hit. If we switch to a democratic system right now and hold a vote to elect the next president, who will be elected?

"Believe it or not, I am also a peace-loving person like you. Who likes war? "They want to live a peaceful daily life as much as possible."

"Did the person who knew that start the war? why?"

"I know what you're trying to say. But think about it carefully. If we leave the Soviet Union alone now, an even bigger disaster will surely occur. Do you really think that Stalin will tolerate this humiliation from us? you're welcome.

So I just took advantage of the golden opportunity given to me. If we attack the Soviet Union now, the war could end in three months at most. "It means that in just three months, Europe can be at peace for the next 50 years."

If there had been no civil war in the Soviet Union, I would not have made the decision to attack the Soviet Union.

However, the current Soviet Union is on the verge of collapse.

The ethnic minorities who had been holding their breath under Stalin's cruel rule watched clearly the brilliant victory achieved by Germany and the freedom and independence of the Ukrainians, Caucasians, and Balts who joined Germany's side.

They have hopes that they too can become independent. On the other hand, the Communist Party that was oppressing them is not even able to control itself.

Guerrilla… … You can't not do it, right?

I talked about ensuring the complete security of Germany and Europe through this war and the independence of the minorities suffering from the inhumane rule of the Communist Party, and Remarque just listened to me quietly.

Occasionally, I drink lemonade by sucking it through a straw.

Anyway, the reason I called him here was not to persuade him. I am not a friend who will come to you just because I personally persuade you. If he had been a persuasive friend, he would have fallen for it a long time ago.

The only reason I called him here was to give him advice.

"No matter how passionately you speak, this society will not change."


"That's because I created this society."

"… … ."

"I gave the Germans a victory that more than sutured their wounds. Now, even if you call for the overthrow of the dictatorship, the people will not even listen. Who would want to go back to the past once they have tasted the sweet hallucinogenic drug called victory? "Isn't that what you think?"

"… … You don't know that. Even though the people are enthusiastic about the victory right before their eyes, one day they will want to be freed from the shackles of dictatorship. so-"

"That's right."


"As you said, if the war ends and peace comes, the people will also be sick of the current system. They will want to elect the president with their own hands like in the past.

So just wait until then. "Not for me or National Socialism, but for your own safety."

"What do you mean by that?"

Remarque kept blinking as if he didn't understand what I was saying.

"It may sound unpleasant, but no one in the country will listen to you. Unless I turn around and rape a woman on the street and indulge in bestiality like drinking coffee.

Our people are so filled with happiness that their reason is temporarily paralyzed. No matter how much you warn of the dangers of dictatorship and call for democracy, in the eyes of the people you are nothing more or less than a communist follower or fraudster.

I am the right person for this country... … Don't correct me. I decided to close my eyes for a moment to win. democracy? Freedom of speech and assembly? Of course it's good! "But wasn't the result a total chaos and economic crisis?"

"That is a leap too far."

"That's right. But people don't think that way."

"… … ."

"The German people wanted jobs and order rather than disorderly freedom, and I gave them bread in exchange for freedom. People are satisfied. Of course, upright people like you would rather starve to death than sacrifice their freedom to buy bread, but that is not the case for ordinary people.

No matter how hard you shout, to people it will only sound like nonsense about going back to a time of free chaos where hunger and streets were filled with protests. Do you see what I mean?

If you have something to say, please write me a letter. If you do the same thing as before, you will be beaten to death. What would future generations say if a writer born in Germany who would make a lasting mark in history ended up being beaten to death by citizens on the side of the road? "You should think about your family."

Remarque was silent.


His silence may not necessarily mean consent, but he also seemed to have a lot to think about.

I did not advise him to write an oath or go abroad.

After sending him to Dr. Hase for treatment, he gave him some vitamin injections, and when the swelling on his face went down, he was packed with precious food, put on a special train, and sent back to Osnabrück.

Plus, I brought a pistol with me.

"What is this?"

"Can't you see it? Ruger P08. "It's a luxury pistol that boasts a novel design and decent performance."

"… … ."

"… … "It's just a joke."

"… … "Why are you giving me this?"

"iced coffee. Don't misunderstand, I'm not giving you this to commit suicide. "Shouldn't you have at least one means of protecting yourself in case of emergency?"

"From whom? robbery? Or the Gestapo?"

"This is really-"

"Shh. Neither the police nor the Gestapo. These are radicals who see you as a thorn in their eyes. "Friends who really think of me as the Second Coming of Christ resurrected in Germany."

Remarque's expression became even more strange, as if he couldn't understand it. This and this, he was a friend whose expressions I enjoyed watching more than I expected, right?

Anyway, I sent him back home.

He also told me to write to me at any time if I needed help with anything. She flatly refused it herself.

"Mr. President. "I just don't understand."

"Is it that sound again?"

"Why does the President keep keeping that guy alive? "What are you going to do if the people are deceived by this guy's nonsense?"

"you're right. Mr. President. Last time, the President forgave that guy, but he dared to betray His Excellency the President's grace. Even animals know grace!"

"We must punish that bastard immediately and warn the parasites still remaining in society!"

"I understand that he is a former comrade of the President, but there is a limit to how much I can tolerate him!"

"Mr. President! "Order!"

As a fan of his work, I cannot say how one could kill an idol.

Since you have already anticipated the reactions of your close associates, it is time to bring out the model answer you have prepared.

"Are you idiots?"


"Why do you think I'm still keeping him alive?"

"That's it… … ."

"We're doing well too… … ."

"Think about it. How many copies of Remarque's book were sold overseas? They even made a movie in America.

But what would it look like if we killed him or sent him to a concentration camp? "Leaving him alone would bring greater benefit to Germany than would be gained by putting him in Dachau."

"Oh oh… … ."

"indeed… … ."

Himmler quietly raised his hand.

"But if we continue to leave that person alone, won't it create a negative atmosphere among the people?"

"Isn't the Gestapo there to prepare for that? And if the people had been easily fooled by that friend's words, we wouldn't have come this far."

Everyone hit their foreheads with their palms, and a thumping sound echoed throughout the conference room.

I hurried to change the conversation before people began to pour out embarrassing compliments about the President's insight and that they were too stupid to understand the deeper meaning.

"I've only thought about Cancer, but I don't think it's really the 'Berlin Treaty Organization.'"


asked Yodel, who first came up with the name Berlin Treaty Organization.

Are you asking because you don't know? The Berlin Treaty Organization. Right from the name, it has a strong red smell! The naming sense was poor to begin with.

Why not just call it the Warsaw Pact?

"The center of Europe is Berlin, so wouldn't it be right to take its name from Berlin?"

"I think so."

Kaitel, you're a little out of it.

"People think it's too German-centric. Of course, I don't know how many people think that we are not the center, but if it is too blatant, it seems a bit like that."

"Then what about a pan-European military alliance?"

Brauchitsch asked expectantly.

Yes, it's dismissed. What about Asian and African countries like Ethiopia, Egypt, Palestine, and India?

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was also considered, but was rejected for the above reasons. You can use force to get to the Mediterranean Sea, but to the Indian Ocean... … .

"… … "It would be better to just do it with the Axis powers."

After going around and around, the conclusion was the starting point.

The widely used name for the collection of eternal friendship, mutual assistance, and military exchanges between the Third Reich and its friends was decided to be the Axis Powers.

The generals' reaction was that all steam was gone, but what are you going to do?

"They all have a lot to say, right?"

"How could that be!"

"After all, virtue comes from moderation and simplicity!"

Yes, it should have come out like this a long time ago.


December 8, 1943

Soviet Volga River basin

There were many great people in Germany whose names were engraved in history.

Goethe, Bach, Luther, Frederick the Great, Bismarck, etc.

However, no one has achieved achievements comparable to that of Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of the Third Reich.

No matter where you look in the world, it is difficult to find anyone with achievements comparable to Hitler.

"You have to be at the level of Genghis Khan of Mongolia to be compared to the Fuhrer!"

"Ahm, not like that!"

"Long live the Fuhrer! Long live Germany! Long live the victory!"

"i love you!"

Although the Roman Empire receded into history and hundreds of countries arose, no one from any country was able to unify Europe like Rome.

Even Napoleon, with his absolute spirit, ultimately failed to achieve his ambition of a unified European empire and died lonely on St. Helena.

But it wasn't Hitler.

He achieved a unification of Europe that no one could have even imagined.

Germany's eternal enemies, Poland and France.

The British Empire, a country where the sun never sets.

The home of communists, Red Russia and the Soviet Union.

Everyone kneeled under the flag of Greater Germany.

And now, the Führer has ordered the launch of a special military operation to permanently expel the Bolsheviks beyond the Ural Mountains and into Asia.

Even throughout all of human history, it is difficult to find someone who achieved this feat in a short period of time.

Nevertheless, the parasite-like defeatists working in Germany in secret denied the Führer's brilliant achievements and tried to deny everything he had achieved.

This was the case with a third-rate novelist named Remarque, who distributed leaflets with subversive words written on them in Osnabrück.

If the police had been just a little late, he would have died from the fists of justice wielded by angry citizens. What a pathetic guy.

Hans Scholl, a medic in the Wehrmacht, expressed great regret that Remarque was captured rather than beaten to death.

"Getting rid of such human scum and defeatists would benefit Germany's future several times over."

However, it is said that the President spared the man out of consideration for the past.

Scholl could not help but admire the Fuhrer's mercy, but he also thought that the Fuhrer was being too merciful.

Mercy must be shown while looking at the other person. If you give it to just anyone, it will come back as great anger.

However, the Fuhrer seemed to be such a nice person that he did not think so.

"All of those guys should be brought to the Eastern Front and thrown into a minefield. "That way we won't have to suffer like this."

"You said it well."

Lieutenant Helmut Schmidt said with a smile. Scholl hastily saluted.

"Is that friend still alive?"

Schmidt pointed to the wounded soldier that Scholl had rescued a moment ago. The SS corporal who had been hit by a bullet in his abdomen had his white camouflage uniform stained with red blood.

"It's faint, but I'm still breathing."

"I saw your performance well earlier. Where do you belong? If you ever receive a medal, I will write you a letter of recommendation. "If only a letter of recommendation from a second lieutenant is okay."

"I will just accept your heart. "Stopping this guy's bleeding comes first."

"I'll help too."

While Scholl and Schmidt were trying to stop the wounded soldier's wounds, the Tiger III-Xeberchantiger opened fire with its massive 105 mm gun.

The IS-2, whose 105mm shell hit the lower part of the hull, poured out a plume of fire through the hatch whose lid was blown off.

100km away was Kuybyshev, the new capital of the Soviet Union.