

Episode 279: Blue Operation (3)

December 1, 1943

free russian hitlerburg

Let me tell you in advance that I am far from a narcissist who thinks he is going crazy because he is so lovable.

That's why I was disgusted when Leningrad changed its proper name, St. Petersburg, to Adolfsburg.

But our Russian friends insisted until the end, saying it was a small gift to me for liberating Russia.

People around me also insisted that my name should be attached to a Russian city, saying that the people and soldiers would feel proud.

However, the Russians' deception did not stop there, and they even went so far as to turn Stalingrad into Hitlerburg.

Please, please.

I suggested to Vlasov Tsaritsyn, the pre-Stalingrad name, or Volgograd, meaning city on the Volga River, but none of them worked.

I know you want to look good to me, but I wish you wouldn't try to look good like this.

Sure enough, by tomorrow all over Germany will be saying, 'The Fuhrer will descend on the city named after him!' There are probably newspapers with the same title going around.

Luxurious people who like small talk will talk about today's events whenever they are bored.

German winters are far from warm, but compared to Russian winters, you can't even put out a business card.

To prevent the skin from gaining weight, I applied a lot of cream that was said to be good for the skin and wore clothes as thick as possible to make it difficult to move, but I was helpless in the face of the unimaginably strong cold.

"It's so cold."

"How on earth did the Russians think of living in this cold place?"

"I would risk my life just to pee here."

Aides who followed along were also surprised by Russia's General Dong and expressed various impressions.

In real history, the German army wore summer uniforms in this cold weather and fought against the Soviet army armed with winter clothing. It's dizzying just thinking about it.

"He is the Fuhrer!"

"The President has arrived!"

"Heil Hitler!!"

I waved at the soldiers who were cheering at me. Now that I've left my armchair in Berlin and flown this far away, I have to do something.

Invading the Soviet Union was a necessary decision for the future, but the thoughts of the soldiers fighting on the front line were likely to be different from those of the generals and me.

Especially not in summer, but even more so in winter, when you can easily freeze to death if you make a mistake.

I voluntarily chose to go to Russia so that I would not be told that I was confined to the safe and warm rear after starting a war, and to impress upon the soldiers and people the legitimacy of this war.

Standing on a podium made of stacked ammunition boxes used to contain 88mm artillery shells on a hill overlooking the Volga River, I addressed the soldiers who had gathered to see me.

"Dear soldiers of Greater Germany. "It's Adolf Hitler."


"Main Fürer!"

I had just said hello, but the response was explosive. The soldiers looked at me with eyes full of anticipation and joy, as if they had forgotten the cold.

"The German people live in constant reverence for those who continue to fight hard in the cold Russian frozen soil. "I also offer my sincere respect to those who are risking their lives on the front lines and fighting for Germany's future."

Another cheer erupted from the soldiers' mouths.

"Everyone here knows that we in Germany really wanted peace. But they, the Bolsheviks, chose hostility rather than coexistence with us. I suggested to Stalin, the leader of the Bolsheviks, that we should forget past resentments and peacefully coexist, but Stalin ignored the wishes of me and the German people and chose the path of war.

There were many crises during the war, but we were united as one, overcame the difficulties and won the war. And now, the final battle that will decide the fate of Germany, Europe, and the world awaits us.

Let me ask you all. Do you think Germany can achieve final victory?"


"Mr. President, just give me the order!"

"I will offer victory news to the President!"

"Sieg Heil!"

A loud and powerful voice.

There was no hesitation or hesitation in the soldiers' answers.

I reflexively raised my right arm in response to an answer that was strongly confident in achieving 100% purity victory.

"Germany can never be defeated. I am strongly convinced that 1918 will not be repeated in Germany as long as soldiers like you who are brave and have a firm belief in victory and courage protect Germany.

I am sure. We will completely drive out the Red Plague from Europe, and we will protect Europe's culture and peace from the evil agents called the Bolsheviks!

I declare: We will liberate the Russian people suffering from Bolshevik oppression!

The joy of liberation and freedom to the peoples of Siberia and Asia, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Turkmens, Altaians, Cossacks, Jews, Mongols, Koryo, Tuvans, Komi and countless other peoples. Bring it!

We have already liberated Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, liberated Russian territory from Murmansk to Astrakhan and established a free country for the Russian people! What do you have to fear now?

All of Europe and the world are watching us. We are watching our cause, Germany's cause!

Let us move forward for a unified Europe, for a free Europe!

Long live our great country, Germany!"


I talked non-stop in the cold winter, and my frozen voice seemed to crack.

Still, seeing the soldiers chanting 'Sieg Heil' with excited faces made it worth sacrificing the health of my throat to give a speech.

Soldiers in Poland and further afield, who had seen victory ever since the Rhineland, had no doubts about Germany's victory.

How can you imagine losing when you have never lost before?

Moreover, the opponent is the Soviet Union, whom we have already faced once. Even when the national power was at 100%, we won, but now the Soviet Union's rear is a mess.

While listening to the shouts of the soldiers fighting a battle they could not afford to lose, I walked over to receive a report on Kleist's status.

After the meeting with Kleist, there is a lunch appointment with the staff of the Southern Army Group Headquarters, and after that, a meeting is scheduled with each Axis commander.

Since the schedule is tight, we have no choice but to move quickly.

"Mr. President. "I have something to brief you before the meeting, is that okay?"

"Say it, Himmler."

"Before that… … "A novelist named Remarque."

When I heard Remarque's name from Himmler's lips, I stopped in my tracks without realizing it. Remarque? What is it again this time?

"What happened to that friend?"

"It didn't happen, he did it."


Special military operation.

The Nazi Party and the media that acted as its servants called the second war between Germany and the Soviet Union with the following expression:

Although the grandiose and seemingly meaningful term "special military operation" was used, in essence, this war was nothing more than a clear war of aggression by Germany.

As is the case in Poland, Benelux and France.

There is no such thing as covering your eyes and saying goodbye.

What was even more surprising was that German society gave enthusiastic support and applause even though it was clearly a war of aggression.

To Remarque, who had participated in the previous war and witnessed with his own eyes the reality of war, which was far from the romanticism depicted in legends and novels, it seemed as if the entire German nation had fallen into collective madness.

A year ago, the Soviet Union attacked Germany first, but this time it was the opposite.

Grandiose reasons, such as peace in Europe and liberation of the suffering Russian people, were cited, but this never changes the fact that the essence of this war is shameless aggression.

Remarque was afraid of the storm that was sweeping Germany. In his view, it was no exaggeration to say that Germany had returned to 1914.

Even back then, people were confident of victory and were filled with romance about war.

And what came back was a crushing defeat and confusion.

Remarque was truly concerned that Germany was now following the same path as in 1914.

The media, which should be able to confidently voice their voices, had long ago been reduced to the role of trumpeters for the Nazi Party, and even political parties other than the Nazi Party, such as the National People's Party and the Center Party, were giving almost unconditional support to this war.

You're crazy, you're crazy. Everyone is crazy.

Remarque was afraid of where the mass hallucinations that had gripped Germany would end up.

Germany, having tasted victory, will race like a runaway locomotive toward even greater victory, causing endless friction with neighboring countries in order to eventually conquer the entire world.

Germany is said to be invincible now, but how long can that myth continue?

Just as Napoleon, who was known as an unrivaled general and an absolute spirit, was ultimately defeated, there is no such thing as eternal victory.

It was clear that unless someone stepped in to put a stop to this madness, Germany would head towards destruction at its own pace.

But who will step forward? Those with anti-Nazi tendencies who had been secretly communicating with Remarque also shook their heads at Remarque's words.

"Easier said than done. Who would dare rebel against Hitler and the Nazis?"

"Hitler is like a god in Germany now."

"No matter what I say here, who will listen?"

"You'll be treated to a lot of criticism, calling you a traitor or a communist."

"Remarque, take care of yourself too. "No matter how you are, if you are captured by the Nazis, it will be difficult for you to live in this country."

But Remarque was different.

At a time when everyone was hissing for fear, he thought it was time to open his mouth.

If we don't step up now, who will speak out against injustice and dictatorship in the future?

Democracy in Germany has long since disappeared.

If we remain silent any longer, the German people will lose even their semblance of freedom and will have to live on a leash for the rest of their lives.

The most miserable of all slaves, being a slave who didn't even know he was a slave.

That's why Remarque took action.

The man who decided to act on his convictions did what no one in Germany had dared to do.

"everyone! Look here!"


Remarque shouted to attract people's attention and distributed the leaflets he had made all night long.

White papers with tiny black letters were scattered throughout the street by the wind.

At first, the citizens who stopped and picked up the paper wondering what that was, were soon surprised to see what was written on the paper.

And then he stepped back as if it were a very unclean object.

"What is that bastard!"

"catch! catch!"

"You fucking communist bastard!"


December 3, 1943

New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany

Remarque was arrested on the spot for an act that could be called brave, reckless if called reckless, and stupid if called stupid.

When the police arrived at the port after receiving the report, Remarque was on the verge of death.

This is because angry citizens called him a communist and mass lynched him.

It is said that ordinary passers-by, including a World War I veteran, an ordinary office worker, and a housewife returning from grocery shopping, turned into lions and beat him to the brink of death.

Goebbels praised his civic spirit endlessly.

I really can't say anything about this.

"Where is Remarque?"

"I am imprisoned in the basement of the Gestapo headquarters in the Osnabrück area. "We plan to transport it to Berlin sometime today."

Himmler answered: On the table was a leaflet that he had distributed to citizens.

Because it was wartime and materials were scarce, the paper was thin and crumbly, like fallen leaves, and some of the letters were smudged and barely legible, probably due to the use of low-quality ink.

"We are currently arresting and investigating all those who were close to him and those who are believed to have helped him."

"Tell them not to torture. Don't hit me. "They weren't plotting treason."

"But Mr. Führer, they are guilty simply by being close to a traitor."

"Anyway, if you tell me not to do it, don't do it. "Just listen to the story first and then decide."

Himmler seemed dissatisfied with my decision, but he did not complain and simply answered that he would do so.

I'm saying my tact has improved a lot compared to before.

I picked up Remarque's leaflet. It was a little larger than the palm of one's hand and was filled with tiny letters written on it.


They, Hitler and the arrogant Goldfasan (slang for high-ranking Nazi Party officials) claim that victory is at hand. However, this is a clear lie and shameless propaganda.

As in 1918, we appeared to be winning the war, only to return with destruction. I am convinced that today's Germany is moving in the same direction as Germany of the past. Although we have achieved one victory over Russia, we are overlooking an important fact. It is true that just as we fought against Russian aggression, Russians will risk their lives to protect their homeland.

Hitler is leading the German people into the abyss. Hitler can't win the war, he can only bide his time! Instead of leading Germany to victory, he and his sympathizers are leading Germany to destruction.

But what are we doing? We have long since lost our objectivity. We do not see, we do not hear, and we give only blind support and loyalty to the propaganda of the liars in Berlin. Flags of local Nazi Party offices, banners on the streets and posters on walls bear the words 'We will win at any cost'. Is this really true?

Germans! Do you want you and your children to be doomed to lifelong slavery? Do you want to be held accountable like the liars? Do we want to be hated and rejected by all of humanity? no! With your actions, show that you think differently! Remove the veil of indifference you have wrapped around your heart! Make a decision before it's too late! Do not believe the National Socialist propaganda that imprinted the horrors of Bolshevism in your bones!

Do not believe Goebbels' lie that the victory of National Socialism will determine the well-being of Germany! Thugs, scoundrels and swindlers can never lead Germany to victory.

What can we learn from this war, a war marked only by destruction and greed? Hate begets hate, greed begets greed, and pride only leads to destruction!

The imperialist ambition to trample and dominate others must now disappear forever. Prussian militarism, which brought Germany to 1918, must never return to power. Only love and peace for one another can lay the groundwork for the reconstruction of Europe. Now Germany and Europe need democracy and equality, not Prussian-style militarism and National Socialism.

Germany must remain a republic, not an empire. Only a liberal democratic system can breathe new life into Europe, which was hurt and suffered by war. All people around the world, beyond Europe, should live with equal freedom and equality. Because we are human! A human being deserves to be called a human being only if he remains human! Even if it has the appearance of a human and claims to be human, if it has the thoughts of a beast and acts like a beast, we cannot call it a human!

Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of thought - these will be and should be the foundations of the new Europe.

Let us act while we still have time, while we can still choose our own destiny. Let us show the world that not all Germans are followers of National Socialism, that they love freedom and peace, and that they value democracy!

When I asked Himmler, he said that all leaflets were collected and incinerated except for a few left for evidence.

I folded the leaflet neatly and put it in the desk drawer. Because this was not just a leaflet, but an object of historical value.