Overnight, he became Hitler. I just wanted to play the game. If you want to return to the original world, you must win the war. ….. Is it possible?
Episode 276: It's Raining
November 21, 1943
soviet bisque
Khrushchev flew to Voroshilov and Budyuni at Stalin's order and delivered Stalin's warning to them.
Realizing the anger of their best friend Koba, the two became even more desperate. Fortunately, the current situation was in their favor.
The rebels of the Siberian revolutionary government fought tenaciously, but the difference in the number of troops and the quality of their equipment was too great.
Although the forces of the suppression force were divided due to the Jewish Autonomous Rebellion that occurred in the Amur region, there was no significant change in the battlefield.
As the suppression force soon advanced to Novosibirsk, the capital of the Siberian revolutionary government, Kulik and his staff fled to Biysk.
Kulik knew that if he was captured by the suppression forces, torture beyond imagination would await him.
Therefore, there was no option for him to surrender.
He hoped Germany would push in right now.
In this case, the Soviet army would have no choice but to concentrate its forces to the west to block the German army, and in that case, Kulik's rebel army would be revived.
However, for some reason, even though it had been more than three weeks since Kulik's rebellion, Germany had not made any significant movements.
Stupid German bastards. How can you kick away a golden opportunity that will never be seen before in history?
Kulik, not knowing what Hitler was thinking, attacked the Soviet Union and hurled all sorts of curses at Germany for not helping him, but even so, nothing changed.
What should I do now? Since the rebellion had already started, the only way for Kulik to continue living in the Soviet Union was for the rebellion to succeed.
But the rebellion was now in danger of failure.
Kulik, who was holding his head and pondering, soon made a decision.
"I'm going to China."
Kulik's subordinates unconsciously questioned the direction to China that came out of his mouth. But they soon realized that there was no other alternative than going to China.
Anyway, due to geographical conditions, the places they could go were limited to Mongolia and China.
However, Mongolia is a communist country, and Mongolia's head of state, Hurlegging Cheibalsang, is a Stalin admirer and is called the Mongolian Stalin.
Fleeing to Mongolia was an act of suicide.
As soon as Kulik's group arrived in Mongolia, Cheybalsang was delighted and would arrest them and send them to Kuybyshev.
Therefore, all that remains is China. Chinese Xinjiang warlord Sheng Shicai was once friendly to the Soviet Union and joined the Soviet Communist Party. However, when the Soviet Union was put on the defensive by the German-Soviet War, he betrayed the Soviet Union and arrested and executed all communists in Xinjiang Province.
Stalin was furious at Sheng Shicai's betrayal, but he had no choice but to leave because his nose was three feet tall.
In addition, Chiang Kai-shek did not forget his resentment against the Soviet Union for blocking the Sino-Soviet border and stealing American land lease materials.
Even if Stalin had asked Chiang Kai-shek to repatriate Kulik, there was no way Chiang Kai-shek would have even heard of it.
If you ask Chiang Kai-shek for asylum on the condition that you give him various confidential information about the Soviet Union, Chiang Kai-shek will allow Kulik and his group to seek asylum, saying that you are Mr.
"Hurry before it's too late. "Because I want to live as long as possible."
While the rebels in Novosibirsk were fighting for their lives against the suppressing forces, Kulik's only thought was to think about his own survival.
Kulik had no sympathy for the soldiers who had unknowingly participated in the rebellion he had started and were thrown into the firing line.
The Jewish rebels of the Jewish Autonomous State, who joined the revolts that took place throughout the Soviet Union and declared the founding and independence of Israel, were soon exposed to the relentless fire of the Red Army.
The Jews also knew that the Soviet army would immediately begin to suppress them, so they immersed themselves in defense preparations at the same time as the rebellion.
The weapons brought by soldiers who deserted from the Soviet Army, especially the I-15 and I-16, were extremely valuable assets.
The problem was that the Soviets had thousands of times more weapons and ammunition than all the Jewish rebels had combined.
It was clear that if the Soviet military tried to suppress it, they would be quickly overpowered, so Israel tried to ask for help from those around them.
Upon declaring independence, Israel requested support from Japan and Manchukuo.
Many white Russians who fled after being defeated in the Red-White Civil War and Jews who immigrated to escape oppression lived in Manchuria.
Manchukuo, which is under the control of Japan, which advocates anti-communism, would also be burdened by having a direct border with the Soviet Union, so if a buffer state were to be created between Manchukuo and the Soviet Union - ignoring the fact that the size of that buffer state would be the size of Taiwan - Wouldn't that be nice?
"Request for support? really?"
"That's right. "The Jews have asked for support with arms and ammunition."
"It is absurd that in Outer Manchuria there is a country called Israel that I have only read about in old books... … ."
"How much less support?"
"What should I do?"
"Ignore it. "Our noses are worth three pounds, so who is helping whom?"
Although the devastation of war had not yet struck Manchuria, the fate of Japan, which ruled Manchukuo, was as if the fate of the country had changed.
U.S. troops invaded the Philippines, and Thailand switched sides after a royal coup took place under the king's approval.
In China, the National Revolutionary Army, equipped with American weapons, launched a major counterattack and recaptured territories lost to the Japanese army.
The National Revolutionary Army also suffered great damage due to the Japanese army's resistance, but the damage was quickly recovered thanks to the combination of China's overpopulation and abundant supplies from the United States.
German military advisors also greatly assisted the National Revolutionary Army in driving out the Japanese army from the continent.
Japan, busy fighting the Allied forces on all sides, did not care about the fate of Israel, which was certain to be destroyed.
And although the Soviet Union is a potential enemy of Japan, it was also a country that once cooperated and is still importing wood and metal.
However, there was absolutely no intention to increase the number of enemies by provoking the Soviet Union.
The Soviet Union also judged that Japan, which was busy fighting with the United States and China, could not possibly help the Jews.
If it had been during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, the story would have been different, but now Japan and the Soviet Union were in a relationship where each was careful not to provoke the other.
"Kill all reactionaries!"
"You Jewish pigs!"
"The dogs of capitalism are not worth living. "Wipe it all away!"
In this way, the Jewish rebels in Israel suffered cruel revenge from the Red Army while everyone ignored them.
The pilots boarded the fighter jets with instructions to be careful not to accidentally cross the border and drop bombs on Manchukuo territory.
No one paid attention to the enemy's anti-aircraft guns. The insignificant weapons the Jews had would be difficult to deal with infantry, let alone anti-aircraft fire.
Birobidzhan, the capital of Israel, became a sea of fire due to the relentless bombardment of the Soviet Air Force.
Jewish soldiers fought back with Mosin-Nagant and Molotov cocktails against the Soviet troops who attacked with tanks.
Since they did not have anti-tank guns or anti-tank rifles, Molotov cocktails were their only anti-tank weapon.
Jews hid in trenches, alleys, and buildings, and when tanks passed by, they threw flaming Molotov cocktails and improvised bombs.
The Soviet army suffered quite a lot of blood from the Jews' Molotov cocktail attack, but they pressed on without any sign of hesitation.
How could the Red Army of the world be frightened by the resistance of even a handful of Jews?
A Jewish soldier who was running with a Molotov cocktail fell after being hit by a machine gun.
The Molotov cocktail, which was let go from the hand, crashed into the floor and broke apart, and the BT-7 advanced through the flames caused by the Molotov cocktail and fired its main gun.
The barricade made by piling up all sorts of miscellaneous items was quickly shattered by a single shot from a tank gun. Soviet infantrymen rushed into the space created by the tank.
"For Mother Russia!"
The morale of Soviet soldiers was high. The fact that their opponents were not German soldiers but Jewish militiamen armed with miscellaneous small arms also had a great impact on their morale.
At best, a Jewish militia with only machine guns is not even a handful.
Although there were few intact buildings after the bombing and shelling, Soviet officers allowed their soldiers to loot.
In addition to ensuring that the reactionaries who rebelled against the great Soviet Union were prevented from rising up again, it was also to prevent the soldiers from sympathizing with the Jews and to obey their orders more thoroughly.
The soldiers happily followed the instructions of their officers and looted the buildings.
Since they were Jews who had been robbed of most of their property and driven out to the remote corners of the Far East with only the clothes on their bodies, they had nothing of particular value in their homes, but the Soviet military did not discriminate between any type of item that seemed useful.
Due to changes in history, the Jewish nation of Israel, established in the Far East, was about to disappear into the other side of history no sooner had it been 'founded'.
November 23, 1943
Novosibirsk, USSR
After a difficult fight, the suppression forces finally entered Novosibirsk, the capital of the Siberian revolutionary government.
The T-34, which broke through the rebels' defense line and entered the city center, sped across the road and soon exploded. Through the thick smoke, wounded tank soldiers opened the hatch and came out, but were hit by bullets and fell to the ground.
"It's a land mine! caution!"
"They really are bastards!"
"Let's go to the end, okay?"
The suppression force was in a state of heightened venom.
They were not very loyal to the Stalin system, but when they thought that the reason they were suffering in this cold was because of the rebels, their eyes rolled back and the blood in their bodies seemed to flow backwards.
Officers also actively took advantage of this psychology of soldiers.
"Why have you gone through all this trouble?"
"It's because of those fucking reactionaries!"
"okay! You know it well! We went through all that trouble because of those damn traitors! Now it's time to see the results!"
"Death to reactionaries! "Bloody revenge on those who betrayed the people!"
Following the rule of 'bread for bread, blood for blood', the suppressing forces showed no mercy to the rebels. The rebels also included civilians who remained in the city.
"Ooh, we're civilians! "We are not rebels-"
"Shut up! Where are you talking? "You bastards."
Even civilians who did not participate in the battle and were hiding in corners of the house, basements, or air-raid shelters could not avoid bullets.
In the eyes of the suppression forces, everyone in the city was an accomplice. The main culprits who started the rebellion and made themselves suffer. Everyone deserves to die.
The rebels gritted their teeth and fought because there was no hope of survival even if they surrendered.
Civilians, ordinary housewives, the elderly and even children now carried ammunition and threw bombs and grenades at the armored vehicles of the rioters.
A BA-64 armored vehicle was hit by a grenade while rounding a curve and overturned.
While the wounded soldier was crawling out of the overturned vehicle, shells were fired towards the building, and the SU-203's heavy 203mm shell hit the building.
All the windows of the building hit by the 203mm shell were broken, and the militiamen firing machine guns disappeared in flames.
Despite fierce resistance from the rebels, the advance of the suppression force continued.
Almost the entire city center was taken over, and work was underway to block the outskirts of the city and eliminate rebels trying to escape from the city.
The operation itself was going smoothly, but Voroshilov and Budyun could not hide their nervousness.
They still didn't even know where the rebel leader Kulik was.
Suppressing the rebellion was important, but capturing Kulik alive and transporting him to Kuybyshev was most important.
But you don't even know where the most important Kulik is and what he is doing!
"… … "Is Kulik still here?"
"If I were Kulik, I would have jumped somewhere else by now."
We won't know until the city is thoroughly searched, but the probability of Kulik remaining here seems low. Voroshilov rolled his head desperately.
"Well, let's contact Koba first. "They say they captured Novosibirsk."
"Of course… … ."
Stalin was not satisfied with the news of the fall of Novosibirsk.
"What about Kulik? Where is Kulik?"
Stalin's greatest concern was whether he had discovered the whereabouts of Kulik, who had started the rebellion.
Even if you capture the city, if there is no one in charge of the rebellion, it is a total waste of time.
As Stalin urged him to ask, Voroshilov on the other end of the phone spoke hesitantly.
- We are still searching, comrade. We received information from the captured prisoners that Kulik was still in the city.
"Is that information true?"
-I don't know if it's true. Still, just in case, search... … .
"Comrade, it would be a big mistake to think that you can avoid responsibility because of your old friendship with me. "Didn't Khrushchev tell you that my patience has its limits?"
-… … I did it, comrade.
"Please, please don't disappoint me this time. "If you disappoint me again this time, I don't know."
Stalin hung up the phone without hearing Voroshilov's answer. You stupid asshole.
Germany still did not move.
An emergency alert was issued in the front-line area, but Malinowski's report said that as time passed, the number of soldiers complaining of fatigue was increasing.
Malinovsky was also afraid of offending Stalin and could not bear to say that the alert should be lifted.
However, increasing fatigue among troops is never a good thing, so they wrote in the report that they should be replaced with troops in the rear as soon as possible.
After reading Malinovsky's report, Stalin gave his permission after some thought.
As Malinovsky said, maintaining the alert is important, but if the fatigue of the troops is neglected, an unfortunate event may occur in which they may not be able to fight properly when it is time to fight.
When rear troops were deployed to the front, it took some time to become familiar with the terrain ahead.
Therefore, it was important to train the replacement troops now so that they could become accustomed to the front terrain as quickly as possible.
November 24, 1943
New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany
When reports of the movement of front-line Soviet troops came in, I held an emergency meeting.
Only after evidence arose one after another that the Soviet army's movement was an alternation of front and rear troops could they be relieved.
Because the alert lasted for nearly four weeks, the soldiers must have been exhausted, and they probably didn't know that they couldn't hold on like this.
The current time is 11:48 PM.
"Mr. President. "This is a call from Marshal Manstein."
Manstein was now with the leaders of the Free Russian Army in the Moscow Kremlin. Soon his confident voice reached my ears.
-All troops on the Eastern Front have completed all preparations and are awaiting instructions from His Excellency the Fuhrer.
"Are there any abnormal signs yet from the Soviet camp?"
-The Bolsheviks have no idea what we are preparing. Some units are still in the midst of troop changes, which leaves gaps in various areas of the front line. If you attack now, you are sure to win.
Manstein was 100% confident that this was a battle he could not lose if he was fully prepared.
Conceit and carelessness are always prohibited, but hearing such a confident voice made me feel relieved.