

After Fuhrer Adolf Hitler's address to the nation was broadcast, recruiting stations across Germany were crowded with people.

A mobilization order had already been issued and all those eligible for enlistment had either enlisted or were waiting, and those who were brought to the recruitment center were those who were excluded from enlistment because they were too young or too old.

"Enlist me immediately!"

"Excuse me, sir, but how old are you?"

"Why do you ask my age? "I have the strength to shoot that gun, so don't worry."

"I am grateful, but even without you, the National Defense Forces are enough-"

"There's no need for old people like me anymore!"

"Kid, this is not the place for you. "Go to school."

"School is closed today?"

"And I'm 14 now, so I'm mature enough!"

"If you really want to join SS, come back next year. got it?"

The people who were excited after hearing the President's speech and rushed to the recruiting station were of various ages and occupations.

There was a lively 12-year-old boy, an old man who had fought in the Franco-Prussian War, and everyone from locksmiths to cleaners to butchers. There were women among them.

"what the. "Are you a woman now?"

"What's wrong with being a woman? Even women know how to shoot and run, right? … … "She hasn't learned how to shoot a gun yet."

"I know it! When she was young, she often went hunting with her father. I caught a rabbit and a deer and... .."

"Okay, stop, stop."

"War is on a different level from a hunting ground. Deer and rabbits can't shoot, but Russians can. "He knows how to fire not only guns but also cannons, and he can even operate tanks and fighter planes."

"I'm 22, so I can enlist, right?"

"There are related regulations for women… .."

While the recruiting officers and public officials at the recruiting office were wandering around looking for regulations related to enlistment, the line in front of the recruiting office grew even longer.

Those who were refused enlistment rioted in protest against being refused enlistment, and even shock brigades and police had to be mobilized to maintain order.

The people, who had witnessed several miracles under Hitler's leadership, firmly believed in what their Führer said.

Although today was the first day of the war, the morale of the German people was higher than ever.

As long as there is a Fuhrer, Germany will never be defeated! Didn't the abominable Poland, the arrogant Britain, and the incompetent Marshal France bow their knees under the flag of Great Germany?

The vast Soviet Union will eventually follow in the same footsteps as the Tsarist Empire it overthrew!

"Germany, the greatest Germany, Germany that reigns over the world… .."

At the recruiting station, someone sang a German song and everyone around them started singing along.

Soon, everyone in the recruiting station was singing, and people lined up outside the recruiting station singing German songs as if they were under a spell.

The whole world was Germany, Germany.


From the moment villages and cities near the Soviet border were bombed and the Soviet army began to push in across the border, Hungary's participation in the war was almost certain.

Although the Soviet Union's goal was to keep the Hungarian army in check, not the complete occupation of Hungary, Hungary, whose cities were suddenly bombed and its borders violated, insisted on thorough retaliation regardless of the Soviet Union's intentions.

"The Russian invaders launched a surprise attack on Hungary, just as they had on Germany, without declaring war. At the same time, they dropped bombs on cities where civilians lived and shelled villages, killing more than 300 people.

This is a clear war crime, provocation and invasion. "Hungary will never stand by and watch atrocities like this."

Hungary officially participated in the German-Soviet War when Hungarian Prime Minister Lászlo Bardosi declared war on the Soviet Union at the Parliament Building in Budapest.

"Croatians! Germany, our eternal blood ally, has been attacked by the Soviet Union!

Stalin claimed that this was to repel Germany's ambitions of invasion, but any thinking person would know that this is a lie.

Germany did not hesitate to provide any support for the freedom and independence of Croatia. If Germany falls at the hands of Russian communists, then all of Europe will become communist, and Croatia will also fall under the rule of the Bolsheviks.

Do you, the people, want to return to the status of slaves? Or will you fight for the freedom of Europe?"

Countries that enjoyed prosperity and privilege under the shadow of Germany were extremely fearful of what would happen if Germany's shield disappeared.

Slovakia did it and Croatia did it.

Ante Pavelic, President of the Independent State of Croatia, decided to enter the war without delay.

Croatia was not the only country that was able to achieve independence thanks to Germany.

Montenegro also became independent thanks to Germany's invasion of Yugoslavia, as did Albania and Ethiopia, which were ruled by Italy.

"People of Albania! There are two things Albanians never forget from birth to death. One is revenge and the other is grace.

It is the law of Albania and the law of the world to make this country independent from its Italian oppressors and to help the Germans who protected it from the Yugoslav and Greek invaders! Let's all wake up! Let us go and help our brothers!"

"good! Don't even think about going and coming back alive. Fight, win, lose, die! If your limbs come back intact, I will never forgive you in my name! Those Germans fought for our freedom, now it is our turn to fight for their freedom.

Even if we don't talk about what our people have suffered from the Italians in the past, we will know the pain deep in our bones. Yes! Jim and you all know it. "If you know that and pretend not to know, you are just a dirty hypocrite worse than the invaders!"

King Jogu I of Albania personally announced his participation in the German-Soviet War and the dispatch of reinforcements in a speech to the nation. Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie also condemned the atrocities of the Soviet Union that invaded Germany and announced the recruitment of reinforcements led by Mahal Westfari, the imperial guard.

Albanians and Ethiopians, who remembered that their country gained independence thanks to German support, gave full support to the king and emperor's declaration.

Recruiting centers recruiting volunteers were overflowing with people, and volunteers flocked to stations and ports to board trains and ships to Germany, saying they would directly enlist in the German army.


"Laval, in which direction do you think France should move?"

"Shouldn't we move in the same direction as Germany?"

To Pétain's question, Laval answered as if it were obvious.

Pétain had already promised Hitler that he would fight on Germany's side if a war broke out between Germany and a third country in exchange for the release of French prisoners of war and the return of equipment.

Since Germany had been invaded by the Soviet Union, France had an obligation to help Germany as promised.

Since the puppet governments of Belgium and the Netherlands have already announced the recruitment of volunteers to help Germany, France also needs to show action soon.

"Rather, I think God gave France a chance."


"yes. If France did her best to help Germany, wouldn't Germany's attitude toward France change as well? Hitler defeated France, but the terms he offered were more lenient than the terms we demanded from Germany.

In my view, Hitler is clearly someone I can communicate with. "Isn't this something that His Excellency Marshal also acknowledges?"

"That's right."

Patin could never look kindly at Hitler, who brought irreparable shame to his beloved country, France.

Although a significant number of members of his government advocate for stronger cooperation with Germany, the military and police, and the pro-German and anti-communist militia Milice (La Milice française), who believe in him as a hero of national salvation and are loyal to him, oppose Pétain. Even though he was arresting and stomping on the 'traitors', his thoughts did not change.

He was even willing to give up his life if he could kill Hitler in exchange for the rest of his life.

However, on the other hand, he also admits that Hitler, who accepted his request and treated France more moderately than expected, was a more sensible opponent than ordinary Germans, and an even better opponent than the disgusting communists who were eating away at France. It was.

"If we show that we are actively helping Germany, we will have more to gain in future negotiations with Germany, Mr. Marshal. And wouldn't Germany's help be essential if we were to reclaim Indochina from the Japanese? "Alsace-Lorraine may be difficult, but we must regain Indochina."

"That's also true."

For France, Indochina was the second most important colony after Algeria.

Currently, Indochina is occupied by Japan and divided into the Empire of Vietnam, the Kingdom of Laos, and the Kingdom of Cambodia.

If the United States and Britain overthrew Japan, advanced to Tokyo, and obtained the Emperor's surrender, Pétain planned to make Indochina a French territory again.

However, this is where the US and UK may interfere. They claimed that they were the country that fought against Japan throughout the war, and that Indochina was also their trophy.

To fully regain Indochina, Germany's support and assistance may be needed. No, it was absolutely necessary.

It would be difficult for France alone, but if Germany were behind it, Britain and the United States would not be able to come out strongly against France over the Indochina issue.

If we were to provide a port in Indochina as a Pacific forward base for the German Navy, we would be able to attract support from Germany.

"You tell Otto Abetz. "France will also participate in the Great Soviet War."


Spain's Franco made the same choice as his teacher.

The German-German War was a new opportunity for Franco, who won the civil war thanks to support from Germany and Italy, and sought to modernize the Spanish army with German-made weapons and instructors. It was a golden opportunity to repay the debt owed to Germany and at the same time receive more support from Germany under the pretext of entering the war.

"Your Majesty, today the Soviet Union attacked Germany."

"I know."

King Haakon VII nodded slightly at Prime Minister Quisling's words. In Norway, the whole country was already in an uproar with the news of the outbreak of the German-Soviet war.

"Norway must also prepare to help Germany and participate in the war. "We have already been informed by German Marshal Nikolaus von Falkenhorst that the German forces stationed in Norway have completed preparations for battle, and that we can attack the Soviet Union immediately once our forces are ready."

Quisling seemed to have already made up his mind to help Germany and enter the war.

As long as the cabinet members belong to the National Coalition Party or are pro-National Coalition Party figures, it is safe to assume that Quisling's words are the meaning of the entire cabinet.

"But Prime Minister, is it really necessary for us to declare our participation in the war? Of course, we support Germany, but I don't think there is a need to declare participation in the war and officially put the country in a state of war."

"What do you mean by that, Your Majesty? Isn't Norway officially allied with Germany? "But now, if we refuse to fulfill our alliance obligations, how will Germany treat us in the future?"

Quisling was startled by King Haakon VII's words and raised his voice in an unusual way.

Even if Norway supports Germany's war effort, if it refuses to participate, Germany will judge that Norway is not fulfilling its alliance obligations, and this will greatly worsen the relationship between Norway and Germany.

In addition to national losses, the deterioration of relations with Germany will cause public confusion and opposition, which will soon lead to a crisis for Norway as a whole... …

To make matters worse, Haakon VII's older brother, King Christian

"… ...I understand. "We should also declare war on the Soviet Union."

"This is an extremely wise judgment, Your Majesty."

Following Denmark, Norway also declared war on the Soviet Union.


Many countries allied with Germany, including Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and Croatia, declared war on the Soviet Union or announced their intention to participate in the war.

The corners of my mouth naturally go up when I hear countless requests for war. Is this why people should live good lives?

Among the countries allied with Germany, Bulgaria and Finland are exceptions, so far there has been no response. Both countries have something in common in that they were very passive in participating in the war even in their actual history.

Fortunately, Finland had a grudge from the Winter War and entered the war because the Soviet Union attacked Finland first, but Bulgaria, which was historically close to Russia, maintained its neutrality despite endless pressure and appeasement from Germany and joined the Soviet Union in August 1944. He sided with Germany and declared war on Germany.

Here, we had not invaded but were being invaded, so we issued a statement criticizing the Soviet Union and declared support for Germany, but did not participate in the war.

"The Ambassador to Bulgaria said that both Bulgarian King Boris III and Prime Minister Bogdan Filov are reluctant to participate in the war. Instead, he announced that he would make Bulgarian ports and military bases available to the Wehrmacht indefinitely, and that he would raise volunteer troops and send them to Germany."

"In other words, they will do everything they can, so you are asking them to avoid pressuring you to participate in the war?"

"I guess so?"

"These disgusting bastards. "Thanks to someone, we were able to expand our territory, but now we're pulling out."

Göring's face scrunched up as if he didn't like Bulgaria's bat behavior. This time, Goebbels also agreed with Goering and advised me.

"We don't know how much of an impact the Bulgarian army will have on the Great Soviet War, but we must remind them that there are corresponding disadvantages if they do not fulfill their alliance obligations."

"Minister Goebbels is right. "Mr. President, how about using Romania to put pressure on Bulgaria?"

Himmler went one step further and argued that if Bulgaria continued to be uncooperative with Germany, bombers should disguise themselves as members of the Soviet Army and bomb the capital, Sofia.

Are you out of your mind?

"That's it, that's enough. I didn't expect any support from the Bulgarian army anyway. How helpful would they be even if they went to war? "It would be better to leave Bulgaria as a channel for contact with the Soviet Union when the time comes."

Bulgaria, which had refused to participate in the war in any kind or sense, was satisfied with the fact that it had announced that it would recruit and send volunteer troops.

Even if it does not participate in the war, Bulgaria will not side with the Soviet Union.

I thought it would be better to receive food and minerals from Bulgaria under the pretext of participating in the war.

The Bulgarian government is willing to do anything to avoid war, so if they do well, they may be able to import food and minerals at minimal cost.

Finland, like Bulgaria, seemed very embarrassed by the news of the outbreak of war.

Unlike Bulgaria, Finland's feelings toward the Soviet Union were the worst, but as it had only been two years since the war ended, there was a strong tendency among Finns to want to avoid war.

Not only the people but also the political world had the same trend.

But there is an old saying:

What's going to happen will happen somehow.

The Finns didn't want war, but they probably didn't think of war that way.