
Story till now part I

Izabelle Edwards lives with her family in a small town since her father's business went bad.  She lives with her siblings, Giselle, Gilbert, Asher and parents until one day a news reaches her. Her father was given refuge in a Lords' Manor however when he plucked a rose he was made a prisoner.  When asked the reason why he plucked the rose, Robert Edwards mentioned that his youngest daughter loved flowers and he felt compelled to get her something.

Unknown to Robert Edwards, the rose he plucked was a special rose.  As per a tradition the one who planted it and the one whom it was plucked for get betrothed the moment it is plucked for them.  Elber, a tall servant who barely looks human is sent to pick up the girl. Hearing about her father's capture Izabella rushes at once to get him released.

Soon after Izabelle is brought to the manor. Elber welcomes but she finds nothing welcoming about him or the manor. Shrouded in darkness not even the light from moon is able to make the manor any less threatening to her. Sucking up her fear she asks Elber to bring forth the master of the place as she could not imagine her father being a captive for any more time now that she had arrived. All the time she spends with the male servant she feels that he wants her gone  however he says nothing about it directly.

A sudden chill down her spine is the first indication of the lord's presence around Izabelle. Elber introduces the two and Izabelle gets straight to the point. When Elber brought her he just says that the lord demands to have an audience the lord tell her the reality. He tell her aboout the ancient tradition that runs in his family regarding the rose.  The rose, Roza, is a special rose that is bloomed by the males of the family. The rose remains in bloom until plucked. The rose never loses its shine however it does lose its petals one by one. When the last petal falls, the person who plants it and the person whom it is picked for are supposed to marry. He tells her that now that her father has plucked the rose for her Izabelle is betrothed and supposed to stay in the manor as the lady of the house. In return for them marrying when the last petal falls he would let her father go.

Izabelle exclaims out right that she wouldn't marry a stranger as she wanted to marry for love. She asks him to name another demand. Seeing that she wouldn't budge, the lord, having none of the grace he once had threatens her into staying. Now knowing that there was no other option Izabelle faces difficulties but says yes to his deal. In return he promises that her family would live in prosperity. The rules laid by him for her living there were that she would not come to the west wing but could do as she wishes with the east.

The first day at the manor she wakes up without a clue of the time and her whereabouts. A little hungry and feeling rebellious, Izabelle yanks off the curtains. She could do as she pleased with the east wing after all. Izabelle calls out for people but when there was no reply she steps out of the room with just a little candle. Within three turns, she is lost. Soon the candle too extinguishes and she feels like any hope of her getting out extinguishes with it. She falls asleep crying in the hall and is found the lord. He escorts her back to her room and tells him he would send someone with food. In comes Becka. An lady who seems centuries old with hair as white as snow and clothes as dark as night. She looks so fragile that Izabelle wonders if her spine would snap if she bends. Izabelle asks to help around with her but Becka shoots down the offer saying that the lady of the house shouldn't work as a lowly maid. Izabelle however thinks of helping around as a way to pass time. Knowing that Becka wouldn't let her help, she asks if she could get some books to read. Becka tells her that Toby would show her the way to the library.

Toby was a little boy who made Izabelle wonder if he would fly away if there was a gust of wind. He tells her that the library previously belonged to the Lord's mother. He doesn't use it much but likes to keep it in top notch condition. Toby leaves her at the door saying that the old lady demands that he helps around however he does say that Izabelle should call for him when she needs him. She said she wanted fire wood, lets him go and steps inside. Unknown to her the lord was already inside and the library was in the west wing. After a small chat seeing that she liked the library he says that she should consider the place a gift to her from him. He leaves after that and Toby arrives with some firewood she wanted.

To be continued..


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P. S- Yes I know I wrote this much before once.