

Dedicated to @justprutha for the awesome support :)


It's funny how quick time seems to pass one second and stop the next.

Izabelle wondered what kinds of secrets this place held. People came and vanished so quickly.

She wondered if time slowed down making it seem like forever. Maybe it was forever or maybe no time ever passed, she would never know. Maybe she will be lost, like currently, in the maze of a Manor.

She wondered where Toby was. That young boy had made a special place in her heart. But he too seemed to have vanished into thin air.

They had had a normal day or night whatever was going on. She had lost the track of time and took out her frustration in words hoping that someone heard and understood. Of course that understanding couldn't be expected from a boy that didn't look a day older than nine.

But nevertheless, he told her about the rose.

To be honest, Isabelle was really agitated by the mention of that loathsome rose. Somehow it had gotten her stuck in this deary place and now has her tormented till who knows when. If anyone in the universe heard her, she wished to be back with her family away from this dreaded Manor and it's equally dreaded rose and Lord.

The only person she would miss was Toby. Toby, he offered to take her to see the Rosa situated in some room in the West wing. She hesitated at first, then said yes. She was rather cross with the Lord and this place was making her rebellious side show. She was never really obedient anyway.

With the candle in her tiny hand and a robe tightened around her waist, she had followed Toby.

Through the maze of a Manor, he led her to a room and opened it only to quickly step back like he had been hit. Brushing it off, he had motioned her inside and she forgot that incident.

She had stepped in a few steps before almost immediately coming to a halt. The sight in front of her was, for the lack of better word, was a sight to behold.

Firstly, there was a moon. The from the moon fully illuminated the room as it came through an balcony. Izabella had contemplated pinching herself for a second. She could just bask in the moonlight forever and it seemed surreal that there was any inside the horrid Manor

Secondly, she had seen the reason her father would be so forward in plucking a flower from the garden of one who gave him shelter. The rose was enchantingly beautiful. Beautiful didn't even start to sum up how it looked under the shinning moon light and whatever candle light falling on to it. The texture seemed so velvety that Belle had wonder if the flower would even be felt by her finger. It was simply something one could imagine wars over like Helen of Troy. Izabella definitely could imagine why it was the perfect gift. It was simply the most enchanting, captivating, lush red rose in the history. What was more that it called out to her almost like a siren's song to touch it and gaze at it for all of eternity.

The rose even had one balcony open so that it could breathe in the chilly air of the night. Sitting in a clear flower stand filled with water it was inside a glass case with a few holes around.

Snapping out of the unnatural haze, Izabella had nudged Toby who was enthralled by beauty of the rose too and had followed her but stayed behind her.

She made her way towards the balcony but Toby didn't move forward and instead moved into the darkness.

Izabelle basked in the glory of the night. It was one of the most beautiful nights or maybe it was the fact that it was the most free she had felt all the time she had been in the Manor.

A sudden cold chill had gone down her spine. Izabelle had felt paranoia set through her as she looked around for anything that set off her sixth sense.

"" "

"Who is it?" She had said out frightened knowing there was no other but Toby around her.

No reply came and she had almost believed herself hallucinating.

"Toby let's head back," was what she she remembered saying before she found out that all calls for Toby to come were in vain. She was alone in the dark and very very lost the moment she had stepped out of the room to search for him.

