

Izabelle woke up a short while after the Prince. She stretched her limbs and turned around the comfortable bed and snuggled against the pillow a little while longer. It was one of the best sleeps she had had in a while and felt truly refreshed.  Mustering up the will, she stepped out of the bed and out to the see Red and the prince. She had no idea how long she slept but she knew that time was of essence and she needed to leave. The person she came across first was Ben, a shy person from what she had gathered about him.

"Hey Ben," Izabelle called out hoping to get his attention. He seemed to be headed somewhere around the house. "Izabelle," Ben said jumping a little.  He seemed to have something on his mind and in his hands.

"So you know where Red is?" Belle questioned looking around the house. A beautiful painting hung on the wall besides her and she wondered how the artists came up with ideas for such paintings.

"The kitchen I presume. Your friend woke up and she wanted to fix something up for you and him." Ben said looking uncomfortable. He shifted from one foot to another, the colour red constant in his cheeks.

"Why didn't she wake me up?  I should go help her. " Izabelle didn't mind helping around the house. If anything she was good at it. Red had been such a kind person,  it seemed like a terrible idea to sit by and do nothing as she feds them and gieves them shelter.

"I doubt she would let you even if you insisted. " Ben spoke softly. Then suddenly as if remembering something he excused himself. "I will bring your friend to you when he is done bathing. Till then why don't you enjoy my brothers company?  They are all together somewhere I think. "

Izabelle nodded and watched Ben go out of sight.  Against Ben's advice, she stopped by at the kitchen. She didn't feel good letting Red do everything for her.

"Hey Red." Izabell said entering the kitchen. Red seemed to have changed our of her morning clothes and had an apron tied to her waist.

"When did you wake up?" Red questioned turning around to look at her with a smile, "Had a good sleep?"

"Probably one of the best. " Izabelle spoke returning the smile. The smell in the air made her mouth water. Red truly was an amazing cook.

"That means the herbs in the tea worked. I could see you needed to relax your body when I met you in the morning. " Red went back to stirring. It was some kind of curry but Izabelle knew not of what.

"Thank you for it. I really feel rejuvenated. Oh I forgot. I didn't come here to chatter. Tell me how should I help you. I feel terrible just having you help without returns." Izabelle felt guilty seeing Red labour away in the kitchen for her. She looked around to see anything she could help with.

"Relax, it's just nice to have guests once in a while. Especially a girl." Red said with a small smile  and held one of Izabelle's hand to calm her down.

"We will have to leave as soon as the sun sets and my companion is up for travel." Izabelle said looking at her hand. A huge round purple ring with a silver band adorned the witch's hand.  Izabelle could have sworn it sparkled for a moment. 

"Of course, although tell me when you have to leave. I will make a small tunnel out of the forest for you.  That way no one would be able to hinder you journey out of the woods." Izabelle half heard the words of her host and didn't move her eyes from the ring.  It seemed to have enchanted her. She had seen such a ring before but where?

"You truly have done a lot for us." Belle peered her eyes away from the ring and said thankfully.

"It's nothing much really. If anything I should say it's because I pity the man for his curse. You are truly a nice person to help him." Red said, her body turning back to focus on the cooking.  Izabelle didn't reply.  She wasn't really out for the beast. It was more selfish than that. 

Her thoughts didn't turn into words. Izabelle watched the flames burn away as her thoughts went to Eliana, that girl was truly selfless. 

"Run along now, to the dinning table. I would tell you to go talk with the boys but they must be leaving any moment now. " Red said as she gave her dish a last stir and put it to the side. With a new cutlery she started working on other prepped items kept on the counter. 

"Leaving after dark?" Izabelle voiced out her thoughts.

"Job requirements. I can do nothing about it." Red didn't elaborate any further and Izabelle didn't ponder. She did however wonder what the men did.

As Izabelle turned to leave a figure made way to the kitchen.

"Your friend's waiting Belle, " Loke said passing by her.  He made his way straight to Red and gave her a hug as she continued working away with a laugh on her lips.  Izabelle took the moment to exit and make her way to the dinning table. All the way Izabelle admired the various things hung around the house and the showpieces.  The love for such decoration was visible on every corner.

"You are finally here. " Izabelle heard a voice she had become accustomed to. The prince sat on one end of the dinning table. His aura dominating as ever. 

"Are you well? " Izabelle asked.  Surely the confrontation must have not been easy for him.

"Yes. " The prince said without a second thought.  Izabelle found it hard to believe but didn't pursue the matter.

"When can we leave?" Asked the Prince looking around.  Izabelle could see he was not really comfortable sitting in the house for some reason.

"As soon as we are done eating. Red would make us a path so that the animals wouldn't be a problem again. " Izabelle replied and heard light footsteps. The prince nodded. It seemed like he couldn't wait to get out of there.


Until next time,

