

Izabelle's heart felt heavy as she carried on into the night. Words from tale of the Red echoed in her brain but none were within the reach of comprehension.

Chants for well-being of the prince rung in Izabelle's head along with the old tale. The trees went past and within moments she had reached the end of the road to a diversion. With no idea where to head to and mind filled with worry, Izabelle bit back all her worries and need to throw up. 

Focus,  she said to herself.  Stars would help. Breathe, she instructed to her mind.  Breathe.  Howls in the distance were still continuing, scared for another, she took a deep breath and calmed her nerves.

the echo stopped and the words in her mind gave way to to the legend of the Red. '


Izabelle remembered the words that rung in her mind just like she had read them in the book. Anuyasha the old witch that had turned evil just so she could live another day and the red wolves that served under her. What if? Izabelle thought and started to look around. In a distance to her right Izabelle noticed smoke in escaping to the air.  It had been a little around ten minutes since Isabelle had left and she was anxious to know if the Prince was able to escape. Turning to her left, she quickly ordered her midnight black stallion to run. The sun was almost up and the prince would burn if it continued. 

"Be brave, Run wild, There's a lot you have to do, Be up, awake, Free to new possibilities,Hush, Don't be scared,  Run free, run wild, There is nothing to be afraid of." Izabelle sang to herself in a hushed voice as she started into the unknown. Her heart wished with all its might that the good witch was still alive and could hold back these wolves before they tear up the prince.

"Hello there!  Where are you off to this fine dawn?" A voice came from somewhere stopping Izabelle in her tracks quite suddenly. It was a tiny girl half of Izabelle's height and while she was on her horse the girl looked even shorter. 

"Hello," Izabelle said cautiously. "Who are you?"

"The name's Red.  I live around here." The girl said sweetly. With golden brown hair that reached past her shoulders and a long heavy bright red cape, the girl was beautiful.

"You do?" Izabelle said with a spark returning in her dull and tired eyes.

"So. you know how to fend off the wolves? My friend is in trouble!  I was searching for the great witch Anuyasha to ask for help.  But I,  but I don't know where she lives. And now because of this he might be dead by now!" Izabelle spoke all out rapidly. Her hands clenched in her front of her in a fist to stop her from crying out of helplessness.  She was useless and this had taught her that more than ever. 

"Fear not child.  The moment he held back till the sun hit the horizon, the wolves had vanished back to their homes." The girl said all of a sudden sounding extremely mature. Izabelle bit down from her horse feeling it was rude to talk while she sat and the little girl stood on foot.

Out of no where the little girl hugged Izabelle and took a step back again.

"Izabelle Edwards is it? You are truly brave to have set foot on this path.  Or maybe just naive. This forest is under a witch's spell at night to hunt intruders. Had it not been near the day break, you would have died long since." Red said swinging a basket full of herbs in her hand. From what Izabelle could guess they were medical herbs.

"Let's go now, to your prince." Red said and started moving leaving behind a confused Izabelle to follow her.


