

Elena was furious. Her cousin sister had stolen the prince from right under her nose! It was a hindrance in her plan to kill off the ever persistent Izabelle. Elena had calculated that the girl would slowly lose her mind in the castle stuck between the power of her sister and herself.  However that did not happen. Ocassional passing out was all so much magic around her did to her mortal body.  Elena didn't take well that the prince was paying her attention. Hearing the girl talk? The prince wasn't suppose to do that.  Elena had been far more annoyed with the girl since the incident when he let the girl out of the manor.  He wasn't supposed to be nice.  The prince was supposed to be looking at the girl as a hope that he can never achieve. Torment others like Elena was tormented.  The world should know the misery, starting with the prince. Why was she the only one left bitter when everything ended?

The winter outside was storming like the winter inside her heart. No matter how many spells she cast to locate her sister or the girl or the prince himself, all the attempts were futile. She needed to do something even though her sister couldn't break the spell.  No way in this world would she let the last three weeks of the Prince's life be that of leisure. She wouldn't have him hiding in his castle this time around. She would make him cry like he made her the past hundreds of years.  She won't let his finger go off the spindle so easily.

She remembered all the time that they spent together and the time they didn't.  How she would watch the prince from a far hoping one day he would realize.  But alas, all he ever saw her was as a childhood friend, One of the twins or the captain's daughter. He saw her as a friend too but his friendship with her brother Eric was far greater. Then came Eliana. It seems like the prince would love or be friends with everyone in her family but her!  The one who loves him the most.  Even their father treated him like a son and he treated him like an uncle. Then why?  Why was she the only one passing as an ordinary friend? The one who had to watch from the sidelines as the cousin she loved dearly is being sweeped off of her feet by the man she loved leaving her alone with nothing. Was she not pretty enough?  Was she not womanly enough?  Why couldn't her charms woe him like hers did? All the girl who saw him would always fall. He was that beautiful. One by one she had seen the prince make girls fall for him but them why was Eliana different? Why was he affected by her rather than it just being a play?

She wasn't planning to play nice after he betrayed her like that. She would have her revenge.  She would see everything dear to him destroyed and the only salvation at the end of his life would be her. Then, at that time when his life hangs by a thread, she would see if she wants to play with him or let him die like countless others in the grand plan.

Dear sister Eliana, you are not taking her prey away from her so easily.

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Hope you liked this chapter..  It's more like an extra. Anyway don't forget to vote and comment accordingly =)