

Eliana did not return for a day and Izabelle could do nothing but roam around in the small cottage and make herself comfortable.

In the time she had been alone she took it on herself to help around the house. It was mostly because she could not sit idle. It was written on the note left behind 'Be comfortable' so she was going to be it. Being in the small house was better than being stuck in the dark, dull and gloomy manor. It was like a breath of fresh air making its way into a room locked away for ages. She was born anew as she forgot about her worries singing and cooking. Cooking helped her relax and she hadn't cooked for herself in a long time. The Beast- Prince- went berserk when she proposed the idea of helping around to spend time.

Just a while ago she had gone into the garden and was welcomed by a large array of herbs. The cottage was like a little piece of heaven for her. Herbs were one of the things she enjoyed. She had served as a nurse back in the village when her father had been in the troublesome times. It was soon after that she came to know that she has a knack of using herbs. Her tutelage under the old doctor had proven useful on many accounts. Once when her mother had fallen terribly sick Izabelle came to her rescue taking herbs from their garden mixed with some from the forest. It was quite convinient as the herbs were rare and had they bought them or gone to another herbalist for the normally treatment, it would have cost them more than they could earn that month.

That day as Izabelle relaxed and remembered how she was a month ago, the beast was in agony.

Again. She had done it again.

Prince Adam paced around the small confines of the room he was captured in knowing fully well what was going on. She was at it again, his tormentor. She surely wanted the girl he had in his manor dead. He didn't know what that fragile girl has done to annoy the witch that she had taken such a measure. He knew if he remained another two days in this captivity of depravity, he would kill whoever he saw first. His hunger would get the best of him. It was all the part of that moronic curse. It was pitiful how he couldn't even remember how to act like a normal human being. He had forgoten how to act the part of him that was curseless long ago. His memory was distorted and he was but trapped in a timed prison of torment that did not see day or night.

He often imagined things during this time. Things like how it would have been if he did turn human. He wondered how he would look. He vaguely remember how anyone in his past looked. His mother, he father, they were all distant memories. It was useless to even think about it all now. In two days time he would have lost his mind to hunger and kill the only chance of freedom. He would live. Live till the petals fall knowing that there was no chance to escape. He had already accepted that but then time and time again a girl appears. A little beacon of hope that he was absolutely sure to keep away from himself this time. But no matter how he tried he had a will to live. He did not want to die a demon. The more he tried to distance himself the more he craved human contact. Every time he talked to that human girl something would happen. It resulted in him losing his calm and the beastly aura made her go blank. He can't even keep his emotion in check.

Emotions. Pain, anger and frustration, are there more? Love, hope and peace, they were long foreign to him. The moment he had been taken into this cell he knew that he wouldn't be the same again. He would kill the moment he steps out hungry. Then he would be back in his castle. He would spend his days waiting in the dark. Waiting for a painful death was all he could do. His only regret was that years ago he could not tell someone how much he adored and appreciated her.


