
23 complete

Izabelle Edwards stared at the lady in front of her. She couldn't believe her ears. What was this lady going on about? Witches? Castle? Curses?

As ice answered to the lady's command in front of her, Izabelle had to believe what she had just heard. As she sat back on the seat the words were ringing more than clear in her head just like all that had happened since she woke up and demanded answer to where and with whom she was.

"Belle," the lady had started her first words since she had woken up, "calm down you are with a friend."

"Sit back and listen clearly. I have not done this many times but I would like to explain the circumstance you have found yourself in to the best of my abilities. I would like you to listen in one go without any questions in between. Would you do that Izabelle?" The lady ended her words with a threat making Belle nod without a thought. The white hair did not go well with a sharp eye. The made Izabelle squirm.

"Well then. Listen well. A life depends on what you do. The life of the man you know as Lord Willington." Izabelle's interest perked up and she wanted to question however decided not to and kept on listening intently.

"The one you know as Lord Willington, the one you may think of as a beast is not one. Do you know his name?" Izabelle gave the white haired lady a blank stare.

"Speak up." She commanded. Bipolar was the first thought in Izabelle's mind.

"Damon, Dante, Drake, I do not remember exactly. I have only heard it once before I think. " Izabelle said getting a little scared of the so called friend in front of her.

"It's Drake Adam Willington. Also known as Prince Drake by the masses.Some even know him as Prince Adam." The lady let the words set in for a while, "However those who knew him have long since passed. "

Was all Izabelle could think.

"It was about a century and a half ago. Do not give me that look and listen," the lady scholded. " Prince Adam was a young Charming man. His brown hair, his gray eyes, his scent. They drove girls mad left and right.

It was during a ball that the main event took place. It was probably from before that. It was a girl from the castle. A girl who had seen and loved the prince from near and a far, or so she thought.

I am not making sense am I? " The lady sighed and continued with her monologue without looking at Izabelle.

"This kingdom, it was once known as Alera. It was the most prosperous kingdom of them all. Alera, the Kingdom of snow and fire. Alera the most beautiful. The Kingdom made me fall in love with it before I even step a foot in it. The Kingdom you know now is just a fragment of what it used to be. All because of one person. Funny isn't it? How a person can cause such a demise.

Her name was Elena. Elena Stone. She was the daughter of the Captain of the guards. Along with her brother she would play with the prince when they were young. Along the way she did not know when she fell in love.

Then came Eliana. Her cousin, someone who she was always in a competition. Who knew when a healthy competition would turn into a full out war. A war that has taken countless lives and hostages.

Eliana and Elena, they both fell in love with the same person, the prince. Funny thing was he never knew, not until it was too late to turn it all around. He never cared for anyone's feelings you see? He was one of those men who leave you heartbroken. You know they will leave you heart broken yet you go ahead anyway and give your heart to them.

Too bad, Eliana took the heartbreak without a regret but the same could not be said for Elena. Nobody won. Not the prince, the girls, the country. Elena however, she couldn't take the loss. She wanted the Prince to suffer. Does love really mean wanting the person you love to suffer just because they did not love you back? Eliana did not share the same mentality and there you have the full blown war. Elena cursed the Prince. Eliana tried to take it away.

That's where you come into the scene Izabelle.

There is the custom of the Rosa. A magical rose, I am sure you know of it. Elena cursed him to find a girl to fall in love with knowing that won't happen. She plucked the Rosa for herself. If before the last petal fell the Prince came to value love and fell in love, he would be free to go. Free from the curse, free to rule. However if he could not fall in love, he would die. Elena knew he wouldn't fall in love with her, she had a tiny hope Now that his life was on the line and she was the one with the Rosa.

Eliana didn't like the set up. She knew no one could be forced to love. As the petals fell, she altered the curse. She couldn't undo the curse because only the cursed and the one who cursed had the power. " The lady stopped talking and her eyes glazed over. She was remembering something as she gave Izabelle to came in terms with what all she had heard.

"What.. What did Eliana alter?" Izabelle asked quietly. Her voice seemed to ring through out the room because of how deadly silent everything was.

"She just gave him years of torment worsening the curse. "
