

About an hour after the fitting Izabelle stood next to the hearth trying to add to the dying fire. The cold that day seemed to be going beyong her imagination and she was sure this was the coldest winter she had endured till date. She wondered if it was snowing outside. Last year Asher had a huge snow ball fight with her that ended with them falling a little sick and her mother getting a sore throat from all the shouting about unlady like manner. Sweet memories they were.

"Your lunch Miss Edwards." Becka said setting a tray on the table in the room.

"Thank you Becka but how many times do I have to tell you to call me Belle? Or Izabelle?" Cool breeze came in through the chimney making the flames flicker. The small flame provided little to no pretection against the cold and Izabelle shivered. "Cold day Miss?" Becka said seeing her shiver and coming next to her with a wood in her hand to add to the fire.


"'Tis the darn snow Miss. Falling like the witch's curse today." Becka said in a manner that seemed like the words themselves were curses of a sailor. she seemed to dislike snow.

? It took a moment for the word to register in her brain and she stood up suddenly. She needed to breathe some fresh air and being out in the Snow did not sound bad.

"Becka? Will you like to go out in the snow with me?" Izabelle asked hopefully. Since the day she has stepped in the manor she was yet to go out. She has lost the count of days she was here for and it was probably around a month.

"Me in the snow miss? I can not." Becka paused for a moment. "However when you finish with your food I can help put in a good word for you so that you could go out."

Lets just say, Izabelle had never eaten food so quickly.


By the time Belle was done with her food Becka had all that was required. A permission to go out and a warm coat. Belle could not have been more over joyed even though Becka told her that the Lord has said that she could go out even though she had to remain within the walls. Belle agreed and was lead to the main door. She didn't fail to notice that the manor was not that dark anymore. Fire was lit to lighten up every few steps apart. A needed progress done in the past month.

"Just remember, inside the walls." Becka warned and opened the doors.

Fresh cold wind greeted Izabelle and she closed her eyes while taking a deep breath. She felt the air greet her and wrap her like a old friend. With a smile she stepped out feeling like a kid having her first experience of something new. Becka and her capture was forgotten as she looked at the glistening snow under that star light. Happy memories flooded her mind as she ran out of the manor and basked in the freedom.

"Who would have thought that a person shall yearn for the simplest of things like the feel of nature beneath their feet?" Izabelle said to no one in particular as she entertained herself by admiring the snow clad trees and smiling as she would catch a bit of the white cold beauty in her hands.

"For that I am deeply apologetic." A familiar voice came from behind Izabelle breaking her haze. It took a moment for her to unfreeze and turn around.

"Lord Willington, what a surprise. I was not expecting to see you out. " Belle said with the reality finally coming back to her. The lord stood in his usual cloak with head tilted as if studying the young lady.

"Ah yes. The inside was becoming stuffy and knowing that you were out here I hoped to check up on you." To say Izabelle was offended could not even summon up what she felt. Nevertheless she put it aside by taking in a deep breath like how her mother always asked her to.

"Very well then. I hope you are pleased to hear I am in excellent health at this moment, mentally and physically. I wish to spend some time out here and reminensce about the past few winters." Izabelle said in the politest way she could say that and hoped the man in front of her had half a brain to understand that she wanted him gone from there.

"What happened these past winter?" The raspy voiced person asked. A smile lightened up Belle's face as she started to think of all the fun time she had spent with her family and friends. She remembered Tod, the hen. Tod had come out of his pen and silently made his way to a sleeping carriage driver. Somehow he had found a way to climb up to the face of the driver and spook him. After that was a chain reaction. The man screamed. Then the hen. Then the horses neighed and stood up tall on two feet for a second before taking off while the owner screamed at the carriage to stop.

"Ash, my brother, and I went to this winter festival in the village. There was a huge fair and I still have the wooden doll he won for me in the archery competetion. After that he taught me archery over the summer."

"Brothers, an annoying delight. Aren't they?" The lord said making Izabelle squirm. It was as if she was under his intense gaze.

"Yes.. Yes they are." She said look the other way. The lord however was not willing to drop the first genuine conversation. "Tell me more," he said and hence started the sweet conversation that stood a chance to lead to something.