
Beauty And His Beasts

Being a high school student wasn't an easy take for a kid like Hao Shen who hated the whole of society and wish he wasn't a part of it. What he hated the most was having to communicate with people who don't understand his point of view, so he kept his thoughts to himself and became an invincible classmate that is only seen when the results are out. Some how he caught the attention of this annoying kid called Feng Qi, he called him a kid but Feng Qi was a year older than him. Feng Qi would bother him everytime he had a chance until Hao Shen recognized him as his only friend it didn't take long for Hao Shen to realize he had feelings for Feng Qi. He kept it to himself until he felt that he wanted to know if Feng Qi would fill the same, but when he finally opened up, everything went wrong. Feeling heart broken Hao Shen made his first reckless decision which brought him to a new world. He had a mission but his mission was too hard for him but he pushed through with one wish in mind, nothing was going to stop him.

LaraK9 · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Male Or Female

Turns out he had magically transmigrated to this world, Hao Shen wasn't the type of person that would read any sort of novels, but he has heard a thing or two about transmigration novels from his classmates.

But hearing about it doesn't mean he knew what was happening, or what he was supposed to do.

Hao Shen was vexed, how was he supposed to complete the systems download when it hadn't even given him any instructions.

While Hao Shen was still laying-down thinking of his current predicament, he heard the bolder being moved.

Hao Shen was not yet ready to face the people of this world so he just closed his eyes, pretending to still be unconscious, He could hear the foot steps of two people coming near him.

They seem to be talking about him.

Vince was a little too tired yesterday and did not notice anything wrong with the female, but now that he looked at her, he noticed that 'her' chest was completely flat, and her scent wasn't of the milky smell all female's had, she had the musky smell of an immature male beastman.

'This wasn't a female, but a male beastman, was this a joke?, did Kevin bother him constantly for a male beastman'

Vince was beginning to think that their was something wrong with Kevin, or was Kevin deliberately doing this to mess with him.

He turned and looked at Kevin, strangely he found out that Kevin's face was quite serious, for someone who was just playing tricks on him, Kevin looked a bit too worried for the beastman.

'Could it be that this beastman was the one playing tricks on Kevin, he must be pretending to be female, and because Kevin has been so abstinent for so long and did not like spending time with other females, he didn't know the difference between males and females, and believed in the lies of this beastman'.

At the thought of this, Vince got angry and wanted to help Kevin find out the truth, he couldn't stand seeing a strong beastman like Kevin being tricked like this.

if what he thought was indeed the case, how could he convince Kevin that this was a male and not a female.

But what if Kevin found out and wanted to kill the beastman for tricking him, well that was none of his business, the beastman brought this on himself.

Vince swallowed his saliva and asked Kevin "Is this really a female" he started not wanting to be too direct and startled Kevin.

Kevin on the other hand was a bit puzzled by the question that just popped out of nowhere.

Kevin noticed the strange glint in Vince's eyes and thought that something bad must have happened to the female, but when he heard the question, he could not help but wonder what this question had to do with the female's health.

"she is definitely female". Kevin said not wanting Vince to over think her situation.

Then a thought hit him, 'could it be that Vince had found out the strangeness in this female's body, and could her condition be the reason why she faints all the time'.

Kevin didn't know much about the female's strange condition, and until he found out about it, he didn't want anyone else to know about it, so he decided to hide it from Vince.

Vince's expression became even weirder,  Kevin's response just now showed how certain he was of the beastman's identity, their was nothing anyone could possibly say to change his mind.

Vince knew that their was no way he could convince Kevin without offending the latter.

He had to think of a way to let Kevin know about this without offending him or else, when Kevin finds out, he would blame him for not telling him the truth, and might beat him to death.

Apart from finding out that the so called female was actually male, Vince didn't find any other thing wrong with him.

"Have you given him, cough, cough, her the medicinal herbs I told you about yesterday" Vince almost choked when he slipped up and called the beastman a he in front of Kevin, he still wanted to live a very long life, thank you.

Kevin had completely forgotten about the herb. And after being reminded, he quickly left the cave to find it, leaving Vince alone with Hao Shen.

The minute Kevin left the cave, Vince turned back to the unconscious beastman, it only took him a little while before he came up with a rather sinister idea.

In other for him to prove that the  female was actually a male beastman without having to say anything to Kevin, Vince was going to strip this beastman and leave him naked, so that when Kevin gets back he would see the truth.

Thinking he came up with a really good plan, he started putting his thoughts to action, stripping the beastman naked.

He was only able to touched the beastman's beast skin, when he felt that someone was glaring at him, he looked up and then suddenly jumped back.

The glare of that beastman sent shivers down his spine, but it was only after jumping back did he realized that what he did just now was stupid, he was stronger than this beastman, why should he be afraid of him.

The latter wasn't even at any level, what right did he have to glare at him like that.

Feeling angry at himself for being scared of a weakling, Vince stomped forward, he wanted to teach this daring beastman a lesson.

He had only took two steps forward when he felt someone grabbing onto his shoulder, Vince flinched in pain, the person used too much strength to hold him, that he even felt weak on the knee, if not for the hand holding him, he would have fallen to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Came the angry voice of Kevin.

Vince turned around and saw Kevin looking at him with cold eyes, this was much more scary than that of the young beastman.

Kevin was releasing his beast pressure something he never did before.

When Kevin returned, he saw that Vince was trying to remove the beast skin covering the female, it made him really angry that he wanted to kill Vince right there and then, but he controlled himself.

Vince wanted to explain himself but the beast pressure didn't let him, he was feeling wronged, all he wanted to do was to help Kevin but he got himself in trouble, if he manages to survive this, he promised not to ever involve himself in the relationships of others.

And just like that, Vince was mercylessly dragged outside.

Hao Shen watched as Vince was being dragged out and sighed in relieve, he honestly thought the guy was going to rape him.

How did Hao Shen come up with this?.

Well it started when he realized that they mistook him for a female, he wanted to clear things up but he didn't want them to know that he was awake.

His thoughts were running wild at that moment, 'could it be that I look very similar to the women of this world'.

He wanted to ask the system this question, but the system was unavailable at the moment.

Hao Shen kept listening to their conversation, he heard the new person asking for some medicinal herb, and heard the other person leaving.

Hao Shen was thinking if he should clear things or just let them keep thinking that he was female, when he felt someone grabbing on to his clothes.

Hao Shen opened his eyes on reflex, if he could he would have slapped the guys hands away, but his body was still very weak,so all he could do was glare at the man.

The first thing that popped up in his mind was 'Could it be that this guy tricked the other guy to leave so that he would have his way with me?'.

He felt that the man pause, then looked at him before immediately jumping back.

Hao Shen was glad that the man was no longer going to continue with his plan, but he lost hope when he saw the man angrily looking at him and walking forward again.

Hao Shen was about to yell that he was male and not female when he heard a deep voice asked "What are you doing?"

he felt his hope being rekindled when he saw the person who just left, had returned looking like he was going to murder someone.

'Did he find out that this person had tricked him', after watching him drag the man away he felt that being a female in this world was not a good thing so he was going to tell the guy when he gets back that he was male.

After waiting for a while, Hao Shen saw Kevin returned covered in blood and thought 'being a man is also bad... then what should I be?. male or female?'.