
Chapter 9 :Car ride



 Silence is all that can be heard from the Vincenti's mansion as even the maids and servants moved carefully not to make too much noise as they knew the don hates noise.

 The chefs being the best of the best and known world wide moved around in the kitchen professionally.

 Two focused on the desert while the other two focused on making the perfect dish for don vincenti.

 Rosaline,Bella's mom just stayed in the kitchen helping the chefs as they prohibited her from touching anything which are orders from Raffaele who warned them not to stress her out.

 Already used to working and making something Rosaline remains persistant and stays there in the kitchen.

 The kitchen which is ridiculously large with it being the 6th kitchen in the whole house as almost all the floors in the Vincenti's mansion had kitchens stationed there and people to tend to the kitchen.

 The white tiled walls of the kitchen sparkled clean,with other parts made with expensive grey coloured marbles.

 The counters,sink and everything there was made spacious to fit as much as 20 people and it was often used for occasions.

 The other Servants moved around the living room cleaning the already spotless area to avoid the wrath of their always angry boss.

 Bellarosa skips down the stairs wearing a black thigh length leather skirt that hugs her curves,a black long sleeved shirt that moulds perfectly with her body and compliments her beautiful milky skin.

 Black heeled boots,a black leather jacket, A grey coloured gucci bag.

 Bouncing down the huge stairs of the Vincenti's mansion her brown hair which is put in a ponytail and the edges curled bounced with every movement,today she felt like dressing different hence the different black outfit as she mostly wore bright coloured clothes.

 Her makeup however is kept simple with a dust of nude eye shadow that makes her grey eyes pop out along with the help of a winged eyeliner,a pink lip gloss and some mascara that makes her already long lashes longer.

 Reaching the edge of the stairs she sees her mom serving the breakfast table along with some other workers and she rushes towards the woman.

 ''Good morning beautiful''Bella greets her mother and places a kiss on the older woman's face who smiles brightly at her sight.

 ''Good morning beauty''Her mother tells her and wraps her arms around her,Rosaline turns her attention back to the dishes to make sure they arewell arranged when she feels her daughter tugging on her peach coloured designer dress.

 ''Hmm''Rosaline hums out to indicate she is listening to Bella.

 ''I'll get going now''Bella says and immediately her mother's gaze snaps to he''Sit down for breakfast''Rosaline tells Bella who shakes her head vehemently showing how eager she is to go to school.

 Rosaline sighs and pats her head knowing she has already lost the battle with her daughter who grins before turning towards the front door to go call the driveer.

 With happy bouncy steps Bella heads for the door.

 ''Come here''A deep hoarse voice rings out behind her and she immediately freezes along with the others in the living room.

 The servants immediately lower their gaze as the aura emitting from the man is simply terrifying.

 Bella turns quickly only to see Raffaele standing at the edge of the other side of the staircase which has cold railings.

 She cannot help but marvel at how handsome the man seems to look everyday.

 His dark hair is swept back with only two strands framing his face his hair reaching his shoulders,the hard but soft contours of his face makes him devlishly handsome his green eyes looking dark and intimidating,the stubble present on his face did nothing but to make him look rugged,manlier and handsome.

Her gaze moves towards his body which is clad in a three pieces black armani suit,the suit jacket hugs his body perfectly outlining his perfect body and it makes the muscles on his hand bulge slightly and look bigger.

 The trouser hugs his perfect strong thighs and makes his already long legs look more attractive.

 All in all Bella marveled at his perfection and cannot stop herself from gazing at the man.

 ''Come and eat your breakfast''Raffaele speaks out gruffly his voice leaving no room for arguement while his eyes roam round her body his jaw thightening.

 He had the urge to tell her to go change into something but gives up the idea when he remembers she looks good in everything and all her clothes did nothing but hug her beautiful figure that makes her plump ass move with her every step.

 He also has the urge to pin her against the wall and ram into her like a beast but he controlled himself.

 'Soon Raffaele'He mentally says before striding towards the dinning table already set out with dishes that makes ones mouth water at the mere scent.

 Walking meekly to the table with her head down and a reluctant expression on her face Bella walks towards the table unable to defy his orders.

 'Go eat your breakfast'She mentally mocks the don's voice a scoff coming out of her lips which makes all the heads to snap towards her direction. 

 Realising she said it out loud with the scoff Bella ducks her head her cheeks turning red in embarassment and she speed walks towards the table sitting on the right side of Raffaele.

 Her mother smiles shaking her head and Raffaele walks towards the older woman whose brown hair is put in a bun her brown eyes shinning with kindness.

 He opens his arms embracing the woman who is like a second mother to him before placing a kiss on her cheeks.

 ''Good morning Ma''Raffaele greets her and Rosaline grins patting his cheeks a gentle look in her eyes.

 ''Morning,sit you guys will be late''She urshers him to sit and sits on her chair and the servants start serving them their food. 

 Still annoyed and feeling wronged Bella pokes her food a few times her eyes filled with irritation she starts eating when Raffaele lets out a stern 'Eat'.

 After eating she stands up grabbing her bag and starts heading for the door.

 ''Wait''Raffaele calls out behind her and she immediately tenses.

 She still feared the intimidating man whose eyes makes her feel weird.

 ''I'll drop you''He says or more like command before walking out of the house and towards a sleek white Range rover car.

 Bella looks at the car and a giddy expression fills her heart as she loves cars.

 Her expression however changes when Raffaele opens the door to the backseat and gestures for her to enter,remembering she is to be in the same confined space wirh the scary man she turns to her mother and Milla for help.

 They both grin with thumbs up which makes her scowl before matching towards the car.

 Entering she mutters a thank you and soon Raffaele enters and his powerful intimidating aura immediately envelops the car and it almost makes her choke.

 The driver enters the car who is another driver and from the sweat present on his forehead one can tell the man is scared.

 ''Drive to her school''Raffaele orders and takes out his laptop setting it on his spread out legs and he starts opening his mails.

 ''Thank you don''Bella whispers which earns her a grunt from the man.

 Bella looks out of the window her gaze focused on the moving trees and the streets she could already see some people turning to look at their car and taking pictures.

 After sometime she turns to look at the man beside her whose gaze is focused on his laptop and she cannot stop herself from subtly starring at him.

 Her eyes look from his perfect long black hair, narrowed perfect eyebrows which is capable of making any girl jealous,high cheekbones perfectly carved,high bridge nose,the plump lips and chiseled jw before it settles on his ear with a black diamond earring.

 Bella is stunned when Raffaele suddenly turns to look at her and he catches her stare on him.