
Chapter 43

Chapter Forty-Two

Lot of Hurt Going on

Luke and I got to Noah's house after the others since we had left later.

When we got there, my dad, Noah's parents and brothers along with the rest of the friend group where all sitting around in the family room.

Noah's mom looked drained out and exhausted as she sat on the couch and rubbed her hands in anticipation.

"What's going on?" Luke said as soon as we had walked into the room.

Cade shrugged as he stood up and shoved his hands in his jogger's pockets, "Nothing, really. Noah's upstairs in his room but won't talk to anyone - at all."

"How are you doing, Mrs.Coates?" I asked softly as I walked over to where she was sitting and stood beside my dad. He wrapped an arm around me and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

She gave me a small and sad smile, "I'm okay, dear. I'm just glad Noah's safe."

I smiled lightly and nodded, "So am I."