
Beautiful mistake with a billionaire

"I'm pregnant" Abigail screamed in the cold dark ally but the man seem to not care. With his long elegant finger he lifted her chin up and whispered above her lips "I don't care"

Thomas_Diego_3116 · 都市
151 Chs


Winter was drawing near in Country D and the weather was getting colder with every passing second.

It was already time for Abigail to close for the day, her secretary had left already and probably all those who are to close by evening but Abigail was still not done with her work.

After going through a very bad break up recently Abigail had been keeping herself busy with work so as to not think about the pain.

It was not everyday day she learns to love someone and when she does it's not very easy for her to stop. She and Alex had an argument recently leading to the both of them parting ways.

She couldn't say she wasn't expecting it, the relationship had not been stable ever since he came back from Country A, he had been acting different.

Abigail had choose to not say anything at first but when it was getting too much she had to talk to him but Alex seem to not like her approach and so he ended it with her.

She couldn't lie that she was fine, the truth was that she wasn't fine, she would miss him but at least now she knows not everyone is meant to be in your life forever. Some people come as blessings while some come to teach you a lesson.

Abigail was just rearranging her schedule filling all the free time she had planned to spend with Alex with work. She could have asked her secretary Rebecca to do it but she didn't want to stress the girl.

After spending almost an hour after closing time at work, Abigail turned off her computer, she cracked her knuckles and massaged her nape. She glanced at the time and saw that it was already after 6pm.

Abigail stood up from her chair as she grabbed her coat, she then placed her cell phone back inside her bag and then made way to her office door, turning the lights off she left.

"And here I was thinking that you actually planned to spend the night here." Came a male voice just outside of her office and Abigail couldn't help but smile.

She had been working here for the past five years now and she had met lots of people but none like Kai. He was the first person she met when she came in for the interview, he had told her that it would be okay and that she need not be nervous. It pained her when she found out a year ago that Kai had feelings for her, she couldn't reciprocate his feelings at that time as she was involved with Alex. But she did talk things out with him and he said it was alright and they could still be friends.

It made her wonder since she and Alex are no longer together, was there a chance for Kai. But Abigail dismissed the thought saying that he might have moved on but little did she know that he was still waiting.

"You've been here all this while?" Abigail couldn't help but ask even though it was quite obvious.

"Well I was first at the parking lot waiting but you never showed up so I came back up to check and then I saw you were busy so I decided to sit and wait." Kai said as he came close to her to take her hand bag.

Abigail was already used to this as he always helped her carry her stuff.

"You have deep circles around your eyes, you haven't been getting enough sleep Abi, is it because you missed me?" Kai asked shamelessly as both he and Abigail entered the elevator.

"Very funny Kai, I have work to do so I'm kinda busy" Abigail replied. Kai had been away for a week now and he hadn't seen her since she broke up with Alex, she choose to not discuss it with him unless he asked.

Kai didn't reply to her words and just kept quiet, if only she knew how he wanted her to say yes that she did miss him but he guessed he had to keep waiting.

"So did you finally finish your work at Metropolis?" Abigail asked when the elevator doors opened, he had told her that he had some things to settle at Metropolis and so she wanted to know if it went well.

"Yh, I'm finished with that" Kai answered.

As they pass by the lobby they got curious glances from the nurses and those who were around. The two of them had been known to be a couple but Abigail would always tell them that they were not dating but the people still choose to believe what they want to believe.

They arrived at the parking lot and Abigail had to collect her bag from Kai, she brought out her keys and pushed a button and then she heard the sound of her car.

"Thank you for waiting for me" Abigail thanked him sincerely.

But Kai just offered her one of his gentleman smile.

"Have a good night" He said as he waved her off.

"You too" Abigail replied and so she entered her car as she drove out of the parking lot to her condo.

Kai could only watch her car leave the hospital ground with sadness in his eyes, he had always loved her right from the moment he saw her and all he ever wanted was for her to love him back but Abigail didn't see him that way.

He had to be friends with her so he could be close to her and he had been doing that for five years now but still no improvement, it made him wonder if Abigail would ever love him.

Kai knew that thinking about it won't do him any good and so he reached his hands to his pocket and brought out his keys, he opened his car door and entered and he too left the hospital. Even if Abigail doesn't love him now he knew that one day she would love him and he would have her as his own.