
Chapter 2 Too violent!

翻訳者: 549690339

"Ruobing, I didn't expect to bump into you just by grabbing a coffee; this must be what they call fate, right?" The young man smiled broadly, lifting up a rose, "Every time I see you, my heart beats with you…"

"Alright, cut the crap. I'll take the flower for her. Go do whatever you were doing!"

Before the young man could finish his impassioned confession, a large hand appeared before him and snatched the rose from his grasp.

"You… who the fuck are you?!"

The young man was taken aback and then furiously upset.

"I'm Ruobing's boyfriend."

Tang Luo said indifferently.


The young man's eyes widened. Han Ruobing's boyfriend?

Han Ruobing's face also changed slightly. She wanted to say something but thought better of it, her gaze growing colder.

"You're Ruobing's boyfriend?" The young man sized up Tang Luo and displayed a contemptuous look, "Heh, Ruobing would be interested in you?"

Tang Luo was not pleased. It was bad enough that this guy was making amorous confessions to his woman right in front of him, and now he dared to talk trash?

Wasn't this asking for a beating?!

But considering this was his first meeting with Han Ruobing, he decided not to go too violent and instead resolved to win him over with virtue!

"Ruobing, even if you want to reject my advances, you should at least find a decent shield, right?"

The young man looked towards Han Ruobing with a knowing smile.

Han Ruobing kept a cold face and stayed silent.

Thinking that Han Ruobing's silence was a tacit agreement, the young man turned back to Tang Luo, "Kid, scram before I lose my temper. Otherwise, you won't be able to leave!"

"Diao Guodong, he really is my sister's boyfriend."

Han Yuxuan, who had been planning to enjoy the spectacle, added fuel to the fire.

The young man was stunned. Really her boyfriend?

But what did that matter to him?

This wasn't the first time Diao Guodong had to compete with someone for a woman!

The young man looked Tang Luo over again with even more disdain, "Kid, stay away from Ruobing. You're not worthy of her!"

Tang Luo couldn't help but laugh, "I'm not worthy of her, but you are?"

"Of course."


"Because I'm richer than you!"

The young man said arrogantly, even deliberately shaking the Rolex on his wrist.

"So, in your eyes, everything can be measured with money?"

Tang Luo felt he was on the verge of losing patience, his hand itching!

"More or less. In Zhonghai, there's nothing money can't do…"

"So problems that money can solve aren't problems, right?"

"That's right!"

"Fine, since you like to solve problems with money, let's solve it with money!" Tang Luo said, pulling a handful of small change from his pocket and slapping it in his hand, "Kid, as long as you stop pestering Ruobing from now on, all this money is yours!"


Hearing Tang Luo's words, and then looking at the small coins in his hand, not only the young man but also the Han sisters were a bit stunned.

What was this? Using money to hit people?

Or dismissing a beggar?

The next second, the young man was furious, his face extremely grim, "Are you fucking insulting me?"

"Not at all, didn't you say to solve problems with money?"

Tang Luo looked entirely innocent.

"Kid, do you know who I am?"

The young man stared at Tang Luo, saying coldly.

"Don't know, and I'm not interested in finding out."

"Remember this, my name is Diao Guodong; don't wait until you get wasted to find out who did it!"

The young man's face turned fierce, and he reached out to make a phone call.

"Kid, don't be arrogant, and wait for you to kneel…"

Before Diao Guodong could finish, Tang Luo, who had been all smiles until now, could no longer hold back; he punched him hard in the stomach.

The force sent him flying out and crashing heavily to the ground.


Smack, smack!

Before Diao Guodong could recover, Tang Luo stepped forward again, positioned his foot on Guodong's chest, and delivered two slaps to his face with a raised hand.

The sudden turn of events left everyone wide-eyed.

How did it escalate to violence without a word of argument?

However, Han Yuxuan's eyes sparkled with excitement, "That's violent. I like it!"

"You son of a bitch, you motherf..."

The searing pain on his face drove Diao Guodong to a rage—he, the esteemed young master Diao, when had he ever been slapped in the face like this?


Tang Luo slapped him once more and sneered, "I tried to talk to you with money just now, you wouldn't have it, insisting that I communicate with my palm. Feel better now?"


Diao Guodong felt his face go numb from the slaps; even his head was spinning.

"Stay the hell away from Ruobing from now on, got it?"

"You bastard, I will kill you!"

Diao Guodong still had some fight in him and bellowed angrily.

"Kill me? Sigh, I really wanted to conquer with virtue, but you just don't give me the chance!"

After saying that, Tang Luo delivered several more slaps, turning Diao Guodong's reasonably handsome face into a pig's head.

"Stop hitting me..."

Finally, Diao Guodong pleaded for mercy.

"Going to bother my girlfriend again in the future?"

"No more..."

Diao Guodong gritted his teeth. A wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him. Once he got away, he'd make sure Tang Luo lived to neither die nor beg for death!

"If you ever bother my girlfriend again, I'll beat you every time I see you!"

As Tang Luo spoke, he raised his hand again.

"No, I wouldn't dare anymore..."

Diao Guodong shrank in fear, thoroughly cowered.

"Then aren't you going to scram?"

Tang Luo lifted his foot from Diao Guodong's chest and said coldly.

Ignoring the pain in his face, Diao Guodong scrambled up and ran out in a sorry state.

Once he had run some distance, he turned around, his expression twisted with venom, and roared at Tang Luo, "You son of a bitch, you wait for me, I will..."


Tang Luo raised his fist, feigning to chase, which terrified Diao Guodong into running away.

After Diao Guodong had disappeared, Tang Luo picked up the roses and approached Han Ruobing, his gaze tender, "Ruobing, I've been searching for love, and now, I think I've found it..."

Han Ruobing did not accept the flowers. She despised Diao Guodong, but equally disliked Tang Luo.

Especially... how violent this guy was!

She looked at Tang Luo and suddenly had a thought—would he commit domestic violence if they actually got married?

This idea startled her—what was she thinking!



Seeing Han Ruobing not accepting the flowers, Tang Luo wasn't angered. To conquer this woman was indeed a long and arduous task!

Thinking of something, he looked at Han Yuxuan. Just now, this little girl had made him a promise!

Han Yuxuan, noticing Tang Luo's gaze, winked at him and whispered to Han Ruobing, "Sis, you always have trouble turning down those suitors, right? This guy is the perfect shield. Next time someone pursues you, just take him out for a walk... "


Han Ruobing frowned slightly, a shield?

Seeing her sister still not agreeing, Han Yuxuan whispered a few more persuasions.

Meanwhile, Tang Luo's ears quivered slightly, and he gave a somewhat strange look. This little girl, she's no good person!

"Let's go back."

Han Ruobing picked up her bag and, without glancing at Tang Luo, began to walk away.

"Oh yep, my sister agreed!"

Han Yuxuan smiled at Tang Luo.

But no matter how Tang Luo looked, that smile of the little girl seemed devilish!

It seems, to have a blissful life, not only must he conquer Han Ruobing, but he also has to take down the little sister-in-law!
