
Beasts Of Prey

In the unforgiving world of "Beasts Of Prey" where the strong devours the weak,there was an unspoken law of the jungle "Never become the prey". Romona has fought tooth and claw to navigate the vicious courts, malicious rivals and deadly schemes, time and again narrowly escaping death but fate takes an unexpected twist when her path collides with the mysterious boy with obsidian eyes. In a world where everyone has an agenda and danger lurks at every corner, Romona sees him as an angel holding the beacon of light but what she doesn't realize is he might as well as be the devil sent to lure,deceive and destroy. The question remains will Romona fall prey to his antics forgetting the one law of the jungle ? Will her heart lead her down the path of perilous passion that could prove to be her downfall? Dive into this thrilling werewolf story that will leave you on the edge of your seat with each page turned unveiling a new layer of suspense and temptation.

The_Lightening_Pen · ファンタジー
15 Chs

The Apparition

I woke up with a smile on my face remisciening the events of last night, but the smile on my face quickly vanished morphing into a frown at the sight of Estella in my bedroom

"And what a great way to start my day" I muttered sarcastically under my breath

"What was that" she asked narrowing her eyes at me

"Oh n.. nothing" I spluttered

"It was definitely something" she said glaring at me but I put on my best poker face not giving anything away but inside I was wondering why she was here so early, whatever it was I was sure it wasn't anything good, nothing good ever came out from dealing with Estella.

Her face was red with fury as she stood with both hands on her hips, right now she looked like an ogress blazing out smoke

"What are you still doing in bed lazing away, while you are supposed to be up as early as six cleaning the kitchens" I paused where was this coming from, this was new sure Estella would starve me, lock me up or torture me but I had never had been asked to do manual labor

" B...ut that is the servants job" I said perplexed

"Exactly that is where you fall in,you seem to be forgetting your duties lately, just because I been preoccupied doesn't mean you can laze around, I want every room in this building from top to bottom cleaned in the next twenty four hours and you better get the job done quickly of course I need not to remind you of the consequences of such failure" she turned to leave but then stopped for a moment as she remembered something else to add

"Oh and one more thing you are to receive no help or alias, that is part of your punishment for skipping your duty so you would do well to remember next time"

I was definitely convinced now that Estella was a witch, the pack house was really huge housing all pack royalty with over a ten floors and about a hundred rooms,Estella knew there was no way I would be able to finish up cleaning up those rooms by my self in a day,yet as sadistic as she was, she had insisted I do it. I guess that is what I had been reduced to a servant, but even the servants were far better off than I was at least they were been paid and treated nicely.

I dressed the sheets on beds in each room I cleaned it, it's been six hours and I have only been able to get four rooms done, my tired limb ached but I carried on afraid to face Estella's wrath, a sudden shirk that very much sounded like a banshee resounded through the halls " what was it this time again".

I was used to Maya's occasional outbursts last time she threw a huge fit because her coffee was served at the wrong temperature as she threw the coffee at the servant's face, she had a knack for pushing people to their limits especially me,she was like a torn in my flesh. Seriously I don't know how Trevor puts up with her, because I have been currently struggling not to commit murder whenever I was in her prescense, it's no wonder they were a fitting match as they were both terrible.

Maya's annoying nature stems from her insatiable desire to be the center of attention at all times. She was always fishing for compliments and praises like a skilled angler,She constantly interrupts others conversations with exaggerated stories and embellished details, often stretching the truth to appear more impressive.

I felt pressure on my scalp as someone yanked a fistful of hair drawing me backwards, I let out a threatening growl and the hand finally released me,I turned glaring daggers at Maya

"What" I screeched she raised a wagging finger at me "I had always known you have been jealous of I and Trevor's relationship but this just proves" I scoffed I couldn't care less about her and Trevor,so as long as they kept their distance but of course that was so hard to do as either one of them was always itching for a fight. "You must really be delusional" I barked, "Don't even try to think you can wiggle your way out of this, Trevor gave me this red ruby on my birthday to help solidify our bound and suddenly just today you replaced the maids,I get to my room to find the necklace broken" she held out a sliver chains dangling from her fingers,it was beautiful to say the least my eyes trailed down to the once love shaped ruby that was splited in halves " I know you are responsible for this" I groan in fraustrion "This is ridiculous I haven't even cleaned your room yet" "liar" she screamed,I was tried of hearing her incessant blabbings already

"Trust me Maya I am not in the mood to entertain your frivolities today" I turned my back towards her walking out but that only seemed to anger her she tried to pull my hair again but my next response came as a shock to her.

"Touch me again and you would lose an arm" I am pretty sure that is first time I had spoken to her like that, her eyes darted back and forth as if searching for someone probably for Trevor so he could come cheer her on, of course all her self esteemed worth comes from the fact that she held onto the fact that she was going to be the next luna, just then Estella came approaching in all her glory and honor "Oh skies" could this get any worst.

"What is going on dear?" Estella questioned as she glanced between I and Maya, Maya went on to tell her I had broken the necklace which Trevor had given her and even went on to add that I had threatened her while she was sobbing. Estella turned glaring at me

"Is this true"

I sighed "No I have….."

"You broke Maya's necklace" Estella repeated again more to herself for clarification, I wondered why she even bothered to ask me at first when it was so oblivious she was going to side Maya over me even though a small part of her knew Maya was lying but what did it matter she would choose humiliating me than finding out the truth.

"This is what happens when I refuse to put you in your place, I knew I should have clipped your wings before you turned eighteen now look where that has gotten us, I should have done this a long time ago but that's fine it's nothing that can't be solved, just because you live under the same roof as us you think you have the same leisure, from this moment henceforth you will no longer be residing in the pack house, pack your things and transfer them to the servant quarters " her words hit me like a bombshell for a few minutes I couldn't find my bearing "W…. what" I sputtered

"Oh it seems she has gone deaf as well" she mused to Maya who cracked a smile, I turned to Maya what did I ever do that she hated me so much,when it was first announced that she was Trevor's mate I tried being friends with her but she was always mean to me "You must be so proud of yourself, seeing you have achieved what you wanted, you knew that necklace was already broken yet you blamed me for it" I was yelling now

"Goodness me..….are you calling her a liar" Estella started "looks like I need to clip your wings even more" she wagged a finger in my face

"Mother" Trevor called I didn't even know when he got here "Oh Trevy dearest" Estella cooed "just right on time,I need you to teach this thing" she gestured at me "a lesson, can you believe she tried to challenge me Trevy and even called your mate a liar"

"She did" Trevor asked

"Yes Trevy" Estella answered while Maya nodded in affirmation, Trevor walked walked towards me the ever present malice radiated off him, "Stay back" I catuioned shakily moving backwards but it was no use there was no place to run, if I fought him back I would have to face a much worse fate in my father's hands and for that reason I took the blows as they came using my hands to shield my face.

I woke up locked in a cell,I think I must have passed out from the beatings the guards there had told me I was been placed on solitary confinement for the next forty eight hours, the food I was given was one that you wouldn't even give to a dog, but I was grateful to put something in my rumbling stomach,I counted the numbers one to hundred to keep my mind from wandering all sort of depressing thoughts, I was so relieved when I was told I was free to go.

I divulge further into the abyss of the woods nestling at the banks of the river not many knew about this spot I had found it in my search for a calm serenity,l looked around careful to be sure no one was nearby as I lifted the veil off my face,the crystal clear waters reflected my disheveled state the sliver hues in my eyes sparkling as if mocking me a constant reminder of the mark of the curse bearer, I sighed when I noticed the dark circles that had coated underneath, I bent down my head to rinse my face, my clothes sticked uncomfortably to my skin two days without bath, sweat and laying on the filth floor of the cell had left their mark, there were dried blood matted on my skin from some of the wounds I sustained, my hands fumbled on the threadbare dress I wore loosening it's buttons until it came down loose, the cold texture of the water made me grit my teeth as it slipped into my wounds, I got out of the water when I felt clean enough putting on my clothes.

A slight sound like the scuffle of feet drew me in,if I didn't pay attention enough I certainly would have missed it,the scene before me left me speechless, Estella stood right before my eyes entangled with a man who was very much not my father. The said man had his hands wrapped against her waist while he cupped her face with his other hand, right now Estella looked like a teenager who was meeting her long time crush, there was a certain sparkle than gleamed off her, she looked so happy,so content I have never seen her this way even when she was with my father, the said man leaned in closing the distance between them and when they pulled away I could finally see his face clearly, Gordon Cane the previous pack general a man who was supposed to be dead,yet he stood before me in flesh,how is this even possible. I could only imagine the efforts they took to cover this secret but why fake his death? Was it so that no one would suspect his relationship with the Alpha's mistress I wondered.

It's funny how secrets always lurked around waiting to be discovered and it would seem that everyone had a skeleton in their cupboard beneath the facade there is always a hidden agenda amidst the schemes, the ploy and the power play but even I was guilty of such for even I had a secret I was willing to protect at all cost,a secret that if discovered could lead to my immediate execution,but the thing was secrets were like dormant volcanoes silent for ages until they erupt leaving nothing but chaos and destruction.

Author's Note

New Novel Alert

The Alpha's Enchantress would be uploaded on web novel from 1/12/2023, this novel is like a goody bag and trust me you do not want to miss it, meanwhile here is the synopsis:

He was frozen in time

Imprisoned by the silver chains that held him captive for centuries

A werewolf awaiting his mate to set him free

Iris had always been fascinated by history, she had no idea that it wasn't history that drew her in but the one who lived in history

A cursed alpha bound in silver and a girl with powers beyond any other destined to lift his curse

All Iris Hawthorne wanted to do was to spend a relaxing summer holiday with her mother in Chicago but instead she unwittingly finds herself ensnared in a web of age-old territorial conflicts between shape-shifters and supernatural forces. Iris soon realizes that she was torn between her blood loyalty to her mother, Alice Hawthorne, the queen of enchantress and her forbidden intrigue to the purple eyed alpha erased from the annals of history, the enemy, the one who calls to her, who invades her dreams and the one who completes her. Consequently the heavy discord between the two factions leaves Iris with life changing decisions that could rewrite history altering the fate of both groups and everyone else between.