
Beasts Of Prey

In the unforgiving world of "Beasts Of Prey" where the strong devours the weak,there was an unspoken law of the jungle "Never become the prey". Romona has fought tooth and claw to navigate the vicious courts, malicious rivals and deadly schemes, time and again narrowly escaping death but fate takes an unexpected twist when her path collides with the mysterious boy with obsidian eyes. In a world where everyone has an agenda and danger lurks at every corner, Romona sees him as an angel holding the beacon of light but what she doesn't realize is he might as well as be the devil sent to lure,deceive and destroy. The question remains will Romona fall prey to his antics forgetting the one law of the jungle ? Will her heart lead her down the path of perilous passion that could prove to be her downfall? Dive into this thrilling werewolf story that will leave you on the edge of your seat with each page turned unveiling a new layer of suspense and temptation.

The_Lightening_Pen · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Like A Sore Loser

"Ladies first," Krian's airy voice rang out in the dimly lit room,a mischievous smile playing on his lips. I rolled my eyes, a mixture of amusement and exasperation crossed my features,with a theatrical sigh, I picked up the mug in front of me eyeing its contents with a raised eyebrow. "You're really milking the drama, Krian," I quipped, but Krian only shrugged "Can't help it"

I considered my options but diving right into the game "Alright then, let's kick off this charade,my first guess would be you strike me as the daddy's golden boy type, you probably spend hours reading a book to impress him and you seem to be interested in history and politics"

"Me…golden boy…nah that's Klaus spot" Krian laughed

"What" I said the surprise evident in my tone,

"It's a wrong guess Romona,I guess it's clear which one of us would be downing their first shot of Nitro fury" he said cockily and I smacked his arm lightly "ouch what did you do that for" he yelled and I glared at him "Don't get so cheeky there are still several more rounds to go in the game" I reprimanded

"Right" he said grumply still rubbing his sore arm,I gestured for him to go on which he did "My dad has been trying to....how did you put it... right mold me into the perfect golden boy and has been failing miserably,he has tried several times to get me interested in politics and the pack affairs like Klaus at first he was forceful and pushy about it and over time thought that if he left me to myself I would eventually come back to my senses, but I never so I guess he gave up"

I my eyes narrowed slightly as I absorbed Krian's revelation. I honestly hadn't expected him to express such candor about his family dynamics and the struggle against a predetermined role. A mixture of surprise and curiosity played on my features as a few thoughts clouded my mind.``Do you really hate it that much, I mean the politics and pack affairs?" I inquired, in a soft voice laden with genuine interest. I had always known Krian as the easygoing, carefree guy who seemed to navigate life with a certain nonchalance. The idea that he might have harbored resentment or resistance toward the expectations placed upon him intrigued me.

Krian leaned back, a sigh escaping him as he looked towards the ceiling. "Hate is a strong word," he began, his gaze boring in my face "It's more like it's not me, you know? I've tried to immerse myself in all that political stuff, attend those pack meetings, and pretend to be interested in the pack's web of affairs but it just feels... suffocating."

I nodded slowly, as the weight of his words settled in,the air in the room seemed to shift, taking on a more serious undertone. I could sense the conflict within Krian and I imagined how hard it must have been for him growing up.

"Your dad wanted you to be the golden boy, huh?" Romona I said sympathetic "The perfect son who follows in his footsteps, excelling in matters of politics and leadership."

Krian chuckled ruefully. "Exactly,but Klaus is the one who took to it like a duck to water. He's the one who attends those meetings with a genuine interest, who debates over pack policies, and who my dad proudly introduces as his heir,meanwhile, I'm the black sheep who'd rather spend his time on frivolities"

"So, why didn't you just tell your dad how you felt?" I questioned gently, my eyes seeing the vulnerability despite his attempt to compose himself

Krian shrugged, a hint of resignation in his expression. "I tried, but he always believed it was a phase, that I'd grow out of it. In his mind, I was just being rebellious, not understanding the gravity of pack responsibilities. It's easier for him to see Klaus as the golden boy, the one who fits the mold."

I placed my palm on his,as a sort of supportive gesture. "It must be tough, feeling like you're not living up to those expectations." A wistful smile tugged at Krian's lips. "It is but I've come to accept it. I'm not Klaus, and I don't want to be,I'd rather live authentically, even if it means disappointing my dad." Disappointment I knew that feeling all too well,it was what I saw in my father's eyes whenever he looked at me,I tried to shake it off by swirling my mug before taking a sip, the moment the intense flavor hit me I winced slightly as the fiery sensation spreading through me, "So I guess it's my turn then" Krian announced and I nodded

"Let's see...." he paused for a moment " You pretend to be fine but undeath the interior you are not, you cry yourself every night to sleep, and enclose your self shutting the world and every one who tries to get to close out" he stated solemnly

"I don't not shut people out" I defended gripping the edge of the table tightly till my knuckles turned white,I knew how true his words were but I did not want to accept it

"Yes you do, you shut people out because you have been hurt on multiple occasions and you are afraid of getting hurt again" there it was the raw, bitter truth, I shivered under Krian's gaze, seeming a thousand times smaller

"How long are you going to keep me in the dark" he questioned

"And even now you wouldn't even tell me, what was bothering you before I came into the pub you looked like you were seconds away from a break down,I just don't understand one minute I think I know you and in the next you seem like you are miles beyond my reach,you can't keep carrying this burden alone Romona, it's weight would break you" he continued

"Who hurt you Romona" he asked this time,his voice had a certain edge to it as he spotted a certain bruise on my neck which my collar had failed to hide,he looked at me with me with those pleading eyes which I couldn't lie to and before I could stop myself the words were out of my lips

"Trevor" and at the mention of the name his fury increased tenfold,he clenched his fists probably trying to restrain himself

"I am going kill that bastard" he swear rising to his feet but before he could reach the exit of the pub I stopped him

"No you won't" I said in a voice of steel "you would only make it worst" and understanding flashed through his features with a tint of defeat "You don't live with this people Krian I do,so if you think beating Trevor to a pulp would solve anything,it won't and would only turn to bit me back in the end, they have my father's backing and let's not forget Estella it would make her think of more creative ways to make my life hell" I reminded him

"I can't just look away, that's literally what everyone does,they pretend not to see anything awful going on in the pack house thinking it would be best not to involve themselves in someone else's matter,why would you let them treat you like this ?" he demanded

"Believe I have tried standing up to them in the past and it didn't end up too well,so now I just learnt to keep my head low and pick my battles, plus I don't think they would bother me much again since I would be leaving the pack house" I informed

"You….u are leaving the pack house?" he inquired and I nodded

"Yes, Estella ordered that I will be moved to the maid's quarters and I have about a week to do so" I could tell that this news did not put his mind at ease like I had hoped if anything it only made him furious

"The maids quarters….." he said aghast "Romona you are royalty for goddesses sake"

"The maid's quarters was the one place Estella and Maya would never visit because they thought it was beneath them, so if this gets me peace of mind then it is totally worth it,I guess it's your turn now Krian" I announced hastily hope to change the subject but he knew what I was doing and refused to be swayed

"How can you even have the stomach to play the game now" he glared at me but I merely shrugged

The game continue with me loosing sorely and with Krian winning every guess,after chugging five shot down I was way out of it, my world was spinning and I couldn't feel my legs, my laughter bubbled up uncontrollably, escaping in fits of giggles,everything around me was inexplicably amusing. My movements became a tad unsteady,the initial sips had ignited a pleasant buzz that had quickly escalated into a euphoric blaze,as my inhibitions melted away with each successive glass, leaving me with a delightful sense of liberation.l leaned back in my chair, eyelids slightly lowered, and a mischievous grin playing on my lips.

I tried to articulate a coherent thought, my words tumbling out in a delightful jumble as "You know," I slurred, a dreamy expression on face, "this Nitro fury…. it's like a rollerup, down, loop-de-loop. Wheee!" I punctuated my statement with an exaggerated wave of my hand, nearly knocking over an empty glass in the process.

Amidst my fit of giggles, I decided it was a brilliant idea to attempt a dance, pushing my chair back with an enthusiasm, I stumbled into a clumsy but spirited jig. My laughter accompanied the erratic dance, created a whimsical display

Krian, observed the spectacle with a bemused expression,He chuckled, shaking his head as he took in the sight of my carefree reverly

"How come you are more fun when you are drunk" he mused, and suddenly a table near end filled with sparkling coloured glasses seemed more inviting and I wanted to go there but my limbs felt as buoyant as clouds, refusing to cooperate,undeterred, I punctuated my declaration with an exaggerated hiccup," I have lost my sea legs" Krian, leaned back in his chair, sighed with a hint of concern. "I think it would be safe to call it a night,at this point, I doubt you can even make a sensible conversation" I felt my weight being lifted off the ground as Krian scooped me in a piggy back ride leading me to my room,I continued to make out incorrehent mumbles on the way and as we reached the doorway Krian lowered me to my feet,I swayed for a moment but he gently guided me in, with surprising tenderness he tucked me in, placing a lingering kiss on my forehead,

"Sleep well Ramona" he whispered softly and as the door clicked shut, the room enveloped me in a cocoon with his honeysuckle scent and for the first time in my life,I slept without having any nightmares.

Author's Note

I apologize for my absence last month, I was quite busy with my final exams and college project but now I am please to announce the updates would be regular as from next week, the usual update days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, also keep in mind that I would be editing the previous chapters of Beasts Of Prey so a few things might change. Nevertheless enjoy this chapter,till monday.