
Beasts Of Prey

In the unforgiving world of "Beasts Of Prey" where the strong devours the weak,there was an unspoken law of the jungle "Never become the prey". Romona has fought tooth and claw to navigate the vicious courts, malicious rivals and deadly schemes, time and again narrowly escaping death but fate takes an unexpected twist when her path collides with the mysterious boy with obsidian eyes. In a world where everyone has an agenda and danger lurks at every corner, Romona sees him as an angel holding the beacon of light but what she doesn't realize is he might as well as be the devil sent to lure,deceive and destroy. The question remains will Romona fall prey to his antics forgetting the one law of the jungle ? Will her heart lead her down the path of perilous passion that could prove to be her downfall? Dive into this thrilling werewolf story that will leave you on the edge of your seat with each page turned unveiling a new layer of suspense and temptation.

The_Lightening_Pen · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Bleeding Heart

No,no I screamed internally " Romona are you okay" Krian enquired shit he was coming this way, what do I do now

one look at my iris and he would know what I was, for only the bearer of sliver had the mark of the curse, the edge of the veil had been caught onto the potted Bougainvillea and in my clumsy attempt to yank it off,the veil splitted into halves

"Damn what shit luck did I have" I cursed under my breath

"What was that" he queried, I tried to come up with something intelligible but failed miserably

"Are you sure you are okay, you are acting really weird" he said drawing close,he was now a stone away from me,I held my breath, shutting my eyes waiting for some miracle to happen.

The sudden knock on the door came with someone yelling Krian's name before it snapped open

" Krian .…." the voice started but stopped abruptly taking note of me still crouched to the ground

"Well,well well who do we have here,I do recognize those gauntly legs anywhere, Romona what are surprise to see you here" Trevor uttered suggestively with such venom, I hadn't noticed that my dress had flared up when I came plummeting to the ground exposing a reasonable amount of skin until Trevor had drawn my mentioned it, making my cheeks hit up in embarrassment.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything" Trevor's voice had taken a cocky undertone and I presumed he was talking to Krian directly,I already knew what dirty thoughts were spewing through his mind.

"No" Krian stated calmly but the slight irritation in his voice wasn't it unnoticed

"Really I could have sworn I was" Trevor beamed

"Remind me why you are here again" Krian

"My, my no need to get antsy,I was just concerned that's it,after all she is my sister" he declared and I almost choked in my gut, but Krian merely scoffed not before letting out a warning

"Stay out of my business, Trevor"

"Does your business always entails young girls lying with their skirts raised on the floors of your bedroom, however it seems to me that your taste have hit an all time low recently" Trevor voice was filled with sugar laced with poison,I could tell he was having so much fun antagonizing Krian and Krian was trying so much to control himself,it was a well known fact in the pack that Krian and Trevor never got along, the two hated each other's guts,their long standing rivalry stemmed from a specific incident that kindled the flames of hatred between them since they were pubs, Krian had one day had found helpless bird with broken wings filled with compassion Krian had taken the responsibility of ensuring it's recovery,he nurtured it he providing it with food each day,when Trevor heard that Krian had a bird pet with a broken wings, Trevor mocked him for getting attached to something so feeble he couldn't understand why Trevor kept something so helpless and considered it a form of weakness filled with malice Trevor suck into Krian's room taking the bird from the cage he ended the poor creature's life,when Krian returned to meet the bird lifeless he quickly knew Trevor was responsible,Krian fuming with rage threw such a big fit that both parents had to be involved to settle the matter. When Trevor was asked why he did it,he merely stated that he was doing Krian a favour as Krian was going soft. Apparently Krian never forgave Trevor and as they matured their paths continued to cross, leading to direct confrontations and bitter exchanges.

"You are really unbelievably and you wonder why we can never find common ground, you are always pushing boundaries and over stepping lines" Krian sassed stalking towards Trevor and then I tuned them out,I needed get out of here before the two carnivores animals began ripping each other apart,I spotted a back door in the room which I didn't notice earlier,the door led me to a passage I wandered around for a couple of minutes thinking I was lost,until I was able to find my way to the living room finally leaving the Chase's mansion.

I traced the initials on the veil,it was so frayed that the lining of its thread was coming loose but despite its lack of luster,I refused to get rid of it. The night I had banished my wolf Amelia was the one who found me naked in the woods. There were no words spoken, as she already knew enough, she had given me the veil instructing me to never take it off, she could have easily turned me in but she protected me until her last breath.

The servants quarters was the only place I knew I could get some sewing tools to stitch up the veil, after which I went to rejoin in the feast but as I went further I couldn't help feel a shift in the atmosphere, I became acutely aware of the piercing stares directed at my back.I couldn't help wonder why my mere presence had caused such a stir, was their something on my face,I mean I was used to the stares but this was different,even members of the other packs were whispering and pointing at me, a flood of despondency welled up inside me knowing they were talking about me for all the wrong reasons.

The murmurs grew louder and I heard snippets of words like "loser", "unwanted" "rejected mate" floating to my ears,the moment spotted Klaus I realized what he had done,he had told the entire pack what transpired between us,it was one thing to reject me but it was another to publicly humiliate me, making me an object of ridicule, I glared hard at him but he couldn't meet my eyes at least he had the dignity to feel ashamed,admists the jeers and the sneers I somehow wished the earth would open taking me with her as I ran away.

I know what you are thinking Klaus is a jerk well don't condemn him yet there might be still some good left in him or maybe not,who knows.

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