
Beast of Kriatori(FF)

A man by the name of Leviathan Kriatori dies only to be reincarnated as one of the most dangerous beast the world has ever known. Teen Wolf Fan-Fic Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for the characters named Kriatori Three Updates a week / If you want to support you can also use the info below. patreon.com/Kriatori

JokesOnYou · テレビ
10 Chs

Chapter 3: Only Good House is a Clean One

Bringing the heart to my mouth my jaw opened grotesquely before I swallowed it whole, I was going to need the power for what came next. Feeling the energy slowly coursing through my body I knew this next stage was going to give me the perfect opportunity to let my body adjust to it, I knew my fathers pack would start to make their way here the second they felt the connection fade.

" Are you going to kill them all" my mother asked warily, Although she knew it was necessary she still felt bad for her pack as they would all lose a mate. "I am, since this will also benefit me in the future."

My mother knew her pack wouldn't betray her even for their mates after all she came first in their hearts the same with my fathers pack which is one of the reasons they have to be decimated. The other being the simple fact that this would be a windfall for me, having four hearts plus the addition of their Alpha sparks I'd be able to bring out the most of my potential early on as my healing speed would allow me to train even more ruthlessly than before.

Stepping over the corpse of my father I stood in front of my mother neither of us minding the fact that we were standing in thirty degree weather completely in the buff, I looked at her softly before I spoke seriously " I AM sorry mother, maybe not for killing him but for hurting you that way."

Her eyes widened slightly before she smiled and reached out before pulling me into her embrace, " Even though I feel a little conflicted about the fact that he died, the fact that it was at the hands of YOU my son I can't help but be proud of you and your conviction." Soon our ears picked up the sound of my fathers pack, separating from my mother; I stepped forward as my skin started to harden and gray scales started making their way up my body.

I didn't plan to fight them in a full shift as I would get zero benefit from it, the scales moved upward in the shape of a V leaving my hardened chest exposed before adjoining around my neck. The worst damage I would take from this fight were some deep gashes. As long as I blocked my vitals I would be perfectly fine, turning towards my mother

" Can you make sure there are no leaves?" I ask, Just because I was an Alpha didn't mean I could order her as we both know I didn't earn that right…. Yet.

Just as I finished transforming four werewolves in their partially shifted forms appeared the thicket and stopped the second they saw the body of my father now in his human form neck loose with his chest split open, standing by his body my mother now in her partial form arms crossed with a look of disinterest on his face.

Their first thought was probably me and my mother ambushed him but that was irrelevant to me right now the only important thing was this fight in front of me, feeling the sheer bloodlust coming over them in waves they couldn't help but stare at me in shock, not because I was giving off my need to fight but because I was staring at them with my eyes blaring red from their Alphas spark quickly their shock turned to pure anger. "How could you….t-to your own fath-*Guhk*

"No time for chit-chat I'm afraid" saying so, with my left forearm buried in his stomach, I couldn't help but release a grin as I felt my fingers grasp the grooves of his spine as if it was made to be grasped. The other three soon surrounded me on both sides and behind, not giving me any room escape, but this just made things easier.


Pulling the spine of my victim and ducking in one swift motion I felt their claws dig into my back and forearm that I used to block my head, not stopping my momentum I gripped the spine in my hand as weapon before shoving it in the groin of the werewolf blocking my left.



His blood curdling screams were music to my ears, music I didn't have the pleasure of paying attention to at the moment. Rolling between his legs and pushing off the bloody snow while simultaneously kicking his body toward the other two I quickly stood upright while letting gravity pull me backwards,


Just in time to barely dodge a set of claws that arrived at my chest leaving four bloody gashes, 'Damn any closer and that would've been my heart' this whole time the smile on my face never faded.


Pounding against my chest like my own personal background music my heart beat fiercely, The other werewolf already caught up and I was now dealing with two mutts, regaining my footing I back tracked while dodging four set of claws till my back hit a tree blocking my escape or so they believed.

Ducking while taking a slash to the ribs I maneuvered around the tree rolling with my body pressed tightly against it. Both mutts split off on either side of the tree only for one of them to receive a strike to his achilleas heel, as I came low from the other side


*AAHH!**FUCK!* One mutt exclaimed while I quickly retreated a small distance again creating space between me and them. "HA..HA..HA, shit what's the play here Vane he's too slippery" he spoke through ragged breaths. "We can't leave with HER here we can only fight to the death" Vane spoke through gritted teeth his eyes never leaving mine for a second, "Alright yo-SHIT!"

Not giving them anymore more time to think dashed toward the crippled mutt tunneling him before Vane moved in front of him now

'Now it's like dealing with only one mutt' I thought inwardly before increasing my speed while raising my arms to cradle my head elbows in front of me, Vane realizing what I planned to do shot a kick towards my chest only for me to completely drop my guard side step his kick before grabbing his leg and ducking under it while clawing his inner thigh with my free hand.



" Don't worry Vane…."I spoke softly while watching his blood continue to pour unceasingly onto the forest floor "I'll take good care of Sven".

"YOU…HA…YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!" he exclaimed in anguish, clawing towards me with rage filled eyes `` And you're just a dead bastard" I replied before closing the space between us and kicking his head like a football.



"Wow I didn't even know that was possible" I say while looking down at the misshapen neck of Vain with the back of his head embedded partially in his back and his throat now getting some open air.

By now the only one left alive was the mutt with the slashed achilleas bleeding out slowly, not paying him any attention I just began to collect the hearts of his deceased pack relishing in the power of my kills and feeling my wounds heal at a visible speed. Last mutt was still breathing when I came in front of him, his eyes barely open yet the hate in his visage was clear, I just smirked before shooting a front kick directly into his head not minding the cuts I received from his skull bone rubbing against my skin.

Pulling out my foot from his head I stood back straight relishing the smell of blood, death, and….arousal?

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