
Beast of Kriatori(FF)

A man by the name of Leviathan Kriatori dies only to be reincarnated as one of the most dangerous beast the world has ever known. Teen Wolf Fan-Fic Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for the characters named Kriatori Three Updates a week / If you want to support you can also use the info below. patreon.com/Kriatori

JokesOnYou · テレビ
10 Chs

Chapter 2: Predator or Prey

7 Years Before World Plot

It was currently the middle of December, snow blanketing the entirety of the compound's forest as if to wash out its natural color, hiding under the cover of this snow next to a fallen hollowed tree two pitch black sclera with steel blue iris could be seen before they were soon gone. Spread out around these trees two beasts were stalking the area, occasionally jumping to climb them before jumping down right after.


The ground shook as it absorbed the impact of one of these beasts.

*Grrwwl,... Grrwwl* two low growls were synching together seemingly communicating with each other. If you looked closely you would see two pairs of red eyes meet before they closed in slowly on the area of the fallen tree.

Not long after the two beasts directly sprinted and pounced on it before they began to tear it apart,

*Shuuu* *Crunch* *Crunch*.

The second one of the beast shot into the tree a head shot out of the snow directly behind the other, and with enough force to break stone bit down directly on the hind leg of its victim.

" RAAAWR!" The beast bellowed in pain before it was pulled off its feet directly and shaken strongly,


The sickening sound of something breaking could be heard, only after it was immobilized by the pain did the attacker readjust its position quickly taking the neck of its prey before looking directly into the eyes of the beast that arrived directly in front of it.


A low grow emitted from the beast as it watched its mates neck held tightly in the jaws of the other as it pressed its on it's shoulder with claws grasped tightly on its faded red scales, The beasts eyes blaring red serving as a warning to the other as it stared into a pair of steel blue eyes.


Without hesitation the beast bit down harshly while staring into those crimson red eyes before its own started to mimic the same, dropping the neck of the beast in front of it as it stared coldly at the other before it send out a growl of its own one that shook the other beast to its core.


One hour before the hunt….

Inside the master bedroom of the Kriatori main house two adults were standing in front of a large window that spanned across a large portion of the room, in their view were two children playing in the snow occasionally dying it red. Lilith watched both of her kids "playing" as she leaned on the shoulder of her mate. Gazing down at her daughter Lilith couldn't keep the large smile from splitting her face, her father said that she was blessed and she couldn't help but agree as she gave birth twice in the span of two years when usually it would take at least a decade for it to even be a possibility its was beyond unprecedented.

" Bela's going to do well when she goes on her first hunt", Lilith says softly as she turns her attention to Lucifer; spotting the small frown on his brows she sighed. " You don't have to baby her Lucifer, Leviathan won't maim her….probably", she says with a smirk.

Walking away from the window Lucifer made his way to the edge of their bed, resting his elbows on his legs while leaning over with his folded hands propping up his head a serious expression on his face before looking at his mate seriously not feeling in the mood for her antics. "You know that's not the only problem, his bloodlust is more than both of us when we were younger, his pride is even more so."

Taking a seat beside him Lilith looked at him for a moment contemplating for a while before she spoke " You know…. My father said his blood was strong and what can you expect from a young pup he wants nothing more than to be strong, hell he started training before we started to teach him you know he's a born warrior probably the best our race has seen."

Thinking back to his first hunt a month ago I couldn't help but smile, it's common for hellhounds of their kind to take their kids on a hunt when they reach the age of ten. We took Leviathan on his first hunt, his target being an Omega werewolf, sometimes it could be a ghoul but most times it's a stray werewolf.

Lilith knew what was bothering him was Leviathan not willing to fall in line under him, when he tried to force Leviathan to shift that day he was blatantly ignored, something completely unheard of for a Beta especially one as young as him. That day Leviathan under his own will used a partial shift to tear that Omega limb from limb, an Omega who was told his only chance at living was to kill Leviathan.

Lucifer abruptly stood from the bed glaring at her angrily with his eyes shining red, breaking Lilith from her thoughts " I'm not only his father but also his ALPHA! At least until he gets his spark and goes off on his own" Lucifer exclaimed.

Lilith just bowed her head slightly as he was also HER Alpha as he had earned that right. " Take Bela to Sven and bring Leviathan to the back. It's time he learned there are bigger beasts out there before it gets to his head" Lucifer spoke as he left the room.

Shortly after two adults and boy could be seen standing in a open field with nothing but open woods at their back, Lilith and Lucifer stood side by side in front of Leviathan even though he was only ten Leviathan stood at 5'0 his small form carrying a slight bulk from his hard training leaving no trace of baby fat on his young features.

Looking at his nonchalant gaze Lucifer didn't waste anymore time and explained " Where going to play Predator and Prey, your objective his to hide as long as possible as to not get hunted by us if we catch you before an hour is up you can prepare to be bed rested for a couple days" Lucifer saw him display small from and felt a spike of anger before it was gone just as fast, sporting a smirk he added " I'd start running if I were you, you have a twenty minute head start".

Watching the boy take off into the forest under the falling snow Lucifer smiled before turning to his wife who didn't look happy in the slightest. "We won't go too far….but he needs to be humbled or he'll continue to grow arrogant". Lilith just hummed in response, not meeting his eyes.

Twenty minutes later….

"It's time lets go" Lucifer says before stripping down and getting on all fours Lilith to his side doing the same,



Soon the sounds of bones snapping and readjusting could be heard, clenching his teeth Lucifer watched his gray scales form on his skin before they began to get thicker and prop themselves up almost like a small shields that covered the entirety of his outer form almost resembling spikes; his spine lengthening before a tail grew from his back. Though the process might seem long, all of this happened in the span of a couple seconds.

Turning his attention to his mate Lucifer signaled her to follow as he shot out into the woods following his son's scent, from the beginning this was a lose-lose situation for his son and he knew his mate was peeved at him for this but he'll do what he must as a Father AND Alpha. Lifting my nose high I caught the smell of blood most likely in a attempt to throw us off,

'You really are too arrogant son.' The smell was strong but our senses were stronger than mere werewolves, I could tell the source was further. Feeling his emotions his mate couldn't help but growl lightly signaling for him to not let his guard down, Lucifer just scoffed at that; 'The boy hasn't even learned a full shift from us yet and she is telling ME to be careful'.

Sensing his anger Lilith made no further attempts to persuade him and just followed his lead to a clearing that had a fallen tree that looked old and hollow. 'Circle the area then move in' emitting a growl we started to circle the area before I signaled Lilith to tear apart the tree, soon she pounced as I waited at the foot of the fallen tree standing on it partially.

Suddenly I felt something bite me with enough force to cause me pain, pain that I haven felt in years, I couldn't help but release a painful roar as not even a second later I was shaken from my stance and dragged to the ground. Feeling the teeth leave my body I didn't even have a chance to recover as a force was pressed onto my shoulder keeping me in place and what felt like serrated blades sunk into my throat.

'Me the Alpha was at the mercy of my own son' the thought alone made my scales burn bright in fury, I heard my mate give a warning to our son and then the world turned black.

Turning into my human form in front of my mother I watched as she did the same, a wide array of emotions flooding her core; anger, sadness, pride and confusion. "Why?" she asked me, her eyes pleading for an answer in a hope to mend the hole I created in her heart.

Staring into my Mothers crimson eyes my own burn with a fury that easily drowned out any emotion she could have thought to muster " We are warriors the second he decided to hunt me down like the mutts we hunt he sealed his fate".

With a quick swipe of my claws I sliced him open as my mom visually flinched as she knew what I was going to do. "Everything he owns will belong to me, why build what you can simply take". Holding my fathers heart in my hand a cold smile decorating my face, " I am Leviathan Kriatori and I can never be prey"

There were actually two routes I could have took and I flipped a coin for which to do. You can find Beast reference on my Patreon link. Ill be doint the MC perspective going forward.

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