

I was thrown into this beast world to complete it for reincarnation. But why must I have multiple husbands for completion? Someone help me control these beastmen of mine!!!

Its_Justhansel · ファンタジー
30 Chs

I'm not jealous

Violet's POV

Since that night when doctor Ian left, Jee has been over protective. Everywhere I go if there are males, Jee is there. It's like a radar alerts him when I am near the opposite sex. I don't mind it but I think it's a bit honorable for him to be like this. No other male attracts me anyways so he really doesn't need to bother with this. We walk around the tribe and everyone looks like they are adjusting very well to the new items we have introduced to the tribe. The bowls and silverware are a hit. Chief has allowed other homes to add fire to their houses which now include lights above their door area. We may have to think of better ways to make homes now since most of them are nests. With fire near it may not be the best to have them there. The nests could catch on fire easily since they are made of branches.

"Wow there are so many now." I say back to Jee

"Well most of the time females give birth after the Blood Moon. They can hold their children in their belly for about 3-5 months and give birth to them after." he says to me

I look at everyone in the children's nest and see about 13 of them. Some are baby birds, others are different beasts.

"Jee, if species are different, who do the kids turn out to be?" I ask him

"You mean species wise? It would depend on who has the higher rank. Usually that is the most noticeable trait in this." he says back to me and brings me towards a small group of baby birds

"Look who's here." he says to the birds and grabs them up towards me

"Who are they?" I ask him

"Say hello to Isaiah and Becks babies." he says to me and gives two of them to me

"How adorable!" I say back to him and squeeze them

They are so cute and so small. There's 3 of them. They all look more like their father. Chief is an Eagle and Chieftess is a Raven. Becks is, well I don't know what she is to be honest. But these children look more like eagles than ravens.

"They can be a handful but I love them." Becks comes in saying to us

She looks really tired and a bit malnourished. I guess that's what happens or how you look right after giving birth.

"I am very happy for you, Becks. They are beautiful. You must be so proud." Jee says to Becks lovingly

I don't know if he is saying that to make her feel better or because he is hinting he wants children too. I felt a little hint in his voice when he said that. I look at Becks and she looks very happy.

"Jee do you need anything? You look a bit tired yourself. I can make a drink or get a blanket for you?" she asks

"No no. I have just not had a lot of sleep lately." he says back to her and looks at me

It's not my fault. I have just been really needy lately okay!

"Well if you are having sleeping problems you are more than welcome to come here at the nursery. You know kids love cuddles with adults. They and you may benefit from this." she says back smiling

She goes to get something to drink for him and closes the entry ways for it to get warmer in the room. Even though she looked tired earlier she is surely energetic now.

"I don't think that would help me sleep at night at this time but thanks for the suggestions." he says back to her and puts his niece back in the nest.

"Are you leaving now?" Becks asks sadly

"I wanted to show Violet the nursery since it's the perfect time after the Blood Moon to come." he says to her and turns to leave

"Here you go. Looks like they miss their mommy." I say to Becks and give them back to her

"No need, just put them back down in the nest. I am a bit tired at the moment." she says to me sadly

She was literally running around trying to make this place feel comfortable and now she doesn't even want to take her children from me? I know it's too soon since she gave birth but I feel like she doesn't want to even touch her children. Earlier I saw a small disgusted look linger while looking at her children but it disappeared instantly when she saw Jee.

"You have beautiful children." I say back to her

"Thank you. I noticed when I was checking earlier that I don't see any baby Jee's children in here. Was there something wrong?" she asks curiously

That question I was not expecting. The whole atmosphere changed. I see other females looking at me curiously as well. I didn't think that most of the females in the tribe were here. Am I the only one who did not give birth?

"We are not in a rush. We have a lot of time." Jee says to Becks and motions everyone to mind their own business

"I haven't thought of kids and am not thinking of them." I start to say and don't finish

"So you don't want any kids?" she asks me

I was trying to say I don't want them now but she cut me off!

"Well." I say back to her

"Violet kids are important." says another female to me

"Yeah it's one of the most important roles that we have in this world of beasts. We are the only ones who can do this." Another female says

"It's not like I don't want to just now is not the time for me." I say back to them

I look towards Becks and see her grinning. Was this something she planned right now? We literally just came to visit her babies and it seems like she wanted to take advantage of this moment. Is she really not over Jee?

"Then when?" Another female asks

I look towards Jee and see that he wants to know too. Right now I just want him to help me get out of this. Is it really that important for me to have his kids with him? Are females just that to males? Do they really not have the chance to make a decision and not have kids? My hands start to sweat and all I want to do is get out of here.

"Is this the only job for all females here? Do we have no choice but to just give birth over and over and over again? Must we always think of ourselves as baby vessels and not anything more? If that is so then I don't want children at all." I say to them and leave

I walk out of the nursery and run. I turn around and see a hoard of women surrounding Jee asking him what is going to happen if I don't have any children. The further I run the more I see more females coming closer to see what's going on with Jee. Maybe I chose wrong and burdened him.

Will Jee still accept Violet after hearing her answer?

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