
Chapter 774: Concession

"Repaid with death?"

"A Grandmaster for a Grandmaster, a Great Grandmaster for a Great Grandmaster, neither higher nor lower, one life for another, thus exempting from capital punishment. Once exempted from capital punishment, lesser punishments can be easily dealt with."

Liang Qu's tongue twisted, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

After a long pause.

"Why does this rule exist?"

"A concession."

"A concession?"

The old monk chuckled, "When the prince commits a crime, is he really punished the same as the common people?"

Liang Qu remained silent.

"Human strength has its limits; thus there are families, clans, towns, and nations. A husband and wife can divorce, bloodlines can be separated, human hearts are not uniform, greed is never satisfied, and unity must involve compromise.