
Be Very Afraid Act 2: Revenge From Hell

5 Years After The Burning Of Doug's Burger Barn, Andrew Has Tried To Now Live A Happy Life Along With His Wife (Sayu) And His Child. Although When A Pawn Shop Owner Creates A New Horror Attraction Featuring The Corpse Of Dog Man A Rogue AI Implanted By Zlatko Before His Death Activates Ready To Start Killing Again. Theme: Horror, Supernatural Age Rating: 16+

TheUnknown_goat · ホラー
24 Chs

Chapter 20- Remnants Of Gold:

As Zlatko Continued To Limp Away He Came Across A Graveyard, The Night Was Still Yet Heavy. The Shadows Cast By The Trees In The Graveyard Were Slowly Creeping Over The Cold, Stone Graves. The Moon Illuminated The Scene With Its Silver Light, Causing Every Blade Of Grass And Tree Branch To Glisten Like A Dream.

In The Moonlight, The Mist Was Glistening, And Everything Around The Graveyard Seemed Almost Iridescent. It Was A Serene Scene Of Tranquility And Peace, Offering A Respite From The Chaos Of The Day. He Noticed His Own Graveyard Too, "Faking My Death I Remember That Day Like Yesterday... But Now I Can't Die I'm Finally Something More" He Stammered Due To His Damaged Voice Box.

However Then A Sudden Sense Of Fear Creeped Along His Back, As He Looked Behind He Saw A Figure And When It Came Into View A Victorian England Old Man Was Standing In Front Of Him Wearing A Black Suit With A Collared White Shirt And A Black Tie He Also Possessed A Ring On His Right Finger Along With A Smart Black Shoes. His Arms Behind His Back With A Straight Face.

"Who Are You?" He Looked In Confusion And Fear, The Tall Man Looked At Him Sighing "People Call Me All Kinds Of Things The Boogeyman, The Monster Under You're Bed And Even Satan However People Usually Refer To Me As The Tall Man" He Stated With The Same Deadpan Face As He Looked Closer To Zlatko.

"I Am The Reason Why Everyone Here Exists I Am You're Creator, I Am God" He Nodded With The Same Deadpan Face. Zlatko Was In Shock To This New Flurry Of Information, "Why Are You Here?" He Asked With Confusion. "You See Since I Am You're God I Can Manipulate You're Fates Change Them I Could Kill Anyone Off With The Mere Thought However You Seem To Be Able To Resist That You're A Mistake In The Story... For Some Reason You're Immortality Allows You To Transcend Fate" He Answered With An Unimpressed Look.

As Zlatko Looked At The Tall Man Again He Noticed The Shadow Doug From Before, "I Tried To Warn You Zlatko... But You Didn't Listen And Now You'll Suffer" His Eyes Furrowed In Frustration. "He's Right" The Tall Man Sighed, "But I Am A God I Could Help You!" Zlatko Stuttered. "You Compared To Me?... Pathetic... You're Not Worth My Time You're Nothing But A Pretender" He Argued With Anger.

"You... You Piece Of Shit! " He Yelled As He Charged At The Tall Man Thrusting His Hook Into His Direction However The Tall Man Snapped His Fingers Which Created A Mini Explosion That Blew Off The Latter's Hook Hand Causing Him To Stumble Backwards Against His Own Grave. "What The Hell... " He Breathed Heavily As The Tall Man Grasped Him By The Neck His Grip Tightening.

"I Am Death Itself The Mere Concept And You Thought You Could Touch Me? Pitiful" The Tall Man Mocked Him. "I Don't Understand I'm Meant To Absorb You're Attacks How Is This Possible!?" Zlatko Yelled In Fear. The Tall Man Then Stabbed His Fist Through His Metallic Body Ripping Out His Artificial Heart. Zlatko Gasped In Shock Before Shutting Down, The Tall Man Threw Him Against The Latter's Own Grave. "Rest In Piece You Vermin" He Sighed. The Tall Man Turned To The Shadow Doug "Thanks For Informing Me About This Error" He Thanked Shadow Doug, "Just Doing My Job Boss" The Latter Responded.

Shadow Doug Then Teleported Away Leaving The Tall Man To Stare At The Beautiful Rising Sun. "I'm Interested To See The Next Chapter In This Story Hehe" He Chuckled Before Teleporting Away Too.

After A Day Of Terror, The Morning Is A Welcome Peace. The Sun Is Rising, Birds Are Chirping, And A Gentle Breeze Blows Through The Trees. The Sound Of Running Water Can Be Heard In The Distance, Creating A Calming And Soothing Atmosphere.

Andrew Was Driving Back Home To His Family. In This Moment, Despite The Events Of The Past Day, The Air Is Still, And For A Moment All Seems Well With The World. "Finally I've Found Peace It's Finally Over" He Chuckled.

As He Arrived At His Home, He Took A Deep Breath Ready To Face Sayu Yet Again After Days Of Trauma. As He Opened The Door He Was Ready To Greet His Lover Once Again.