
Be There At My Funeral

There is a curse upon Aito Sasaki. Briefly he is going to die in 235 days. He doesn't have any friends or rather chooses not to have any. He believes he shouldn't burden others by making them grieve for him after his death. This is why he stays away from people. But Shun Hasegawa, a boy who studies with him has made it difficult to do so. Even after avoiding him like a plague the boy still got under his skin disrupting the peace in his life. Maybe it's not so bad.....maybe it is..... Short story on an unusual romance :)

PriestYin · LGBT+
14 Chs

To Convince and Console

200 days remaining


Aito's life had lost all it's peace and tranquility.

At the moment, he was sitting beside Himiko ranting out about how exactly his blissful solitude was plucked away from him all because of one persevering idiot. Himiko was quiet delighted seeing the reserved boy in such a lively state. Himiko knew why Aito never made any friends. Aito told her after she noticed the curse mark upon him that was visible to her. When she first saw it, it had deeply saddened her.

With his best interests at heart she said, "I think you should give him a chance."

"I don't want to." Aito sat hugging his knees with a pout on his face. "He's annoying."

"Don't be a brat, Aito-kun."


"I'm worried about you." She said concerned.

"I'm fine Himiko-san." He told her.

"Clearly you are lonely. Make some friends. Life is about living for yourself not for the sake of others. Be a little selfish." She stated.

Aito sat in silence.


Is it really fine?" He asked in a meek voice after a while.

"You'll be fine."