
Be My Strength

/// Note from Author : How often have you made a negative opinion about someone based on first impression? I hope that when you get to the end of this story, it might change how you think. /// Excerpt : With a frown, she said, "I don't think it would be comfortable to sleep on the couch." "I thought you have a bed here?" asked DX. "I do but it's a single bed." With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he smirked, "We can share." Pretending to be affronted, Kai Xin scoffed, "President Du! Behave yourself! Did I say that you can share MY bed?" ///// Synopsis : She was a brash, kind and brave child, but most importantly, she was always full of confidence. No matter what happened to her, she always faced her conflicts head-on. However, an incident in high school changed her life. The course of Kara Zhen Kai Xin's life had drastically changed because she placed her trust in the wrong person. Consumed with despair, rage, and fear, she became suicidal. However, she forced herself to live on with only one thought in her mind: Revenge. Along the way, she encountered people who would be her friends, comrades, mentors...and even lovers. With their guidance, she advanced one step closer towards her goal. President Du XiAn of the Du Corporation had chanced upon her while he was escaping the woman who was forced upon him by his mother. With a single glance, Kara Zhen Kai Xin was forever etched in his mind. Unable to forget about her, he spent the next few years searching for her all across the world. Yet ultimately, fate played a prank on him. It turned out that all along, she was based in the same city as him. When she rejected his advances, he proposed a contractual relationship; To become her sugar daddy. Desiring to hold her in his arms in any way he could, Du XiAn was willing to do anything, even if it meant that he could only have her body. Over the years, his desire led him to the point of no return. No longer a simple infatuation, he found himself to be hopelessly in love with her. With his help, would Kai Xin be able to exact her revenge or would she lose what she holds dear in her quest for vengeance? /// (Imperial Series) Book 1 - Be My Strength - COMPLETED Book 2 - The President's Man - HIATUS (Fantasy) The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel - ONGOING /// Discord: https://discord.gg/2vKSvmu If you would like to financially support the production of BMS, please consider buying me a coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/luoyeyouling ///

LuoYeYouLing · 都市
448 Chs

Go watch some porn

Over the next few days, Kai Xin lived her life as usual. She met up with Jane as they both tried to work through their misunderstanding.

"Mo Shaoyun. When are you going to consummate the relationship?" She asked when Jane went off to toilet.

Upon hearing that question, Mo Shaoyun choked on his drink. He quickly wiped off the coffee that he spilt on the table as he glared at the woman opposite him.She actually dared to sit there with a haughty and calm manner after asking such a question.

"Zhen Kai Xin! That's private!"

"Yeah, if you don't take any actions soon, Jane is going to be snatched away by others."

Mo Shaoyun smirked, "Jane's not a sex deviant like you. She's not going to leave me because of that."

"No, but she's a girly girl and she worries that you find something repulsive in her."

He gasped, "What?! Jane's beautiful!"

"So why aren't you doing anything to her yet?"

He blushed and turned his face away from the blunt woman, "I don't know how."

"What do you mean you don't know how? You whip it out and put it into her vagina. Do you need us to give you a class on anatomy like how we gave James?"

He glared at her with a shocked and indignant look as he thought, "Is she still a woman?" He quickly shook his head. He has forgotten about this open minded woman. He knew that there was no escaping her, not when she had her eyes on him now.

"Yeah, but I want it to be great for her."

"Go watch some porn."

Under her intense gaze, he finally admitted, "What if she finds me lacking? What if I hurt her?"

"Look. I can't believe I have to teach someone this. Do you love her?"

"Of course. More than anything. Even when she farts, she's cute to me."

Kai Xin frowned at that revelation. "If you love her, you'd naturally be able to show it to her in bed. No one expects you to be a pro. It's not like she doesn't know you are an untainted boy. Seriously. 25 years?"

At least the guy has the decency to shrug and said, "There's no one interesting enough for me to do it with."

"Well, now you have someone." Kai Xin saw Jane coming out from the toilet and waved at her as she said to Mo Shaoyun, "I'm warning you. Only do it if you are serious about her. If you break her heart, I'm going to castrate you." She looked at him with a creepy smile as she played with the butter knife that she used earlier to butter her croissant..

Mo Shaoyun nodded vigorously. "I'm serious about her!"

Jane can hear him from far away and when she reached them, she smiled and asked innocently, "Serious about what?"

Kai Xin shrugged, "Nothing." She glared menacingly at the guy to warn him to shut up.

Jane squinted her eyes as she looked at them suspiciously. However, both of them were pretending to look elsewhere. After a while, she gave up on finding the truth and sat down.

"So, Kai Xin. You haven't told me how you met."

"Met who?"

"That scary guy on the phone! What's his name? Where did you meet him? Is he nice to you? Did he hurt you?" Jane asked worriedly. Her best friend had never went out with anyone before. Well, there was that short period of time in college, but that did not count since it was an experiment.

Kai Xin thought for a while before answering, "DX, work, extremely nice, and he only gives me the pleasurable kind of pain."

Jane shrieked enthusiastically and Mo Shaoyun had to clamp his hand over her mouth to stop her from embarrassing herself. She quickly pulled his hand away, scowled at him and then excitedly asked Kai Xin, "Can he still perform? How old is he? Most importantly, is he good?"

Kai Xin shook her head at the antics of her perverted friend, "Yes, he performs very well. He's 40 and he's the best I have ever had."

Jane leaned back and folded her arms as she thought about something. After a while, she nodded to herself, "True. If he's 40, he's bound to have plenty of experience." She turned to Mo Shaoyun and without saying anything, she sighed quietly and looked away. However, her actions were noticed by him.

Poor Mo Shaoyun! My emergency proofreader actually felt bad for him. >.<

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