
Chapter 195 05_1

He closed his eyes to go back to sleep. No matter how I fussed over his wounds, he didn't seem to feel any pain.

On the contrary, he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it.

After just half an hour, the even sounds of his breath were coming from Mu Xiaoyao's nose.

This time, there was a trace of snoring, hinting that he might be a bit tired.

Ye Hua claimed he was going for a run, Brother, aside from sparring with him, also returned quicker than him.

I don't know how far they ran, but seeing how tired Brother is, I'd guess they really exerted themselves.

Baili Xia continued to carefully treat each of his small wounds. However, throughout the whole process, she couldn't help but feel his pain.

It had taken over two hours, but Baili Xia had not only removed all the thorns from Mu Xiaoyao's right hand.

She had also climbed onto the bed, carefully took his left hand, and thoroughly cleaned it as well.