


Eve and patrick  were preparing the food.

   " Do you think it's a good idea to tell her " Eve asked

    " Yes i do she have the right to know and we can't hide the truth anymore. One day she will fined out." Patrick replied

  " But she will be broken if she knows"

   "  But if we didn't Tell her she will be broken more. It's the best if she knows the truth from us. "

   "Ok then we will tell her after dinner"

The Eve and Patrick went to the dining room.  And they start eating and chatting about their day. And when they finished. They went to the living room and they seat on the sofa.

    " Rudy, honey came seat hear " Eve suggest Rudy to seat beside her. Then Rudy seat beside her with a confused look. " We went to tell you some thing. "  Eve saw Patrick And she breath heavily.

   " Honey i know it's hard to take but i have to tell you this it's best if you hear it from me"

  " What is it mom?, You are confusing me right now"

" Ru we are not your biological parents" Eve said. watching Rudy's eye's.

" What.. are you talking mom, It's not funny " Rudy said.

" yes it  true honey we are not but nothing changes that you are our daughter. " Patrick said trying to comfort Rudy. "

Rudy become confused by what she was hearing.

  " Honey when you were a child. Me and Patrick went to a forest trip. And we hear a child cry. so we followed the sound. Then we found you in bucket wrapping by old cloth. You wer crying so badly. I picked you from the bucket and when i hagged you you stop crying and start smiling. you melt my heart." Eve take some breath and she continued. "Then Patrick called to the police. And when they arrived they took you to the orphanage and they start looking for your parents but they can't found them. we also tried but we can't find them.Then we agreed to raise you. And you bring happiness to our house. I was sad because i can't bare a child and your father want a child. when you came to my life you make me forget all of my sadness." Eve start crying.

Rudy was confused. She don't know what to say or what she do. There is so many emotions on her face. And her tears start falling from her Chick's.

    " Wh..... Why are you telling me this now? " she said when her tears falling from her Chick's.

" Because you were a child. And we don't want to ruined it. But now you are strong and brave women you can review things. " Patrick said. " So now you have to  find your parents. "

  " What after all those years you hide the truth from me and now you went me to find my parents. why did i become a burden for you"

  " How.... How could you think some thing like that. you wer e never a burden for us. " Eve said.

    " So why do you wanted me to find them, if they wanted me they will came back but, They didn't"

    " Because they are you parents they have a reason what they did this if you don't find then and asked them you will never found out the truth. Do you think this is easy for us you are our child. we resided you. Nothing will never change that. " Patrick said

  " I.... i.. i want to go for air " Rudy said and she went out from the house Eve tried to stop her but she didn't leased

And then rudy start walking on the straight. she was crying. She didn't know where to go but she knows that today she didn't want to return to the house.

She is in pain. their is a lot of emotion on her face.

When she arrived to the children's play ground. She seat on one of the chair's. She can't stop her self from crying.

She was thinking why her parents abandoned her did they didn't want her. Why did they never came all of this years. Why she have so many question's on her mid that didn't have answered.

The only way to find the answer is to find them. But she didn't why would she find them if they didn't won't her.

Then she feel a hand on her shoulder. She turn back. It was Elyan. He sat based her.

" Why is our little princess doing hear alone in the middle of the knight? " Elayan asked and when he saw her face.

Her face become red like tomato. " What happened why are you crying." He tried to wipe her tears.

" They are not m... my parents. They abandoned me. they didn't want me" Rudy start crying like a baby.

  " How... can they abandoned you you are their child. they can't." Elayn confused about what she was talking Eve and Patrick can't abandoned her they loved her so much.

   " Yes... Yes they... " Before she finished her sentence Elyan hugged her.

   " Tell me what happened"

  " Eve and Patrick are not my real parents "

  " What... Who... are you parents then? "

   " I... I don't know "

Elayan start wipe Rudy's tears

  " Ok now i will take you to home. It is cold here, We will talk about this tomorrow. " And he take off his jackets and he put it to Rudy's shoulder.

   " No No i don't want to go home. "

   " Then how about you spend the night in my house" And Rudy nodded.

And they went to Elyan's house. when he open the door his aunt Caroline came to them. And she s aw Rudy's face.

  " Oh dear what happened? "  Caroline asked

  " It's Notting she wanted to spend the night hear. " Elyan said and she saw his aunt and he whisper slowly that he will tell her later. Then they got to his room.

when they entered to his room

  " Now sleep and get some rest "

then she went to the bad and she laid. And Elyan went to the sofa to sleep.

  " No pleas sleep hear i don't want to be alone " then he laid on the bad beside her then she sleep on his chest. She fell comfortable when. she sleep beside him. And she went to deep sleep on his chest.

Elyan was to confused. About what she was doing. He feel some thing that he couldn't understand. when he was with her.