
Battle through an all-encompassing universe

I died in my first life on my wedding night, and he died in my second life because of the greed of my ex-lover, and this was not the end of my life, as I woke up like Shiso, Jasmine’s brother. I woke up after he died. With the memories of my first and second life and Xisu's memories, I vowed revenge and the first person I would take revenge on was Qianye Ying'er.

Ss1000101 · その他
11 Chs

Loot the Primordial Profound Ark

                                           < I wish you extraordinary pleasure>

Well this is a surprise, she was sure I was dead. But instead, I remembered all the moments of my end in my previous life. My first life as Yang Tian, I died at the hands of my wife on my wedding night, my second life as Alexander, I died because of my previous love's plan, and my third life as Shisui.

 I feel unfathomable pain. It was something I felt directly in my soul. It feels as if there is something dividing it into small pieces. I gained a lot of knowledge and it was imprinted directly on my mind

After I finished absorbing all the knowledge I obtained.

I tried to stand up, and at that moment, I felt excruciating pain that was excruciating enough to make me feel like I was being tortured by someone. It felt as if all my bones had been shattered, my nerves were cut off, and then a lot of blood came out of my body.

I could only open my eyes with difficulty

All that greeted me as soon as I opened my eyes was a wooden ceiling with black lines crossing each other and having right angles, creating a lot of square boxes.

Despite the pain in my body, I tried to move my head and look around. Even though I was in a lot of pain, it was nothing compared to the pain you feel in my soul.

[Deng. The system is linked to the host. Does the host have any questions?]

the system? I had almost forgotten about this unusual companion

Yes, I have a question. Explain your functions to me

[Deng this system does not have a lot of functions]

Well, tell me what your jobs are

[Deng. The basic function of this system is to travel through the comprehensive universe through several different methods, namely transmission, reincarnation, etc.]

 [Deng. The functions of this subsystem are looting. The host will get 4 opportunities. Use these opportunities to loot treasures and other things. In every new world he goes to, unused opportunities cannot be accumulated in every world the host goes to.]

[Deng. The second sub-function is to reveal the fate only once in every world that goes to the host, and unconsumed opportunities cannot be accumulated in every world that the host goes to.]

[Deng, in some exceptional cases, the host can exchange unused loot opportunities as well as fate reveal opportunities in order to obtain services from the system and can collect them]

[Deng. Function 3 is false destiny and withholding destiny.]

Okay, I understand, you are a useless system

[Deng? This system is the best system anyone can have.]

[Deng, this system is bound to the host forever. If the host's spirit is destroyed, this system will be completely destroyed along with the host's spirit.]

Okay, I understand, you are not only useless, but I will not be able to get rid of you

[Deng, the host will see the magnificence of this system in the future]

[Deng. This system can provide advice to the host at any time the host needs it]

[Deng. This system wants to know what the host wants to do now that the host has regained all his memories.]

You'll know that after I get out of here

[Deng. The system advises the host to be calm and not make noise on this site, and it is preferable if the host moves to a site other than this site.]

Oh, why am I in the star realm cemetery?

[Deng Dear Host, You have been considered a dead person by the Star Realm. If you are seen, you will be arrested after that. You don't know what the Emperor of the Star Realm will do to you on the pretext that his son's body has been possessed by a demon. Or even worse, no one knows what might happen to you.]

Well, I cannot move. What should I do in this situation? I am a helpless person now.

[Deng. The system advises the host to use one of the plundering opportunities in order to plunder the Primordial Profound Ark and get away from here as quickly as possible.]

Ah Primordial Profound Ark The Primordial Profound Ark itself is a rare and unparalleled treasure and has its own spatial laws. While other ships can travel at certain speeds, the Primordial Profound Ship has the ability to teleport thousands or millions of kilometers away on a planet. It also has the ability to cross dimensions and visit other planes and worlds but that takes a longer time. The owner of the ark could instantly transport people in and out of the Primordial Profound Ark.

Well, what are you waiting for? Do that and use one of the looting opportunities to loot the Primordial Profound Ark

[ Deng. The host's request will be executed and use one of the looting opportunities to loot the Primal Profound Ark.]

                            (from the world's point of view)

Immediately after the system's voices disappeared, a spatial rift appeared in the sky above the Star World Cemetery, and a huge ship thousands of meters long appeared from it. This huge ship, thousands of meters long, could be seen from a long distance. It obscured the sky above the Star World Cemetery.

Due to the sudden appearance of this huge ship, thousands of meters long, above the Star World Cemetery, there was a commotion among the people as well as in the Star World Royal Palace.

However, inside this huge ship, which was thousands of meters long, an old woman could be seen with a pale and shocked face. She looked very surprised. Near it was placed the crystal coffin, and inside this crystal coffin a girl was placed in a deep sleep.

Before the old woman could understand what was happening, a young man suddenly appeared in front of him out of nowhere. After this young man appeared, the Primordial Profound Ark moved and disappeared as if it had never been there before.

And no one could track him down

Even the Star Emperor, Xing Juekong as one of the Four God Emperors of the Eastern Divine Region, couldn't stop her from going. Even after he was gone, he couldn't sense the location she had moved to or even track it.…


^~^The number of words in this chapter is 1051 😘

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