
Battle of Yogyakarta [HIATUS]

When we're trying to chase Rovoletsky, Morozefa came and shoot my teammate. I suddenly aim my gun at Morozefa while he's trying to clean his pistol. "Good afternoon Morozefa, or... rather the perpetrator of this attack?" "Your guts are big huh... but... do you know who the real culprit is? Captain Fatih?" "What do you mean?!" "Relax.. this is a secret between two of us, fellow soldiers who defend their country. I will tell you who is the person behind this bullshit." I was surprised when I heard Mr. M's words, but i didn't trust him so quickly. " Tch.. tell me your reason!" "Of course...." Curious about the continuation? Check it out and read the story! Note: This story uses real life location, you can find it on Maps.

0ttobeuren · 軍事
21 Chs

Rebellion V

Hang Nadim International Airport, Batam-08.00 AM-Cpt. Ruri

Today, I and several comrades are on an undercover mission to catch an Interpol fugitive who will arrive at the airport today. Several hours passed, but the plane in which the fugitives were traveling did not arrive.

"Has the target been found?"

"Not yet..."

Unknowingly, an elevator opened and 3 people appeared with miniguns in their hands. They started shooting at people, wreaking havoc as they moved towards the location of the plane they had chartered. I immediately ordered members to evacuate the victims and asked for help to the nearest headquarters.

"This is the Janaka Team, ask the heavy units to go to the airport immediately. There was a terrorist attack at the airport."

"Wait... WHAT?!?! Help will be sent soon!!"

During the chaos, our team split into two. The first team is tasked with pursuing the presence of terrorists, while the second team is trying to evacuate victims together with the airport police.

"Where do they go?!"

"Bzzt... The support is here! We saw movement in the airport parking lot!!"


I and some police immediately chased their whereabouts. There, they rushed towards the Minivan they had prepared beforehand. We immediately ran to our vehicle to chase the 4 terrorists while our helicopter tries to follow them. It's been 2 hours since the terrorist-driven minivan chase. The terrorists seemed to be trying to keep the police cars away so they could escape.

"Unit 1 lost contact with the target!!"

"Enemy vehicles are moving towards SCN Kabil port!! All units! Immediately surround the place!!"


When the terrorists entered a building in the harbor, the Batam police started arriving and surrounded them from all directions.

"Troops 1 & 2 are ready sir!"

"Alright, all units!! Forward!!"

Police forces move around the building. When one of the Teams opened the entrance, the building exploded and killed nearly 31 policemen and four terrorists. The remaining police survivors immediately closed the scene & searched for some information that could be found.

TNI Headquarters, Jakarta-12.30 Noon-Pvt. Iqbal

"Good afternoon colleagues, today I am calling an emergency meeting to discuss several recent incidents. Starting from the attack incident in Yogyakarta, the explosion at the Attorney General's Office, and the recent attack at Batam International Airport." Said the commander in a high tone.

"Uhm.. according to Intel that we found during the port attack in Jogja. We found a file about the terrorist group that was with Rebellion V. But we haven't been able to confirm their whereabouts until now." Said one of the officers.


"Today I also bring spies from the initial incident of the attack. Cadet Iqbal, I invite you."

"Thank you, commander, as the documents said, I managed to meet one of their representatives named Mr. M." While showing the spying presentation slide by slide.

"Operation 0121-A? What is that.. aren't they just a normal terrorist group?"

"General, is it not possible that all these attacks were caused by them? The involvement of foreign parties certainly has a big impact on them."

"Foreign parties huh... if you have to deal with them.. make sure every data belonging to us is kept confidential, after this, tighten all of our security in every border and city. Disband!"

"Okay, sir!"

Everyone in the room came out except for a few high-ranking officials and Cadet Iqbal himself.

"Cadet Iqbal, can you describe in detail your meeting with Mr. M?"

"The meeting was brief and when I infiltrated the organization, the first thing they told me was Operation 0121-A. Operation 0121-A is a condition where they will attack all cities of a country simultaneously."

"Wait... what?! That doesn't make any sense at all."

"That's how it is.. but they are still in the preparation stage. That's the only target of their initial attack as long as I can find out after they docked and sent their troops here. Yesterday, one of my informants managed to get the location of their headquarters in Australia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and India."

"We can't attack them because they're out of the country. Is there another plan we might be able to work out?"

"The only way we have is Black Operation. But we need permission from the President." said the special forces officer.

"We have been in contact with the President since this emergency meeting began. How are you, sir?"

"I'm fine, then, can we just get straight to the point of this conversation? Is the Intel source we got 100% guaranteed to be true? Black Operation must proceed properly without any interference to remove all threats to this country."

"I'm sure, sir... Then who are the members of the team, Mr. President?"

"I have prepared 5 documents regarding the members of Black Ops.. please have a look... I am resign."

I then saw the contents of the document about the Black Ops members this time.

"Captain Fatih, an expert in infiltration and able to use various weapons very very well. Adjutant Irwan, a capable bomb tamer and assembler also has a link of informant to gather accurate information. Second Lieutenant Gilang, assembler of weapons and combat vehicles. Sergeant Galan, an expert on strategy and defense. Then... Sebastian? Is a member of the Russian FSB who is an expert in the field of assistance and support from behind. And brother Iqbal himself is an expert in searching for intel both from inside and outside the target network."

"Hm... all good... it's just.. can we trust this person? Sebastian?"

"The president has given us this document.. it shows he has high hopes on them. Hopefully, they doesn't disappoint us. After all, based on intelligence sources he is one of the perpetrators behind the attack on the Attorney General's Office."

"Wait.. what?! How can we trust him?!! This is tantamount to hanging ourselves!!"

"Calm down... Mr. President always has a solution for this problem."

FSB Safehouse, Bandung-01.00 AM-Sebastian



"Простите, ... о акета а апущена есколько ей азад."

(Sorry sir.. but the missile was launched a few days ago.)

"Какая?! Тч! Поймай и верни этого проклятого Морозефа!"

(What?! Tch! Capture and bring back that damn Morozefa!!)

"Отлично, сэр .. мы опробую."

(Okay sir.. we will try.)

After that, I immediately opened the call from the Team leader.

"Как оживаешь, арый ?"

(How are you, old friend?)

"Just get to the point."

"Tomorrow you will meet your teammates.. don't forget to bring your equipment... there will be a good surprise for you."


A few days later the Black Ops Team and I arrived in Australia. The first location of the existence of the Rebellion V Organization which will attack Indonesia and I immediately went to the safehouse in Australia.