
Battle of the Undefeated

No matter how good or bad you are, weak or strong, fast or slow. Without your strength, you will fail. And in life failure is not an option. Battle Of the Undefeated With a portal suddenly opened, a group of teens set out to protect the ones they love the most. With a raconteur, the king of Vandermouth, King Alexander demanded these nine teenagers who have the 'power' to battle those who are fallen. Without knowing what is ahead of them and not know what the future is; seven teens had to prepare for the greatest battle in the history of mankind. Not knowing who to trust but once the battle begins there is no turning back.

Sabina_SAV · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Late Night Stories part II...

Trent Point of View...

"They're coming!" Yell Jossie.

"They have taken the others and Nick is hurt and I think that guy is untouchable." Prince William said.

"How are we going to defeat them when they are skilled and more powerful than us." Nick groaned.

"They are going to kill us and the Angels are simply too proud to help us out, aren't there the ones who should be fighting them and not us," I said as we enter deeper into the forest.

"How are we, mare humans in a fight with other beings where we are so powerless and we are nowhere near the portal and that witch was messing with us because I'm sure we are going in circles," Nick said. "I hate witches.

"She was not a witch, she already knows our names when we approach her and that portion of kehlani drinks made her pass out," Jossie said.

"Didn't we pass that tree already!" Shouted William exhausted.

"How can be lost we are looking for a townhouse, It's right here on the map," said Nick.

Third-person Point of View...