
Battle Of Earth (Golden Will) Fanfic

At a young age Yuki loses his parents in front of his eyes. He learns life doesn't fight fair and that reality stabs us in the back. His entire goal of protecting others and becoming stronger is built on a promise. Yuki a boy in a world gifted with powerful people fights to become the strongest and protect others, but also ends up doing the opposite. He experiences love and loss, happiness and sadness, being good and evil. In a powerful world only the strong can survive; so they say.

Narcissistic_Tiger · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Chapter 23: Haruki Kinatarou

Yukari dragged Yuki into the living room and forced him to sit on the couch.

"It was a bit rude to just leave Hana outside." Yuki said.

"She lives nextdoor so it wasn't rude." Yukari said while sitting on the couch next to Yuki.

Only now did she notice the large hole in the wall on the right of the living room. She was shocked.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Well, an assassin threw me through two walls." Yuki simply said.

"I was too late." Yukari said with a downcast expression. "I find out they were going to come and I ran as fast as I could but I still didn't make it in time." She tightly clenched her fists on her lap "I'm sorry, I broke my promise."

Yukari was really upset that she couldn't even keep the one promise she made.

Yuki placed his hand on Yukari's head and patted her. "It's okay, as long as you're fine then I'll be fine too." Yuki said with a bright smile.

Yukari looked at Yuki and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Hey hey, don't you dare start crying." Yuki warned.

Yukari wiped her tears and looked at Yuki with determination. "This time I'll protect onii-san whenever I can! I promise!" 

"Sure, I'll protect you too." Yuki said while getting up.

He led Yukari to the bathroom door, he opened the door and revealed the assasin sitting on the toilet helplessly.

His hand frozen and so were his legs, he was bleeding from one of his legs where Yuki had stabbed him and he was also missing an arm as Yuki had destroyed his robotic arm.

"This is the assasin who tried to kill me, according to him Elder Giyu was the one who sent him to assasinate me. He also said they hired other assasins to kill the other members of the Kinatarou family. But I'm not worried because my siblings are strong enough to deal with those assasins easily." Yuki said.

"But why those Elder Giyu want us dead?" Yukari asked.

Every upper house royal family had Elders, these Elders are the ones who manage the affairs of the family's business or businesses if the family members were not available. The Kinatarou family's Elder was Elder Giyu, when the parents of Yuki died he was the one in charge of everything including personal family affairs. Originally it was supposed to be Yuki's elder brother who handled all this, but he was too young at the time. Now that Yuki's brother is all grown up, he is going to assume control of all the family affairs.

Elder Giyu wanted to remain in control of the Kinatarou family because of their wealth and power, which was why he sent assasins after Yuki's elder brother. He also sent assasins after the other members of the family because he knew that if Yuki's elder brother died another family member could just take his place.

Yuki's elder brother and all the other members always hated elder Giyu, because of the way he runned things. He always sold the properties of the Kinatarou family for his own selfish gain and he also had Yuki beaten up numerous times cause he thought Yuki wasn't strong enough to be called a Kinatarou, he later banished Yuki from stepping foot into the Kinatarou residence. He went ahead to stay with his uncle, he was the person who adopted Yukari.

Which was why Yuki's elder brother planned to have Elder Giyu fired the moment he assumed control. When one was to assume control of a royal family it would be done through a crowning ceremony, the crowning ceremony would crown Yuki's elder brother as the head and dictator of the Kinatarou family.

"He wants us all dead because he wants to keep the wealth of our family to himself, he doesn't want Satoshi to be crowned as the head of the family." Satoshi was the name of Yuki's elder brother. "Satoshi's crowning ceremony is only a week away." Yuki informed.

"Then what do we do? I'm sure he will send more assasins the moment he finds out we're still alive." Yukari was worried. Although she was strong enough to defend herself from assasins, she wasn't sure she would be able to protect Yuki.

"I don't know what to do?" Yuki said.

"Should we hand this guy over to the NAMIN organisation?" Yukari asked.


In this era there was no such thing as police officers or the army. Instead of having police officers they had the Chikyu Gado. The Chikyu Gado was very similar to the army or the police the only difference is that it was mostly composed of kizo users and was further broken down into groups called clubs. Each club was given different missions from the directive board of the Chikyu Gado.

The Chikyu Gado's name didn't interest the public that much, but everyone knew about them and even idolized them. The only problem was that Chikyu Gado wasn't a cool name for the organisation, which led people to start calling it the NAMIN organisation. NAMIN is an abbreviation of Needs A More Interesting Name. The name NAMIN overshadowed the Chikyu Gado name and people forgot about it's real name and started calling it NAMIN instead.

The NAMIN organisation hotline was 123 which was very easy for people to remember. Yuki called the NAMIN hotline and told the about the guy who tried to assasinate him.

Yukari and Yuki sat in the living room while waiting for them to arrive.

Knock Knock.

In about ten minutes Yuki and Yukari heard a knock on the door. Yuki hopped on one leg and opened the door. He could walk properly with the cast on, it's just that he had gotten used to hopping.

When he opened the door he saw two people, a man and a woman. They were both dressed in yellow long pants, white shirts and had a white yellow scarfs wrapped around their necks. The guy had yellow hair which suited his attire perfectly and his yellow eyes increased his handsomeness. While the girl had serious black eyes and long black hair, she was beautiful as well.

But that wasn't what Yuki noticed first, the first thing he noticed was the aura of dominance around them. The ki they released from their bodies was heavy and almost made Yuki lose balance. These two people were at the knight level.

"Konnichiwa, I'm a fifth class member of the Chikyu Gado from the Rising Peak club. We are here to attend to your call." The man said politely.

They also had ranks just like police officers, he highest rank was first class.

"Please show us the man who tried to kill you." The woman said.

"Sure he's right here in the bathroom." Yuki showed them the way to the bathroom.

When they opened the door, they found the man unconscious. His hand and feet were frozen together.

"Are you a kizo user?" The man asked.

"Yes." Yuki replied.

"That's wierd cause I didn't sense any ki from you."

Yuki simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Did you take any of his belongings, like money?" The woman asked Yuki while staring into his eyes.

"Nope." Yuki replied without any hesitation. 'Actually, I did take five hundred thousand yen from him. But I'm sure he didn't mind.' Yuki thought to himself.

"Okay, we will take him into our custody." The man said before leaving with the assasin, the woman also followed closely behind him.

Yuki shut the door the moment they left. 

Somewhere in thick forest not to far from Yuki's apartment building there was a boy who was engaged in a battle with a man.

They we're both kizo users, who were fighting using their kizo.

The boy had fiery red hair, red eyes and a handsome face, he looked no older than 14. His face had some resemblance with Yuki's, he was dressed in a red jacket and red long pants. The jacket had a heart shaped burning crest on it's shoulder. This boy was Haruki Kinatarou, the younger brother of Yuki. He was also a member of the Chikyu Gado, he was part of the Crimson Hearts club. He was a natural concept user, he could control fire.

The man he was currently fighting could turn his whole body into wood. His was completely made out of wood.

Haruki dashed towards his opponent which was standing next to a tree, he punched his the wooden man with much force. The wooden man blocked the attack using his arms. But he was still forced to take some steps back.

'Their not paying me enough to deal with this kid.' The wooden man thought before turning his right hand into a long wooden spike. 

He stabbed towards Haruki who quickly grabbed both of his hook swords and used it slash of the wooden spike. The hook swords created a trail of fire as they moved.

The man wasn't in any pain even if he had lost his spikey arm, his arm immediately grew back and he punched towards Haruki.


Haruki instantly vanished before the man could touch him. The wooden man was confused, he turned around and found Haruki standing behind him. He was about to retaliate when Haruki swung his right sword towards the man's neck.

'What the shit? This kid is really going to kill me. He is a.....' Before the man could even complete his thoughts his head was sliced off.

The sword left a trail of fire as it moved. The wooden head fell to the ground and black blood spewed out of the wooden body which was still standing.

"Hahahaha. You are to weak to fight with me! The flame Kinatarou! Your soul should worship me!" He shouted with much pride.

Authors Note:

Please note that Chikyu Gado is the Japanese form of Earth Guard