
Battle God Of All Time

A Genius of all time was killed out of jealousy and he was transmigrated to earth, in the body of a genius scientist and a crazy car racer that was killed also because of his talent. After Larry came to earth he thought of how he could relate with friends of his previous self with them now and how he could grow stronger so he will be able to protect him. That is how this wonderful journey and adventure begins. Note: Please the starting might not be going but as the story goes development will take place. Thank you all.

HeavenOasis · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter 9 Perfect Constitute 2

After Larry and his friends spend some quality time together, he told them that he will be going out to carry out some research most of the time so he won't be available for most of the time and will also be training for the upcoming car race.

Along their way home, they made a lot of jokes about themselves and laughed. It was a wonderful time for them.

When Larry got home he sat on his bed deep in thought "I never knew it will turn out to be this fun full going out with my new and old friends, the way they relate with each other, it is okay to have people around you that you can share some of your worries with and ease your heart, it indeed helps me to calm down a bit and that is great I need a calm heart to have a good result when cultivating".

In Larry's long years of cultivation, he had no close friends because he was always in close-door cultivating, like his Earth body who also likes to be alone carrying out one research or the other, Larry was wondering how his previous self was able to three good friends despite the fact that he was always away working on research, he felt like there was something that the previous him had discovered about having friends that he was unable to discover in all his years of cultivating 

"If I did have friends back then and with my level of cultivation, they would have also been powerful people too because like beget like and those that were after my life would need to think it twice before offending me they will have it in mind that someone wAs there that will be able to destruction to their sect, families, and friends if were to hurt me, but now no one will be able to do that, I was so prideful that I refused to belong any group a one man soldier and I have no disciple even with how many sects and family leader begged me to accept the best if their younger generation, geniuses of all kind, my pride make me turn them down and they must have kept those memories up in their minds, I did not even create my sect, my force, I was all by myself but they don't understand it, all their thoughts was that u was too arrogant but the thing was I step into the world of cultivation with no one helping me, I didn't even have a clue about how my parents look like, when I was growing I was treated like the town nightmere, terrified I was bullied by all both from the old people to the children in the town, i have no one to look up to and no one to look out for me it was at that terrible state of mine that I decided I need to get stronger, when I saw the geniuses among the younger generation in the town and the atrong Mages been view with awe and respect I wholeheartedly started cultivating before then Iy heart has already be filled with hatered.

So how do you call me bad when I was rejected by everybody and accepted by everybody, but I did not accept anybody?

Was I really prideful or it was people that made what I become, although I decided not to blame anyone but my unlucky self and decided to be alone and looked for resources myself and with my strength, I was still seen as a monster because I refused to part of any group or let anyone be under me I was not ready then?

This new relationship is given to me by heaven so I will have to safely guide it and cherish it.

After Larry meditated for some time in a cross-legged position he started drawing mana essence and circulating it in his body to start the first level of cultivation. Mana qi foundation.

Mana qi foundation is the beginning of every magical cultivator and this stage will depend on how far a Magical cultivating will go the process if the Mana qi foundation is to circulate the Mana essence through your body to create magical veins in the body and it this vein will help the magical cultivator to sense and relate to mana essence well.

Since the history of time, the person has opened most veins. He was opened up to seven hundred veins and he became the strongest magical cultivator ever, just because he was able to create more veins during his mana qi foundation realm he was able to stand on top of the world

As a magical cultivator, if you want to make your future realm smooth as you level up your power.

Back then Larry was able to open up to five hundred veins making him a genius and becoming one of the top geniuses. He stood shoulder to shoulder with all the geniuses in his world and back then in his world they all thought he open four hundred veins even though he was still recognized in his world to tell how important it was to open the veins.

"If I could be able to open up to up to six hundred veins I will be unstoppable and my cultivation will move smoothly, so I will try my best to increase my veins this time if I could be able to create more than five hundred veins I will be above all and below one. I must open six hundred veins this time. Even with my four hundred veins lies, I was still among the top figure back then.

"So if could open six hundred I wonder how they will treat me" Larry was filled with anticipation "my mana chant back then helped me a lot, I will have to make use of it this time, once I can create the essence flow then I will start using the Mana chant to open the veins.

To be able to create more veins for Mana energy to pass through in the body of a magical cultivator they need to, first of all, create the flow of mana essence in their dantian after that they enter the next step which is to start creating the veins and it all depends in the grade of their qi mana chant, the grade begins from mortal level, sky, heaven, void level mortal being the latest level why the void level is the highest grade. In Larry's world, there was no one there that has a void-grade qi mana technique, the highest they all had was heaven-grade mana qi technique, or maybe that was what he thought and what was made known to the public.

Back then he was able to obtain through luck he was able to obtain a Heaven-grade qi mana technique that helped him in obtaining the numbers of his veins he could open then.

"With the seven layers chant, I will be able to create more veins this time.

The mana qi realm is made of nine stages with every stage up becomes harder to breakthrough into, the first three stages below were grouped into low tiers, so from stage one to stage three were referred to low tiers in any of the mana cultivation realms, from the fourth stage to the sixth stage is referred to as mid-tier, from the seventh stage to the ninth stage is referred to as late tier while being at the ninth stage when your power gets to the point that it is very stable and pure it is called the peak tier of that realm go further for that is called half a step to the next realm and after that is breaking through to the next realm.

Larry started circulating the mana essence he could sense, directing them into his body. Once the mana essence entered his body his channeling in his dantian moved circularly at the same time he was rotating he was also trying to compress it together to make it more solid.

If he could compress it and solidify it then he will have to allow the mana essence to explode once it explodes it will then spread into every part of his body from his blood vessels, to his bones and his flesh making his body more suitable for magic, if he was successful with that, then he will be able to be a magical cultivator. If he could not them he would not be a magical cultivator then. This point had stopped so many people back in his world, it was leaping over the gate to become a dragon for all to look at or the bright light that makes everyone look at the sky, but once you face past the gate then with time everyone will have to forget you and let you live your life as a mortal.

No one wants to relate to failures but everyone celebrates success.

Larry closed his eyes and was concentrating wholeheartedly on compressing his mana essence