
Battle God Of All Time

A Genius of all time was killed out of jealousy and he was transmigrated to earth, in the body of a genius scientist and a crazy car racer that was killed also because of his talent. After Larry came to earth he thought of how he could relate with friends of his previous self with them now and how he could grow stronger so he will be able to protect him. That is how this wonderful journey and adventure begins. Note: Please the starting might not be going but as the story goes development will take place. Thank you all.

HeavenOasis · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter 19 Strange 4

That shocked the ancient voice that was speaking from Larry to its core 


Not up to twenty minutes after Larry's right hand was completely healed the pressure coming from his eyes turning red started to decrease with every second that passes the pressure was fading at the same time that the pressure was fading Larry that was circulating his Magical mana cultivation technique and was unaware of what was going on a red line started to show in his right at first the line was not visible and was weak but as time went by the red was becoming visible and it was getting stronger. 

The red like mine grew up to his right shoulder and was becoming stronger from the red light showing inside his right hand the light started showing signs of coming out of his right hand. Gradually the red line was on top of his skin. When the red line appeared on the skin of his right hand it was like an injury was on the skin of his right from his shoulder to his palm the injury was very severe and it looks like the injury was deep from his skin almost reaching his bones and the strange thing was that the way the red light was showing it was like blood was flowing through the red line but not a single drop spill out of position like no matter how intense the injury was the blood will never leave inside the red line and as time went by the blood red line was getting intense like a boiling volcano.

"This little lad has finally opened the first vein, he almost tortures me to death with different surprise," the ancient voice inside Larry said it was like it was cleaning beads of sweat from its head from the frustration it had been enduring since it woke and notice what Larry was doing.

"This little lad is better to show me to him after he wakes up from his comprehensive state and takes him in as a disciple. He is full of potential and how determined he is, will help him on the road to being a magician. It is better to take him in. I don't think I will be able to see someone that outshines this little fellow. The owner of the ancient was deep in thought, contemplating if he should go ahead and take Larry as a disciple but at the same time he was troubled for some reason.

"But anyway since he was able to obtain the void stone that means we have fate together and even if u can't accept him as a disciple then I will just have to pass some teaching to him for his journey ahead to be easy. The ancient one finally made up his mind on teaching Larry to make the road ahead of him simple.

The blood-red line that was showing on Larry's right hand was fading and entering back into his hand, the more it fade, the quicker the blood-red line entered his hand 

"This little lad can now call himself a Magical cultivator as soon as the vein enters back into his right hand, then opening the other veins will not be as difficult as the first one. At this moment the ancient one voice was filled with excitement and tension at the same time.

Becoming a Magical cultivator the first process was creating the mana life energy and that process was like creating a crack in the door to becoming a Magical cultivator and after the crack is created on the door the process of opening the door and stepping inside to building is the veins opening and it is the Mana qi foundation realm the starting point of all Magical cultivator and once you can create the first vein successfully then you have become a Magical cultivator transforming from a mortal to an immortal.

That was why the opening of the first vein was hard and it was at this point that gets stuck and never stepped into the world of magic. Sometimes it may lead to death when creating the first vein if one refuses to stop and they can't form their vein but continue to push on, if will gets to the point when the flow and mana essence cannot be stopped if it gets to that point then the Magician will end up dying.

Not up to five minutes the vein enters into Larry's right hand; it was hidden like a blood-red line did not appear in his right hand before it returned to normal.

After everything returned to normal Larry opened up his eyes. 

" what a weird dream, that blood-blinding light and that powerful pressure, what was all that, it was like I was given the power to create life in one hand and destroy life in the other hand.

somethings that they could have needed their attention to attend to but they never paid attention to it. The mansion was all made of white, but they did not walk to the white pavilion, they walked to the black mansion just opposite the white mansion. Getting there to the entrance of the black mansion they walked inside there was a main hall inside the mansion. The interior design of the mansion was black and with the other five colors decorating different parts inside the mansion, some of the colors were used to draw some ancient symbols. As you enter the mansion's first hall you will take note of the symbol written on the wall just opposite the entrance with different mysterious creatures. Walking down to the wall with the symbols there was a two-way passage with the first hall being in the middle of the passage. When master Chris and Master got there they took their rights. Following the passage, they got to a courtyard with some beautiful flower gardens well placed in their courtyard giving the environment a lively view. Some maids and servants were attending to one thing or the other, at the end of the courtyard was a house. The house was not too big, the exterior of the house was all black but the interior was white, the interior design of the house was very simple giving it a peaceful and comfortable feel. In the house was the main sitting room, with four other rooms, at the end of the sitting room was a passage to the rooms and rooms were opposite each other. They walked into the second room by their left. Getting there they met the pale Wayne lying on the bed and Lady Merry was sitting on the bed with her right hand on his face. 

"Don't worry my Lady all will be fine" Master Leo wastrying to relieve Lady Merry but when he saw the situation of Wayne after he examine him with his spiritual sense Master Leo was shock to his bone, he was wondering how the young man was able to survive all of this till this moment and was still alive. "This is impossible" that was the only statement that was ring in his mind.

Master Leo walked to Wayne on the bed and started examining his.

"Has he been unconscious all the time" Master Leo asked the parents of Wayne "how he still breathing even if his breathing us not flowing well, with his condition his breath should be faint".

" He was awake not that long he just fell asleep not quit long" Lady Merry replied stopping Master Leo train of thought.

"What! Master Leo and Master Chris was out if breath, they both stated at the same time.

"He was able to wake up, how is that even possible". Master Leo felt unconvinced.

"Since he is already asleep let's remove his shirt and so Master Leo can start giving him treatment. Master Chris said.

They have already used their spiritual senses to check on Wayne conditions so they knew how serious it was. Wayne father walked to the bed and started removing Wayne cloth, Wayne was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, Master Chris remove it and gave it to his wife. Leaving Wayne upper body naked. 

Seeing Waynd body with their own eyes they were short of what to do and was confused for some moment.

Wayne body was damaged seriously, all his ribs and his chest bone were broken, from his chest to stomach was completely flat like there was not a single bone in his body with blood all over his body, some pieces of bone can also be noticed even without paying much attention to his body. It was as if his body from his chest to his stomach crushed. His internal organs were all miss together.

Master Chris sigh " I wonder what the situation would have been like if I did not give the earth tier 5 armor, he would have been dead, the earth tier 5 armor was destroyed when it used to defend against those attack".

"Master Leo, please do you have anyway to treat my son". Master asked pleading, Master Leo was his last hope concerning the live of his son.