
Battle Angel System (has been republished)

the year was 2056 and the world had changed drastically. machines were now a normal thing in life. some humans were now embodied with machines to improve themselves. but a low life girl was about to change this scene forever?

ikudehin_david · SF
47 Chs

a temporary alliance

"It was about time." Zain smiled, seeing Kaiser up walking towards him.

"Yeah whatever." Kaiser scoffed, not really caring about Zain as his main interest was Atlanta. Stopping at her location he stared at her, his hands twitching slightly.

"It isn't worth it Kaiser, let it go." Zain softly said, knowing what was going through Kaiser's mind as he stared at the unconscious Atlanta.

"And who the fuck are you to order me? Last time I checked you were hiding behind like a little bitch, while this shit assaulted us." Kaiser frowned, glancing at Zain who had a calm expression.

"I'll make it quick." Kaiser then raised his hand with the golden sword in it, slashing it swiftly down to Atlanta's head. The attack was fast even for Zain to react, but just before it connected a thin line of purple lightning struck Kaiser in the side, making a small hole.

"Fuck!" The boy with blonde hair screamed, stopping in his attack as he held the wound falling to the ground and squirming in pain. Zain looking could see Mira had now gotten up, a frown on her face as purple crack of lightning flashed behind her.

"Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Please, choose the hard way." Mira grinned a bit, annoyed seeing Atlanta unconscious on the floor. She was ready for a fight, as she knew she could easily beat everyone here if she had to.

"No thanks, I prefer the easy way." Zain lightly smiled, raising his hands in the air in defeat. He had no intentions of fighting, never for once did it cross his mind.

"Good, at least you have some brain than the rest." Mira brightly smiled. "so how about we discuss a bit before before the chums wake up?" Mira uttered to which Zain just softly nodded, gesturing for her to take a seat on a chair besides him. Walking Mira used her lightning to pull the chair to her side, taking a seat on it.

"I see you still don't trust me. Haha! I don't also." Zain laughed, intrigued by this strange girl's personality.

'I haven't seen her.. did she perhaps join newly?' Zain inwardly thought staring at Mira. He joined the resistance not that long ago, but he could vividly recollect all the members of the elite resistance squad trainees, and her face didn't ring any bells.

"You know I can feel your eyes staring at me." Mira said, causing Zain to chuckle awkwardly scratching his head a bit.

"Sorry, bad habit. I was just wondering when you joined the resistance, as you seem a lot.. fresh." Zain said, and he could Mira just slightly nod her head in approval.

"I joined at the last moment, before the earth evolved." She calmly said confirming zain's suspicions.

"I see.." Zain said awkwardly, glancing at Mira before looking away thinking of something. "What did you want to discuss about?"

"First, I wanted to know how you found us." Mira softly said to which Zain casually answered.

"Simple, unusual huge amounts of herds of zombies moving towards a particular spot so I decided to follow since I was on patrol." Zain answered not adding any emotions in his words. Mira looking at him knew he was lying, and she could hear his heart beating a bit faster. She wasn't at all bought by the reason Zain gave even if it was solid but she felt there was another alternative way he must've found them.

"Your ability what is it?" Mira suddenly asked, making Zain raise a brow surprised by this sudden question she asked. He didn't know why,, but he could feel chills from Mira Everytime she spoke.

"It's irrelevant." Zain softly said trying to dismiss the matter, but Mira wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Wrong. All abilities now are useful no matter how weak or stupid. Oh! and I wasn't asking." She smiled, cracks of purple lightning radiating around her causing Zain to flinch a bit. Shaking his head a smile then slowly crept to his face, causing the latter to burst out in laughter.

"Hahaha! you got me." He chuckled sighing a bit in defeat. "My ability is a rare one, though it's really weak now but it'll get stronger in the future. It's called robotic manipulation ability." Zain said, and he could see Mira's eye twitch slightly upon that revelation.

'I-if he has the ability, then that must mean he knows." Mira inwardly said her face becoming a little pale, as it finally became clearer to her how Zain found them. It wasn't the large hoardes of zombies gathering, and moving at a particular place. no, it was his ability he'd used.

She wasn't worried that much about how he used his ability but who he used it on, as there was no robots or anything with codes so that could only mean one thing.

"Are you alright?" Zain asked seeing mira still frozen a bit in the chair.

"Do you know?" Mira softly asked pointing her gaze towards Zain, she didn't know if he knew about Atlanta but she had a weird feeling he did.

"Know what?" Zain innocently asked, playing dumb as if he didn't know what Mira was talking about.

"Don't fucking play dumb with me.." Mira shakily said, anger rising within her as cracks of purple lightning spiralled around her arm. She was done playing games as she had one objective, and that was to protect Atlanta. And if any threat arose that is harmful for Atlanta, then it was her responsibility to take care of it by eliminating it quickly.

"If you must know then yes, I do." Zain softly said unafraid, calmly staring at Atlanta with an indifferent expression. He wasn't sure at first when he found them, but he had his suspicions. but now that he saw it for real with his own eyes, then he was certain for sure she wasn't human.

Seeing him nod his head made Mira's expression turn grim, as the idea of killing Zain became more vivid in her head.

"H-how much do you know?"

"Not much, only that my ability worked on her so it must mean she isn't human right?" Zain smiled asking a question of his own.

"She is, and it's none of your concern." Mira angrily said, getting up purple lightning crack formed at her fingertip condensing into a small pebble. Raising her fingers she pointed it at zain's head.

"I guess you're going to kill me now." Zain smiled to which Mira gently nodded. Shaking his head, he sighed a bit as he lazily looked up towards Mira.

"You haven't thought this through.. though I know Atlanta's secret, I don't have any ill motive towards her. I know you don't trust me and I'd do the same in your shoes, so do what you must." He said turning his head away, awaiting Mira's judgement. The latter seeing him easily accept his fate was stunned a bit, but she had a duty to oblige by.

The purple ball of lightning spun fast around her finger tips, as she struggled to release it holding back. Judging by zain's look she could tell he didn't mean any harm towards Atlanta, but he knew her secrets and thus he was a liability.

'Boom!' A small explosion occured. turning Zain could see Mira had fired off the lightning blast, but not to him as he was still alive.

"Change of heart?" Zain smiled seeing Mira breathing heavily.

"Don't think I spared your life out of pity.. you're far too resourceful to be wasted and besides, just think of this as a temporary alliance till we get the hell out of here."

"Agreed." Zain softly nodded. Soon time flied and the others woke up, a small beef started again but it was quickly hurdled by Zain and Mira.

"What the hell do you mean temporary alliance? they tried to kill us?" Atlanta shouted, being held back by sole and Mira.

"Well technically the blonde haired did." Sole butted in, but only received a cold glare from Atlanta making him go quiet.

"Yeah.. what she says. there's no fucking way am teaming up with her!" Kaiser shouted, clutching his side as he was still in pain.

"Look dimwit I don't think you understand we're in a far dire situation. Incase you haven't noticed our food supplies are critically low, it may last for tonight but that's it. The building also can't withstand much more before it collapses, but we'll be dead by then. And not to mention the countless hoardes of flesh eating monsters below us." Zain retorded a frown forming on his face.

"I-i think he's right." Jack softly said making Kaiser stare at him in shock.

"What the hell do you mean he's right?"

"Look. I don't like her too, but if putting our differences aside will get us out of here then am in."

"You're all fucking crazy!" Kaiser shouted storming away, Atlanta also headed in the opposite direction.

"Argh!" Atlanta screamed punching the wall, making a small fist sized hole. Frustration and anger looming all over her face, as she crouched down.

"Hey! wait up." Sole panted, crouching down besides Atlanta.

"Am not teaming up with them no matter what you say." Atlanta expressed her disdain, and lack of interest in forming an alliance with Zain and his crew.

"I know you're pissed off, but we don't really have another option. We can't possibly stay here much longer, you heard what that weird dude say." Sole tried to get to Atlanta but she was too stubborn.

"Haa.. you always were a knuckle head." Sole sighed in defeat, seeing his words weren't getting through to Atlanta. He knew how she usually was, but he also knew she wouldn't be rash in situation like this.

"Fine.. but he better watch his back." Atlanta finally agreed. She wasn't going to let anger cloud her judgements, as it wasn't only her involved.

comment and tell me if you like this novel or am just wasting my time.

ikudehin_davidcreators' thoughts