
Batman Solos The Multiverse

Dive Into The Tales of The Batman diving into various worlds. The Dark Knight would face many new worlds and threats and deal it in it's own ways. For us it Would be thrilling a series of Elseworld stories and For The Batman It's just another night of another day of another world.

Swift_Wayne · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Batman The Spiritual Showdown

As The Batman And Yamamoto faced each other. Yamamoto enleashes his spiritual energy But The Walks Right at him. Yamamoto unleash his inferno fire staright at him. The Batman takes it right infront and still walks as if nithing Happened. Yamamoto surprised and shocked bybseeing this.

"You, It's nit your suit that can take fire. It's You that can take it all."

As the battle begins, Yamamoto unleashes a torrent of Bankai attacks, determined to overwhelm Batman with his sheer power. The Caped Crusader, however, is unfazed. Using his keen detective skills, he quickly analyzes Yamamoto's movements and identifies the patterns behind his Bankai attacks.

Batman uses his agility and quick reflexes to dodge and weave around Yamamoto's attacks, exploiting the gaps between them to land precise counterattacks. He employs his martial arts training to counter Yamamoto's powerful strikes, using his knowledge of pressure points and joints to neutralize the Shinigami's blows.

Yamamoto, enraged by Batman's relentless counterattacks, decides to unleash his most powerful Bankai attack yet: But The Batman faces his Bankai Attack within seconds and Starightvgoes At him engaging in close fight While Yamamoto unleashes his akk spiritual energy The Entire Soul Sociery behins to destroy and burn in fire while these two demon fighters engages in fight. Yamamoto fir he first time felt exhausted and out of his Bankai attacks.

"You are the strongest Person I have ever faced."

"I get that a lot, everyone says that in the end."

As Yamamoto struggles to maintain his Bankai, Batman seizes the opportunity to land a series of precision strikes, focusing on Yamamoto's spiritual energy. He uses his knowledge of anatomy and physiology to find the Shinigami's weak points, exploiting them to drain his energy and weaken his Bankai.

As Yamamoto's Bankai begins to falter, Batman takes advantage of the opening to launch a devastating combination of moves. He uses his martial arts skills to deliver a flurry of swift kicks and punches, culminating in a powerful kick that sends Yamamoto crashing to the ground.

With Yamamoto stunned and weakened, Batman sees an opportunity to end the fight. He uses his grappling hook to restrain Yamamoto, rendering him unable to use his Bankai. The Dark Knight then delivers a series of precise strikes, targeting Yamamoto's spiritual energy and slowly draining him of his powers.

In the end, Batman emerges victorious, having defeated Yamamoto through a combination of strategy, martial arts prowess, and psychological manipulation. As the dust settles, Batman stands over Yamamoto's defeated form, having proven that even the most powerful foes can be defeated with skill, cunning, and determination.

Now With The Batman surround by flames on his suit walks Menacing Towards as Aizen and Aizen terrified.

"Why are you coming here? Get away,! Get away From me."

As The Batman smiles and crashes Aizen near Yamamoto with one punch burning Aizen's face.

"W-W-Why are beating me?"

"You are A Smart person Aizen,You Tell Me."

Aizen grabs Yamamoto. Aizen has lost his senses due to fear as he threatens to kill Yamamoto.

"Stay away or I will kill him."

The Batman appears right infront Of Aizen and grabs Aizen hand.

"Ni, You won't." As The Batman crushed Aizen's Hand. Aizen confesses everything and every one of his plans. Yamamoto takes amd locks Aizen in prison realm. Ichimaru Gin and Everyone apologies and Thanks The Batman.

"I failed to see you Nobke intentions, forgive me Batman."

"I don't forgive, you security is very low, It's actually non-existent."

"Well some reasercher who has that job has not been researching it properly."

Shunsei said that mockingly.

"The one blames that problem to othersvi way more responsible."

The Batman said it Shunsei implaying it's his mistake with Everyone in the Soul Society as well.

The Batman build a security system for them that would make evey one who make invasion trap in The Phantom Zone projector Prison. The Batman also made Aizen use his powers and Batman's knwlege cure Tōsen's blindness. As Aizen told he was using him and mwant nithing but a tool out of fear From The Batman. As Tōsen felt betrayed and thanked The Batman.

"Than you Batman but I still think the justice should be seeved in my way."

"Justice sure to be served to This stupid System od The Souk Society but the way you do it is no different. That is the exact reason yiu got influenced to Aizen. The poeple who wronged your friend what if they said the exact the same thing thatvyour friend deserved it deep down everyone think everyone they have been wronged and deserve bettwe everyone else deserve else deserve the worse. With that mindset you lose the Right to serve anyone justive and the everyine gets the reason and right to act terrible crimes. What I want is not to serve puinishement but justice and justice is that those crimes would never happen in the first place and give rise to peace but your acts give rise to more of them exact same crimes and even worse they would be commited by you."

Tōsen got salvation from The Words Of The Batman and decided to take inspiration and justice from him. Teh Batman knew Ichimaru was working with Aizen As Well but Tge Batman scared more like glared Aizen from saying that and talked To Ichimaru.

"You did supported him but didn't do anything yourself your idea was to take all of that and serve punishemnwt to Aizen yourself when you get your chance. You did it to protect someone dear to you."

"Hiw did you?"

"Your intentions were good but your way was stupid. Aizen Would have notices it from the beginning. It would be surprise if he doesn't already that you were planning to betray him."

"How does he know that?"

"Just like I know From the beginning he knew From the moment he saw yiu. You crept smile divert everyine else but a smart person finds a reason behind it which Aizen did. Don't do anything stupid from here."

"I won't but even if I did you can beat us all again with sense."

"I will."

As The Batman said farewell to evryone. He changed the course of history. The people Aizen Made Suffer and made previous Caotain Taritors were given there position Back. The werid Shopkeeper turned out to be one as well but he refused to come as Other of Aizen's victims Capatain were bought back as well. The Batmanalso removed An inject From a trainee Soul Reaper Rukia. Her Brother Byakuya wanted to kille Aizen himself after learning it but he calmed himself and hugged Rukia after The Batman removed it. It was kind of Weird Shioekeeper's faukt but The Batman protected him for a minute as they were having moment and told them everytging. Now Byakuya has new enemy. He sometime goes to his shop and troubles himself by ruining his shop in an innocent act as if he's nit familiar. The Batman wen back to Gotham and some years later a invasion did tried Some intrudera but they Were all captures instantky thanks To The Batman. As The Batman as always was fighting his war on crime.