
Some Friendly Fire...Or An Icy Battle?

It was a chilly afternoon, with the sun casting an orange hue over the old buildings of Shizi High. 

The Shizi Snakes, despite dropping out of the current league, continued to train for the next season, wanting to prove themselves once again to their fans and rivals. 

Justin paused for a moment to rub his cold arms. 

Then, he looked around the field, frowning, when he realized that the bleachers were emptier than usual. Moreover, the cheerleading team wasn't in their usual spot, which was the open area in the field next to theirs. 

Junior also stopped and blew hot air into his hands. 

"Don't stop moving," Junior said. "You're going to get even colder if you do." 

"You think I don't know that?" Justin asked. "I'm just wondering why there are fewer people this time around." 

Junior also looked around before sighing and shaking his head.

"It's cold," Junior deadpanned. "Of course, there would be fewer people."