
Basketball King

This is a story about a man who had a dream not as selfless as that other man but nonetheless he had a dream. He is given the chance to go back on his life after a brush with death. Follow his journey as he attempts to do better with the second chance he was given. Will he be able to accomplish his dreams or has the world other plans for him? This is The Basketball King Thank you for giving my novel a chance I’m quit new to this so I hope you enjoyable read in a world of my creation.

TrikoRex223 · スポーツ
23 Chs

Chapter 10 Breakfast

{This Story will be ready to read on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to interact with the story more or simply support me the link is p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/TrikoRex. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there enjoying this novel. 

Currently, there are 10 advanced chapters for you to read, I hope you enjoy them. 

I demand your power stones as I was deemed worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.} 


[July 12th 07:00]


[Ding: Daily Mission Early bird completed]

5K Run - 5.23 M

100 push-ups - 100

100 Sit-ups - 100

30min Yoga - 35 minutes


Rewards: 1D Grade Strength Potion,

(Keep Up The good work)


'That's the fourth potion, I got from the system maybe I should use them today,' Rakim contemplated to himself with an eager smile no longer able to hold back his curiosity. Today marks the sixth day of completing the system's daily quest but he only started receiving rewards after the third day. 

[System Space: 2D Grade Speed Sotions, 1D Grade Strenght Potion, 1D Grade Agility Potion,]

Starting with the strength potion he quickly pressed the withdraw option next to the tab. The expected game-like glass bottle he had expected never appeared instead a warm sensation spread throughout his body. The cold water he was submerged in became less fridge for a second before a stinging sensation was felt all over his body. 

Stating with a light headache it became more intense as it made its way down his body. He could feel different body parts and muscles he never knew he had, being massaged by this feeling. It lingered on his lower back for 3 seconds activating those muscle groups responsible for supporting his upper body. 

His lower body got the same treatment as his muscles twitched in short bursts. Although, painful Hakim gritted his teeth trusting the system's process. Luckily the pain didn't last long and was followed by a cold sensation of relief gently cleansing his muscles. 

"'hush' that was something else," he exclaimed in the quiet bathroom trying his best to regain his composure. Slowly moving his body he didn't feel different but he found it easier to exert his strength. 

Not able to test this in the tub he decided to focus on redeeming his rewards for now. Raising his finger he tapped the air and withdrew the agility potion. Just like before a warm sensation travelled throughout his body soothing his muscles. After the moment passed the expected painful sensation never came catching him off guard. 

Prickling sensations started appearing all over his body feeling like thousands of needles. His legs and arms felt the brunt of it tingling until a numb sensation travelled all over his body. This sensation lasted a whole 3 minutes before the familiar calming sensation appeared again. 

Not wasting a second to test what changed he immediately pressed the button for the speed potions. Luckily the system combined both potions into a D+ allowing him to take it in one go. Surprisingly this one was like a gentle muscle massage all over his legs. The sensation lasted less than a minute passing much faster than all others.

The moment the sensation ended he stepped out of the tub feeling surprisingly refreshed. The difference in his body was instant as he could feel the changes in his body. Taking a towel to dry himself off he started stretching and to his surprise he felt completely loose. 

His movements felt much easier with none of the fatigue and accumulated stress from his workouts being felt. Not taking long to take in the changes he quickly went through his cleansing routine. once he was done he remembered the water in the tub and went to pull the plug. 

To his surprise, the clear water had taken a shade of black which wasn't there before. Deciding to just ignore it he pulled the plug before promptly exiting the bathroom and headed for his room. Heading for his closet he rummaged the box with his clothes in them. Picking out a tank top and some black joggers he quickly threw them on. A black bandana on my head to hold my hair in place completed my look. 


[July 12th 08:00, MC POV]

Sitting around the dining room table 7 individuals could be seen enjoying their breakfast. The members of the Snow family are usually busy people decided to spend breakfast as a family today. Casual conversations flowed as they interacted with each other talking about different topics. 

"You want to go on a trail ride later?" Jess asked me from the side in a lower tone not wanting to interrupt the grownup's conversation. Her question caught me off guard since I've never been on a horse and all my knowledge comes from western shows. 

looking into her expectant eyes I couldn't outright deny her request as her younger face overlapped with her current one. "I don't know how to ride," I finally said in a much lower tone than before feeling a little embarrassed. Now that I'm living at a horse stable it's weird not knowing how to ride a horse.

"You don't know how to ride, We gon have to fix that no grandson of mine doesn't know how to ride," Grandpa Jack suddenly said in a matter-of-fact way letting his gruff yet magnetic country accent leak through. From what little mum has told me he was a genuine career cowboy until he took over his family's stables. 

Although much less in suited for training horses for fancy competitions like show jumping. He went back to school finishing his courses and becoming a genuine architect. Lucky for him he met his wife early on, one of those romcom stories where the protagonists hate each other first. Mary was a jumper herself but decided to quit when she realised it wasn't what she wanted enjoying training and breeding horses more.

"Do I have to," I asked matching his serious look trying to figure out the best way to get out of this. Whilst learning to ride seems fun and maybe even relaxing, I am sure about this whole family tradition thing he is selling. 

"Of course, you have to, with how big the grounds are you can't be walking everywhere," He responded with a calm smile that left me little room to respond. My aunts and uncles also told me how they started riding at age 5.

Apparently, their late grandfather put the twins on a horse when they were babies, only to be scolded by their mother and father. He was also the one who eventually taught them how to ride taking them on trail rides. He was the original cowboy in the family taking part in rodeo shows earning quite a few belt buckles. 

"Fine, I'll learn," I responded, unsure if I was serious, but I wanted this conversation to end. Right now my focus is on raising my physical stats fixing my shooting and increasing my range. An E grade 3pt shooting is embarrassing in the small ball era especially if I want to enter the 2019 draft. 

My goal is 3rd 4th and 5th picks if the teams remain the same although the pay drops considerably the teams make sense. Suppose I want to be a franchise player or get the best chance to succeed in my first year. If I want to be a lottery pick in 4 years I'll need a reliable long-range artillery in my skill bag. 

"So you also play basketball," I asked Jess as the conversation around the table resumed to normal. Being the same age it was much easier to talk to her, especially when the baggage of my past life memories would pop up whenever I talk to the rest of the family. 

"Yeah, I play for the school, Broncos for the win," She responded with a bright smile going on to talk about her team's last season. The girl's team is by far better than the boy's team which she bragged about for quite a while. 

Not that it's impressive since both teams were pretty bad slugging it in the 6th division in Florida. Thinking of this I'm dreading playing for the school since I'd be lucky to become a 4-star recruit by the end of my senior year. I might have to go the AAU route which I'm not sure I want since it's a less controlled environment. 

"She won offensive player of the year for the Junior varsity," Unle Liam said with a bright smile clearly proud of his daughter's achievement. "I still don't know what's wrong with jumping or ballet," Lola her mother commented in an exasperated tone not completely with her daughter's hobbies. 

"Mom not again, I already help Aunt Anna with the horses, I just love basketball more," She retorted with a pout going on a rant about her love for the sport and how she hates the feeling of pushing her horse too much just for a ribbon.

Despite being an athlete in a sense she doesn't like the feeling of an animal's life depending on her. Any mistakes she makes during a competition could lead to her partner getting hurt as well. Even, though she herself doesn't like the Idea she enjoys helping her aunt train majestic competition steeds.

"May says you are quite good with the rock?" Uncle Liam stated after a couple of minutes of his two girls arguing back and forth. At some point, Aunt Anna joined in the conversation defending her horses, she has only ever had one goal ever since sitting in a saddle.





To Be Continued...